Content Posted in 2022
1919-1930 The Library in the South Wing of the Convent, Dominican University of California
1930 The Guzman Library, Dominican University of California
1935 Benincasa Exterior, Dominican University of California
1940s Guzman Library Interior Ground Floor, Dominican University of California
1940s Guzman Library Interior Looking from Above, Dominican University of California
1950 Library in Guzman Hall, Dominican University of California
1961 Architect's Original Artwork of the future Archbishop Aleman Library, Dominican University of California
1961 Firebrand, Dominican University of California Archives
1961 Original Floorplans of the Archbishop Alemany Library, Dominican University of California
1962 Firebrand, Dominican University of California Archives
1963 Dominican Sisters Working in the Library, Dominican University of California
1963 Exterior of the Archbishop Alemany Library, Dominican University of California
1963 Firebrand, Dominican University of California Archives
1963 Front Entrance of the Archbishop Alemany Library, Dominican University of California
1963 Interior East Wing of the Archbishop Alemany Library, Dominican University of California
1963 Interior Photo Showing the Library's Lobby, Dominican University of California
1965 Excerpt from Architecture West Showing the Archbishop Alemany Library, Dominican University of California
1965 Firebrand, Dominican University of California Archives
1965 Interior Images of the Archbishop Alemany Library from Architectural West Magazine, Dominican University of California
1966 Firebrand, Dominican University of California Archives
1967 Firebrand, Dominican University of California Archives
1968 Firebrand, Dominican University of California Archives
1970 Firebrand, Dominican University of California Archives
1971 Firebrand, Dominican University of California Archives
1972 Firebrand, Dominican University of California Archives
1973 Firebrand Volume 1, Dominican University of California Archives
1973 Firebrand Volume 2, Dominican University of California Archives
1974 Humanitas Volume 1, Dominican University of California Archives
2020-2021 Year in Review, Center for Community Engagement
2021-2022 Year in Review, Center for Community Engagement
2022 Artist's Rendering of the East Exterior of the New Center for the Dominican Experience, Dominican University of California
21st Century Success Strategy Programs fo At-Risk Middle School Students, Karen Ulshafer
"A Boost Into Manhood" Violence and Aggression as it Relates to Sex Role Confusion, Scott P. Gregory
Abstracting Digital Documents to Think about Cultural Preservation, Wayne de Fremery
Academic, Athletic, and Social Influences of a Winter Tutorial on Elite Athletes, Barbara A. Sorba
A Case Study: The Effects of Intervention on a Struggling First-Grade Reader, Debora Lynn Macy
A Collection of My Work, Sandy White
A Comparative Analysis of Primary Teacher Training in California and England, Dorothy L. Walters
A Comparative Study of Some of the Educational Principles of Quintilian, The Roman Educator, and of Mortimer J. Adler, The Modern American Humanist, M. Monica Gillespie
A Comparative Study of the Socialization Process of Young Children in a Montessori Preschool and a Traditional Nursery School, Karen Arnold
A Comparison of Mainstreamed Traditional Instruction and Pullout Individualized Instruction on Reading Gains of Low-Achievers at Two Junior High Schools, Catherine Vakos Banks
A Comparison of the Effects of Traditional and Montessori School Environments on Student Motivation, Jessica Hammes
A Comparison of the French and Latin Editions of the Third Book of Jean Bodin's REPUBLIQUE, Boniface Kohles
A Comparison of the Treatment of Education in Pisu XI's Encyclical on Education and the Documents of Vatican II, Alfred H. Puccinelli
A Course of Study in Health and Safety for Fifth Grade Teachers in the Catholic Elementary Schools, M. Annette Mackey
A Course of Study in Science for Fifth Grade Teachers in the Catholic Elementary School, M. Bede Heinen
A Cross-Cultural Comparison: Family Drawings of Japanese and American Elementary School Children in the United States, Junko Sumiya
A Cross-Cultural Perspective of the Perception of Color as it Relates to Affect, Delia Lynn Yskamp
Addressing the Needs of Children With Exceptional Abilities, Chelsea Elizabeth Morgan
A Determination of the Philosophical Principles Basic to the Social Science Curriculum of Harold O. Rugg, John L. Zoph
African-American Attitudes Concerning African-American English, Linda Carol Carter
A Global Conceptualization of Giftedness: A Ciomparison of US and Indian Gifted Education Programs, Benjamin J. Wright
A Grant Proposal for an Art Intervention for Anger Mangement/Violence Prevention Program, Lynn Spaulding
A Grant Proposal for a Pilot Art Therapy Program with Hospice Patients, Sharon A. Stohl
A Handbook for the Beginning Elementary School Principal, Maritta Devine
A Handbook on Producing an Instructional Television Program, Beverly Hill
A High School Biology Course for the Slow Learner, Frank Ernest Rathman
A High Throughput Assay for Detection of Mannose 6-Phosphate in Unpruified Cell Culture Supernatant, Benjamin K. Schooler
A Historical Survey of the Educational Work of the Americans in the Philippines 1898-1934, Doris Sia Calog
A Humanistic Approach to Art Therapy, Andrew Schwartz
A Japanese Art Form Koinobori, Hospitalized Children, and Hope: A Proposal, Nancy Tolin
A Jungian Based Study for Diagnosing Acculturative Stress Within the Hispainc Immigrant and Refugee Population, Lynnaia Keune
A Literature Review: Dual Immersion Programs in Elementary Schools, Lea N. Soltes
A Literature Review Examining the Impact of School Retention on Middle School Student Academic Success, Borg Klein
A Literature Review: Integrating a Nutrition Program in an Elementary School, Jamie M. Azevedo
A Literature Review: The Connection Between Nutrition and Behavior in Elementary School Age Children, Kelly Pheatt
All Female Education: Self Image and Academic Success of Fourth Through Eight Grade Girls, Erin J. Heffernan
Alternative Assessments for Elementary Students with Learning Disabilities in the Areas of Reading and Writing, Maeve Garvey
American Sign Language as an Aid in Teaching Kindergarten Language Arts Content Standards to Speaking English Language Learners and Speech and Hearing Impaired, Mariela Valerrama
A method for visualizing poetic texts using L-systems (L-sisŭt'em ŭl iyonghan si t'eksŭtŭ sikakhwa pangbŏp L시스템을 이용한 시 텍스트 시각화 방법), Wayne de Fremery and JuSub Kim
A Mini-Course on the Our Father/Lord's Prayer: Lecture Notes and Workshop and Discussion Topics [Lecture Notes], Scott Gambrill Sinclair (Retired)
An Analysis of Stress in the Careers of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, Richard A. Jercha
An Analysis of the Acceptability of the Mentally Retarded by United States Air Force Supervisory Personnel, Robert E. Fromm
An Analysis of the A-G Requirement in a Rural California High School, Marc Masao Morita
An Analysis of the Feminist Perspective in Family Art Therapy Training, Constance A. Ingram
An Anlaysis of Wilfrid Scawen Blunt's Griselda: A Society Novel in Verse, Mary Dunstan Currie
A National Survey on Art Therapists Beliefs Regarding Optimal Duration of Treatment with Specific Popualtions, Jennifer J. Cartwright
An Eight-Week Professional Development in Service in Best Practice Strategies in Literacy Instruction Kindergarten Through Grade Five, Mary E. Niesyn
An Evaluation of a Ninth Grade English Challenge Curriculum, Heather Archibald
An Evaluation of the 1974-75 Dominican College Freshmen Advising Project Called the Preceptor Program, Margaret Burk-Dietrich
An Examination of Effective Models for Chapter 1 Intervention in Elementary Schools, Marcia A. Smith
An Examination of the Possible Finacial Aid Needed by Re-Entry Students, Christina Griffin-Bendinger
An Examiniation of Anti-Bullying Research and Programs: 1988-2002, Victoria Rose
An Exploration of the Soothing Affects of the Mandala on an Adolescent Population, Aleeza Cohen
An Exploration of the Use of Mirroring as a Therapeutic Technique for the Art Therapist, Robyn Nolta
An Extended Literature Review: The Effect fo Multiple Intelligences on Elementary Student Performance, Marisa Johnson
An Inquiry into the Adoption Process of California Mathematics Standards for First Grade, Joan Warren Stahl
An Inquiry Into the Attitude of the German Center Party (Zentrum) and the Austrian Christian Socialist Party to Austro-German Anschluss, Mary Euphrasine Dormanns
An Investigation of Advanced Email Training on Teacher Collegial Activity, Mary Coyne
A Novel Compund Extends the Lifespan of C. elegans by Inducing Dietary Restriction, Ivan K. Yu
An Overview of Art Therapy with Children, Gail M. Ferens
A Path Lined with Pomegranates, Christina Lopez
A Personal Search for Definition as an Art Therapist, Alex Silberstein
A Perspective of the Effectiveness of Project Based Bilingual Curriculum in Personal Empowerment of the Adult English Language Learner: A Case Study, Cameron Johnson
A Pilot Program: Family Art Therapy as Psychological Intervention with Terminally Ill Patients and Their Caregivers, Gwen J. Sanders
A Pilot Study for Art Therapy and the Wilderness Challenge: A Dual Modality in Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment, Martha Brooke Lawrence
A Pilot Study on a Holistic Model Incorporating a Psycholinguistic Approach Accelerating Second Language Acquisition, Julie C. Catton
ApoE Effects on Tau: Therapeutic Implications, Sonia Angelica Flores
Apolipoprotein E: Effects on App Processing in Relation to Alzheimer's Disease, Alexander Robert Patent
Applying the Age-Friendly Health System Framework to Long Term Care Settings, L. S. Edelman, J. Drost, R. P. Moone, K. Owens, G. L. Towsley, Gina Tucker-Roghi, and J. E. Morley
Applying the Age-Friendly Health Systems 4M Framework to Create Geriatric Education, S. Cotton, Gina Tucker-Roghi, S. M. Ross, and M Hasnain
A Preliminary Grammar Study Unit for American Pupils Beginning the Study of French, Jeanellen Killian
A Preliminiary Survey of the Life of the Most Reverend Joesph Sadoc Alemany, O.P. First Bishop of San Francisco, Gertrude Mary Gray
A Proposal fo a Longitudinal Study to Document the Effects of Art as an Integral Part of Developmental Therapy, Kathleen M. Park
A Proposal for an Art Program to Enahnce the Self-Esteem of the Mentally Disabled, Sharyn McDonald
A Proposal to Establish an Art Therapy Program at Mercy Manor: Skilled Nursing Facility, Meredith Standiford
A Qualitative Study on Long-Term Adherence to Home Exercise Programs in People with Parkinson’s Disease, Caroline Stafford, Brennan Decena, Shawn Lopez, and Judith Thepkaisone
Art and Healing Among the Native Americans, Serita Rardin
Art and Play Therapy with Pediatric Brun Patients, Valerie Appleton
Art: A Therapeutic Modality in the Treatment of Adolescents in Crisis, Sharon Rose McInerney
Art Enhanced Parenting Education for Parents of Behavior Problem Children, Joyce R. Chesnos
Art Experiences for Personal Growth, Virginia Meyer
Art Making To Reduce Stress in First-Generation and Second-Generation Hispanic Immigrant Parents, Maria Zepeda
Art Therapy: An Alternative Therapeutic Approach in the Treatment of Adolescents at-risk for Depression, Michelle Gay Wheatley
Art Therapy and People with HIV/AIDS a Grant Proposal: Group Art Therapy Program for the San Mateo County AIDS Program, Karen Lee Tripp
Art Therapy and the Empathic Relationship: Three Case Studies, Patricia McKay
Art Therapy and the Pathological Child, William B. Cleland
Art Therapy as Crisis Intervention and Psycotherapy with a Four Year Old Girl in a Bereaved and Distressed Family, Barbara Joan Rossiter
Art Therapy Based Outcome Study for Assessment of Adolescent Acute Care Treatment: A Progrtam Designed for Acute Care Adolescent Patients, Christopher Nicholas Anthony DiRaddo
Art Therapy for Adolescents with Behavior Disorders, Tricia Melican
Art Therapy in a Geriatric-Psychiatric Rehabilitation Center, Mary May Wood
Art Therapy in an Acute Care Short Term Pschiatric Facility, Veronica Magay
Art Therapy in Hospice and Palliative Care Setting, Sheryl Llarena
Art Therapy Masters Theses Indexes, Waldena R. O'Sullivan
Art Therapy Mirroring Techniques to Enhance Parents Sense of Self: Effect on Children and Adolescents, Claudia Sanchez-Cohen
Art Therapy Program for Children of Battered Women, Laura Anne Whitson
Art Therapy Program for the San Mateo County School-based Mental Health 599 Team, Anu Mathur
Art Therapy Sessions with a Schizophrenic, Alice Folger
Art Therapy with Abused Adolescents: an Efficacy Study in the Non-profit Setting, Louis Buchhold
Art Therapy with a Latency Age Child with Borderline Features, Reid M. Dorwin
Art Therapy with an Electively Mute Child, Joyce E. Houser
Art Therapy with Blind and Visually Impaired Adults, Rosalyn Benjet
Art Therapy with Depressed Patients in an Institutional Setting, John Robert O'Brien
Art Therapy with Three Autistic Boys, Lori Wroblewski
Art Therapy with Vietnam Veterans: The Importance of the Therapeutic Alliance, Barbara L. Cowan
Art Therpay in a Behaviorally Oriented Day Program with a Schizophrenic Male Adult, Heidi R. Inglis
Art Used as a Therapeutic Intervention Between Isralie Arabs and Jews, Sandrine Elizabeth Hahn
Artwork of Alzheimer's Disease Patients in an Institutional Setting, Kaoru Watanabe
Artworks: A Traveling Art Program, Cathleen Meadows
A Rubric for Assessing High School Youth Development Programs, Marylynn R. Archer
A Science Curriculum fo rGarces Memorial High School, Bakersfield, Mary Justin McCarthy
As I Effect, So Shall I Be Affeted: An Exploration of the Role of Emotional Intelligence Within a Second-Grader's Self-Image, Amy Kristine Burnett
"'A Slight Hysterical Tendency’: Performing Diagnosis in Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s ‘The Yellow Wallpaper'", Vivian Delchamps
Assessigng Mandala Art in an Adolescent Diagnosed with Borderline Personality Features, Hauani Gibson
Assessing for Depression in Children with Severe Behavioral Disorders Using Kinetic-Tree-Person Drawings, Anne Tucker Stewart
Assessment of Multiple Personality Disorder Using Art Therapy, Liesel Roberts
Assessment of Suicidal Youth Using Art Therapy, Susan Scoskie
Assessment of Suicide Risk in Abused Adolescents Using the Rosebush Visualization Technique, Evie Zepernick
Assessment Practices with English Language Learners for Entry Into Special Education Programs, Ellen Speiser
Assiniboine Places and Belonging, Joshua Ben Horowitz
Associations between Varied Susceptibilities to PfATP4 Inhibitors and Genotypes in Ugandan Plasmodium falciparum Isolates., Oriana Kreutzfeld, Stephanie A Rasmussen, Aarti A. Ramanathan, Patrick K Tumwebaze, Oswald Byaruhanga, Thomas Katairo, Victor Asua, Martin Okitwi, Stephen Orena, Jennifer Legac, Melissa D Conrad, Samuel L Nsobya, Ozkan Aydemir, Jeffrey Bailey, Maelle Duffey, Brett R. Bayles, Akhil B Vaidya, Roland A. Cooper, and Philip J Rosenthal
A Stepmother Archetype, Georgia Jackman Fink
A Story Well Told: rich Narrative Engages California Fifth Grade Students in American History, Juliet Alice Huson
A Student Evaluation of the Present Twelfth Grade Guidance Program in Catholic High Schools for Girls in California, Mary Celestine Dyer
A Study Examining the Role of Recess Activities on Student Development on the Playground for Middle School Students, Trisha Renee Leroy-Smith
A Study of Administration in the Catholic Secondary Schools of the Archdiocese of San Francisco, Teresa Augustine Donnelly
A Study of Continuation Education, Francis X. Burch
A Study of Current Practices and Methods Benefitting the Slow-learning Child in the Elementary Schools of the Archdiocese of San Francisco, Mary Stella Van Winkle
A Study of Moral Suasions in Grade Seven Reading Choices, M. Michaeleen Donovan
A Study of Recurrent Symbols and Visual Construct Choices in the Art of Adolescent Substance Abusers, Pamela Malkoff Hayes
A Study of Techniques for Teaching Listening in the Elementary School, M. Florence Cumbelich
A Study of the Effective Use and Integration of Technology, Paige Truax
A Study of the Effects of Convalescent Home Care on Thirty-Nive Boys, Eileen Anne O'Toole
A Study of the Prepositions in Livy Book Thirty-Eight, Mary Margaret Denyse Harrington
A Study of the Sacrament of Penance for the Use of Teachers of the Intermediate Elementary Grades, Mary Patricia Tooley
A Study of the Theme of Blindness in Three Middle English Works, Isadore P. Derkos
A Study on the Relationship Between Participation in School-Sponsored Sports and Academic Achievement in High School, Shereen Madjd-Sadjadi
A Suggested Introduction for a General Methods Course in Elementary Education with Particular Stress on the Fusion of Theory and Practice, Mary Bernice Schmidt
A Suggested Program for the Evaluation of Student Teachers of Dominican College, Helen Anna Wilson
A Survey of Education in Virginia City, Nevada 1859-1897, Mary Rose Sanguinetti
A Survey of Preschool Preparation Programs in Northern California, Melissa M. Gareis
A Survey of the Educable Mentally Retarded Classes in Public Schools in Marin County, California, Devi de Sam Lazaro
A Survey of the Status of Modern Foreign Language Programs in Marin County, California, Susanita Palau Chipman
A Survey of the Status of Nongraded Elementary Programs in Marin County, California, Dorothy Mansure Hanssen
A Systematic Approach to Understand the Bacterially-Derived Determinants of Growth and Aging in Caenorhabditis Elegans, Nicole Alexandra Naude
A Teacher's Perspective on How Parental Pressure for Their Children to Particpate in Extra Curriuclar Activities Affects Students Learning in the Classroom, John M. Lauster Jr.
A Thomistic Philosophy of Culture, Mary Joseph Wagstaffe
A Training Program for the More Effective Use of Paraprofessionals at the Mill Valley Middle School, Mill Valley, California, Laura L. Kauer
At-Risk in First Grade, Paula Bradshaw
At-Risk Intervention: Student Perceptions of a Calfironia Partnership Academy, Nikola Gwen Hobbel
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Management Strategies Teachers can Use to Support Student Learning During Classroom Instruction, Britton Barkoff
A Video Proposal about the San Francisco General Hospital and Medical Center Pediatric Play Therapy Program San Francisco, California, Rebecca Ann Wyatt
Barriers in Meeting the Needs of Special Education Students: A Qualitative Case Study, Zoee Bartholomew
Barriers to Lanuage Acquistion in School-Age Mexican American Children, Sari Beal Schellinger
Barriers to Obtaining Healthcare in the United States, Nikita Laungani
Basic Issues of General Mathematics, Paquita Celez Demetillo
BEHAVE, Zoee Bartholomew
Benefits of Dual Language Education, Kiara Wallstrum
Bereavement, Grief and Juvenile Delinquency: A Participation Study, Helen L. Parker
Best Practices for the Prevention and Treatment of Microcytic Hypochromic Anemia in Infancy, Janelle Paredes
Better Choices: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Behavior Management Programs, Miguel T. Acuna
Beyond Burnout: How Elementary Teachers Cope and Flourish in a Pandemic-Era School, Valerie Cherbero
Beyond Reading: The Extended Academic and Social Effects of Dyslexia, Damien Hansen
Biracial Children and Identity Development, Elizabeth Ann Gardner
Bits & Pieces: Project Review, Erin Partridge, Sadie Harmon, Katie Wade, and Casey O'Neill
Black Hillbilly: An Exploration of the Black Erasure from the Appalachian Historical Narrative, Suzanne S A Blunk
Brain-Based Teaching and Project-Based Learning: Meaning Making in Three Middle School Watershed Restorations, Zola de Firmian
Bridging the Gap in Communication Between School and Home: Impact on Academic Achievement in Primary Grades, Meredith Maestas
Building Classroom Culture and Community with an Emphasis on Inclusive Practices, Adrienne Ducato
Building Community in a Standards-Based Classroom, Deidre Cobia
Building resilience in CTLs: Reflections on practice, Lisa J. Hatfield, Julie Maxon, Jennifer Marshall Shinaberger, Hanna E. Norton, Cynthia H. DeMartino, Annette Finley-Croswhite, and Gigi Gokcek
California Freshwater Shrimp Project: An Eco-Action Project with Real Life Learning, Laurette H. Rogers
Can repurposing drugs play a role in malaria control?, Roland A. Cooper and Laura Kirkman
Catholic Education Values and Their Impact on Student Recess Behavior: Is There a Connection, Maria M. Ward
Change in Educational Policy and Practice Through Online Communities of Practice, Karey Rose Gauthier
Changing Prevalence of Potential Mediators of Aminoquinoline, Antifolate, and Artemisinin Resistance Across Uganda., Victor Asua, Melissa D. Conrad, Ozkan Aydemir, Marvin Duvalsaint, Jennifer Legac, Elias Duarte, Patrick Tumwebaze, Deborah M Chin, Roland A. Cooper, Adoke Yeka, Moses R Kamya, Grant Dorsey, Sam L Nsobya, Jeffrey Bailey, and Philip J Rosenthal
Changing the High School Core Literature, Catrina Tuft
Characteristics of Selected Multilingual Education Programs from Around the World: A Review of the Literature, Jimmy Lopez Jr.
Characterization of AN IgA Protease as a Potential Biological Therapeutic Candidate, Esera Vegas
Characterizing the Natural History of Liver Pathology in the Alpha 1 Antitrypsin Deficiency Mouse Model, Selma Takajjart
Child Abuse An Indictment of a Society in Spiritual Crisis, Christen Grace Aaron
Childhood and Adolescent Obesity: Related Comorbidities and Interventions, Jasmine Wong
Children Dealing with Life-Threatening Illnesses Through the Use of Creative Art Therapy, Janet Marie Natale
Chronic Illness: Its Effects on the Patient, Spouse and Their Relationship, Mary K. Langford
Classroom Facilities and Their Impact on Learning, Rebecca Stuck
Classroom Management and the ADHD Student, Laura Colberg
Clinical Art Therapy With Adult Patients in the Western Psychiatric Center, Nadine M. Blaschak
Coaching Students to Success, David Plescia
College Preparatory Mathematics: Student Achievemnet in a Nontraditional Algebra Program, Jane Decker
College Readiness of Urban High School Students in the United States: The role of Technology in Preparing All Students for College, Eileen Vollert O'Kane
"College Ready" Expectations and Reality: Best Practices for High School Counselors and Teachers in the San Juaquin Valley of California, Eileen M. Burns Caparoso
Color as a Bridge from Mental Illness, Sherryl-Anne Malone
Combating Self-Objectification and Nurutring Self-Concept: Art Therapy Interventions with Adolescent Girls, Susan Rothermel
Coming Out of Childhood: Adolescents and Art Therapy, Christa Hanson
Community Support for Visual Arts Programs: Artist-in-Residence in a K-6 Elementary School, Monica Kulman Jacobson
Comparing the Effectiveness of Methods Meant to Reduce Perineal Laceration Rates, Danielle E Horovitz
Comparison of Attitudes and Knowledge Regarding the Effect of Parent Workshops on the Learning Handicapped Child, Barbara Whitelaw
Comparison of Motivational Factors Between Japanese and United States High School Students, Debbie Kavanaugh
Comparison of Views of Teachers from Full-Day and Half-Day Kindergarten Programs on Reading Readiness in Catholic Elementary Schools, Christi Giusto Schwoob
Compassion Fatigue: The Impact on Nurses During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Adrian Huynh
Comprehend What? Teaching Reading Strategies That Improve High School Juniors Reading Comprehension Skills, Bridget S. Paul
Concern for the Teaching of Foreign Language in the Elementary School as Reflected in the Education Index (1929-1962) and Selected Periodicals, Dorothy Benedicta Shaffer
Connecting Incarcerated College Students to Digital Learning Resources, Ethan Annis
Context, Relevance, and Labor, Wayne de Fremery and Michael K. Buckland
Contributing to Quality Education Through the Creative Arts, Joan A. McDonald
Conversion Disorder: A Case Study Using Art Therapy, Margaret Anderson
Critically Teaching Social Studies using an Ethnic Studies Framework: Native American Representation in the Elementary School Curriculum, Erich Schottstaedt
Cultural Disparities of SAT Scores and the Influence on Higher Education Opportunities for African American and Latino Students, Nichelle Hoover
Culturally relevant Education and Skill-Based Education for Sustainability: Moving Towards an Integrated Theoretical and Methodological Framework, Elizabeth Echeverria
Culturally Responsive Approaches to Teaching Black Children: A Literature Review, Rebecca M. Edelman
Curriculum Based on Student Narrative Writing Designed to Affect Engagement and Writing Proficiency in an Urban High School, Aaron Balano
Cursus Patterns in the Prose of Serenus Cressy's Digest fo the Sancta Sophia of the Venerable Augustin Baker, Joan Marie Donohoe
Dance of Anguish: Poetic Texts from 1920s Korea, Wayne de Fremery
Demographics and Diversity Between Teachers and Students: Recruiting and Retaining a Diverse Teaching Force, Amanda L. Langford
Descriptive Analysis of Kinetic-Family-Drawings by Adults with Develpmental Disabilities, Barbara Kauffold
Deterents to Reading and Methods to Support Students to Become Lifelong Readers, Aja Silva-Sabino
Determining Effects of Holistic and Pharmaceutical Treatment Routes Taken by Physicians for Patients with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, Erendira Martinez
Determining the Effectiveness of the 1-4 Offense in College Basketball in Relation to Scoring Averages and Winning Percentages, Bryan Rooney
Developing Academic Self-Efficacy: Strategies to Support Gifted Elementary School Students, Lauren Merriman
Developing the Girl as a Leader, Rose Hembrow-Beach
Development of a Database of Artwork by Vietnam Veterans with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), E. Anne Reidy
Development of a Highly Selective Plasmodium falciparum Proteasome Inhibitor with Anti-malaria Activity in Humanized Mice., Wenhu Zhan, Hao Zhang, John Ginn, Annie Leung, Yi J. Liu, Mayako Michino, Akinori Toita, Rei Okamoto, Tzu-Tshin Wong, Toshihiro Imaeda, Ryoma Hara, Takafumi Yukawa, Sevil Chelebieva, Patrick K Tumwebaze, Maria Jose Lafuente-Monasterio, Maria Santos Martinez-Martinez, Jeremie Vendome, Thijs Beuming, Kenjiro Sato, Kazuyoshi Aso, Philip J Rosenthal, Roland A. Cooper, Peter T Meinke, Carl F. Nathan, Laura A. Kirkman, and Gang Lin
Development of a Third Grade Program in Multi-Cultural Education, Beverly B. Barish
Differentiated Instruction: Principles and Techniques for the Elementary Grades, Melinda E. Good
Digital Humanities in the iSchool, John A. Walsh, Peter J. Cobb, Wayne de Fremery, Koraljka Golub, Humphrey Keah, Jeonghyun Kim, Joseph Kipling'at, Ying-Hsang Liu, Simon Mahony, Sam G. Oh, Chris Alen Sula, Ted Underwood, and Xiaoguang Wang
Discipline According to the Teachings and Practice of Saint John Bosco, Cesira Pierotti
Discovery and Preclinical Pharmacology of INE963, a Potent and Fast-Acting Blood-Stage Antimalarial with a High Barrier to Resistance and Potential for Single-Dose Cures in Uncomplicated Malaria., Benjamin R Taft, Fumiaki Yokokawa, Tom Kirrane, Anne-Catherine Mata, Richard Huang, Nicole Blaquiere, Grace Waldron, Bin Zou, Oliver Simon, Subramanyam Vankadara, Wai Ling Chan, Mei Ding, Sandra Sim, Judith Straimer, Armand Guiguemde, Suresh B Lakshminarayana, Jay Prakash Jain, Christophe Bodenreider, Christopher Thompson, Christian Lanshoeft, Wei Shu, Eric Fang, Jafri Qumber, Katherine Chan, Luying Pei, Yen-Liang Chen, Hanna Schulz, Jessie Lim, Siti Nurdiana Abas, Xiaoman Ang, Yugang Liu, Iñigo Angulo-Barturen, María Belén Jiménez-Díaz, Francisco Javier Gamo, Benigno Crespo-Fernandez, Philip J Rosenthal, Roland A. Cooper, Patrick Tumwebaze, Anna Caroline Campos Aguiar, Brice Campo, Simon Campbell, Jürgen Wagner, Thierry T Diagana, and Christopher Sarko
Documentation of the Use of Art Therapy in Croatia and Bosnia, Katie M. Cacic
Does Attachment Predict Coping Strategies? An In-Depth Look At Millennials During COVID-19, Clinton Johnson
Drama for At-Risk Students: A Strategy for Improving Academic and Social Skills Among Public Middle School Students, Juliet Schiller
Drawing Mandalas: Its' Psysiological Effects on Children with Severe Emotional Disturbances, Antonia Fokken
Drawing Out the Spirit: Art Therapy as a Healing Force with Epstein-Barr Virus, Bardi Koodrin
Dr. Suess in the Classroom: Building the Phonemic Awareness of Kindergarten Students, Angela Kriesler
Drug susceptibility of Plasmodium falciparum in eastern Uganda: a longitudinal phenotypic and genotypic study, Patrick K. Tumwebaze, Thomas Katairo, Martin Okitwi, Oswald Byaruhanga, Stephen Orena, Victor Asua, Marvin Duvalsaint, Jennifer Legac, Sevil Chelebieva, Frida G Ceja, Stephanie A Rasmussen, Melissa D Conrad, Samuel L. Nsobya, Ozkan Aydemir, Jeffrey A Bailey, Brett R. Bayles, Philip J Rosenthal, and Roland A. Cooper
Dyadic Art Therapy and Stress Reduction, Sara Clement
Early Intervention: Teaching Social Skills to Preschool Aged Children Using Art Therapy, Erin K. McElhinney
Eating Disorders and Contemporary Women, Joanna Denkin
Educating for a Sustainable Environment, Christina K. Leknius
Educating the Whole Middle School Student: Creating a Balanced School Structure, Jennifer Cabaud-Yasin
Educational Principles of Orestes A. Brownson, Mary Benedict Collier
Educational Views of an Ancient and A Modern: Isocrates and Robert Maynard Hutchins, Juana O'Brien
Education Research: Neurologic Education in Physician Assistant Programs, Carl Garubba
Effective Interventions for Retention Policy in the Middle Schools, Thomas Michaud
Effectively Using Technology to Assist ESL Students to Increase Their English Skills and Ability, Yu-Wen Chang
Effective Mthematics Word Problem Reading Strategies: For Inclusive Middle School Classrooms, Judith C. Tompkins
Effectiveness and Accountability of the Inquiry-Based Methodology in Middle School Science, Cade Hardin
Effectiveness of Dissecton Alternatives for Middle School Science Students, Jeremiah Siem
Effective Strategies and Necessary Resources for Mainstreaming Autistic Students into High School, Lynn Maloney
Effective Strategies for English Language Development, Emily L. Selim
Effective Strategies for Managing Aggressive Behavior, Janine Arendt
Effective Technology Use in Skill-Based Mathematics Instruction: Fourth through Eighth Grades, Cheri Workman
Effective Transition from Elementary School Into Middle School: Impact of Adult Intervention, Edward Thomas Seche
Effect of Jason Multimedia Science Curriculum on Developing Science Content Vocabulary of English Learners, Sarah Zykanov
Effect of Proposition 227 on the Academic Achievement of English Language Learners, Dana Schellinger Azanedo
Effects and Outcomes of Different Laboring Positions and the Influence from Societal Norms, Amberlyn Heskett
Effects of English Language Acquisition in English Language Learners in a Sheltered Classroom, Tegan C. McGuinness
Effects of Integrating Literature and Writing into the Mathematics Curriculum on Learning and Understanding in Second Grade Students, Carolyn J. Wakeley
Effects of Kindergarten Entry Age on Writing Achievement, Cynthia M. Pfingsten
Elementary Writing Instruction Using Picture Books, Lura Viera
Embracing Interactive Technology to Teach Didactic Year Physician Assistant Students [Conference Proceedings Excerpt], Zilola Khashimova
Embracing Interactive Technology to Teach Didactic Year Physician Assistant Students [Conference Proceedings Excerpt], Zilola Khashimova
Emergence: Documents in Crisis, Wayne de Fremery
Emotions and Music: How Music Evokes Emotions in Children and Adults: A Position Paper, Cayla Chaiken
English/Spanish Dual Immersion Elementary School Programs Factors to Consider, Sara Drozdowicz
Enhancing Learing With the Use of Assistive Technology for Children on the Autism Spectrum, Tin Fan
Enhancing Visual Literacy with Technology in Standards-Based Secondary Visual Arts Curriculum, Ricarda Fritz Eggert
Environmental Education for Sustainability Projects: Inspiring and Facilitating Implementation, Ashley Williams
Evolution of the Tree Symbol as a Metaphor for Individualization, Sharon Quinn
Examining Beginning year Writing Production of First Graders: Lined Versus Unlined Paper, Tim Munneke
Examining Strategies for Embedding Literacy Skills Within A Whole Language Program, Jennifer L. Botenhagen
Examining the Conditions for Student Well-Being and Whole Person Health with Mindfulness and Somatic-Based Learning, Clarissa Alonzo
Examining the Role of Principals in the Retention of New Teachers, Katherine Cross
Exploring Alienation with Adolescents Identified with Serious Behavior Disordered Using Personal Symbols, Brooke Brown
Exploring Animal-Assisted Therapy as a Reading Intervention Strategy, Maria S. Kaymen
Exploring Dating as an Occupation for Young Heterosexual Women in Ireland, Karen McCarthy and Jeanne Jackson
Exploring Glycolysis-Mediated Metabolic Stress and Mitigation Strategies in the CNS Through Glycation-Lowering Therapy, Cavan Patterson
Exploring Teacher Attitudes Towards Alternative Scheduling, Dawn E. Horwath
Exploring the Connection between Social Media & Body-Image and the Impact of Art Therapy Interventions on a Woman’s Self-Esteem, Courtney Engelhardt
Exploring the Diet Dependent Role of Oxidation Resistance 1 in regulating Retromer function, Enrique Carrera
Exploring the Effects of Different Types of Diets on Preventing and Managing Diabetes Mellitus Type 2, Ma. Patricia Diorel Peig
Exploring the Effects of Participatory Decision Making Style on a Large Four Year High School, Eleanor B. Gaustad
Exploring the Occupational Transition of Leaving a Cult, Justine Thompson, Baylee R. Chelossi, Emily Osborn, and Christian J. Quitoriano
Exploring the Occupational Transition of Leaving a Cult, Justine Thompson, Baylee R. Chelossi, Emily Osborn, and Christian Jan Quitoriano
Exploring the School-Within-A-School (SWAS) Model, Gina Rivera Cater
Expressive Play/Art Therapy with Children and Adolescents in an Ambulatory Care Center, Charleen Rubin
Facilitating the Death/Rebirth Experience Through Art With Three Adolescent Girls Who Had Each Lost a Parent, Adele M. Aced
Factors Impacting Organ Transplant Outcomes, Katelyn Grubich
Factors that Contribute to the Shortage of Minority Teachers in California Schools: A Review of the Literature, Kelley M. Roa
Factors That Explain Third and Fourth Grade Teachers' Decision to Teach Environmental Education in a Northern California District, Rebecca Fenton
Fairytales and Therapy: Using Fairytales in Assessing for Child Abuse, Kimberley Haws
Fall 2016 Newsletter, Center for Community Engagement
Fall 2017 Newsletter, Center for Community Engagement
Fall 2018 Newsletter, Center for Community Engagement
Fall 2019 Newsletter, Center for Community Engagement
Family Art Therapy: A Therapeutic Approach to Aid in the Adjustment of Foster Child Placement, Gina R. Larsen-Mott
Family Language Labels: Effect on Children Living With Non-Parental Caregivers, Megan Ottoboni
Family Support for At-Risk Second Graders to Improve Reading Fluency, Nhung Luong
Feasibility of a Cosmetology Program in the Curricula of Marin Community College District Marin County, California, Marilyn Schwartz
Felt Art: A New Art Therapy Modality?, Meredith J. Dunn
Finding Motivation and Connectedness for Learning with Special Education Students Qualifying Under Emotional Disturbance, Nikole Denton
Finish the Picture An Art-Based/Projective Technique Used With Children, Teresa Schall
First Born CEOs and Credit Ratings, June Woo Park, Giseok Nam, Albert Tsang, and Yung-Jae Lee
First Generation Filipino Children and the Risk of Childhood Obesity: Influence of Screen Time, Krystal Joy Joy Ragasa
First Grade Students' Experience Using Web-Based Computer Games on to Improve Literacy Skills, Kristin L. Halsey
Five Graphic Indicators of Sexual Abuse, James R. Gattis
"Flowers, Only Flowers" Art Therapy, The Elderly, and Depression A Case Study, Anne Elizabeth Peterson
Foreign Language Learning Difficulties and Teaching Strategies, Tiffini Banks
For Kids: Grant Proposal for Pyramisd Alternatives' Children's Therapy and Education Group, Amy Horn
Form Criticism of the Infancy Narratives in the Religious Education of Young Children, Julianne Josten
Forty Mystical Sufi Poems, Arthur Scott and Nahid Angha
Fostering Engagement for Students From Low-Socioeconomic Status Backgrounds Using Project-Based Mathematics, Allison Heyl
Fostering Resilience in At-Risk High School Students, Ann Tepovich
Fostering Students' Critical Consciousness as Decolonizing Practice Within an Ethnic Studies Framework, Fatima Hansia
Gender Differences in Mathematics: Are Boys and Girls Equal?, Marcy Daniel Athenais
Gender Equity in High School World History Curriculum Support for a Balanced Perspective, Kirianne Brackett
Gender Equity in Science Education, Johanna R. Hall
Gender, Sexuality, and Class in Selected Works of Kesey, Cunningham, and Woolf, Harper Savage
Global Developments in Social Prescribing, Daniel F. Morse, Sahil Sandhu, Kate Mulligan, Stephanie Tierney, Marie Polley, Bogdan Chiva Giurca, Siân Slade, Sónia Dias, Kamal R. Mahtani, Leanne Wells, Huali Wang, Bo Zhao, Cristiano Emanuel Marta De Figueiredo, Jan Joost Meijs, Hae Kweun Nam, Kheng Hock Lee, Carolyn Wallace, Megan Eliott, Juan Manuel Mendive, David Robinson, Miia Palo, Wolfram Hermann, Rasmus Østergaard Nielsen, and Kerryn Husk
Graduate Student Interviews -- Vivian Delchamps and Disability and Medical Diagnosis in 19C American Lit, Vivian Delchamps and John Legg
Grant Application: Art Therapy as an Assessment of Substance Relapse, Carol Marie Smyth
Grant Proposal, Martha Castillo
Grant Proposal An Art Therapy Program for Pregnant High School Age Women, Katherine McCleary
Grant Proposal: Expressive Art Program, Dorothy Perry
Grant Proposal for a 1991 Appointment Calendar Featuring the Art Work Created by Children Who are Patients at Napa State Hospital, Connie Holmund
Grant Proposal for A Children's Bereavement Art Group, Tobi Garelick
Grant Proposal for an Art Therapy Program at the Comprehensive Pediatric Care Unit of Lucile Salter Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford, Susan L. Kleck
Grant Proposal for an Art Therapy Program for At Risk Children in Residence at the Battered Women's Shelter Program San Mateo, CA, Rachel Cherry
Grant Proposal for an Art Therapy Program for Individuals Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing, Theresa L. Hall
Grant Proposal for an Art Therpay Program for Pain Management at Packard Children's Hospital, Dennis Stott
Grant Proposal for a Pilot Art Education Program for Room-Bound elders at Hillsdale manor Convalescent Hospital, Catherine Crawford
Grant Proposal for a Pilot Art Therapy Program for Children of Battered Women Temporarily Housed in the San Mateo Battered Women's Shelter, Diana W. Young
Grant Proposal for a Pilot Program to Increase Self-Esteem in Abused Severly Emotional Disturbed Adolescents, Melissa Ann Locke-Quan
Grant Proposal for a Pilot Study Addressing the Emotional Issues Surrounding Diabetes for Diabetic Children and Adolescents and Their Family Members, Barbara A. DeRose
Grant Proposal for Art Therapy Outreach Program Through the Mental Health Services, Dominican Santa Cruz Hospital, Bruce R. Arnold
Grant Proposal for Art Therapy Program Through the Community Health Abuse Council, Phyllis S. Rose
Grant Proposal for Directed Art Therapy for Children with Behavioral Problems: Preschool Through Latency Age, Alyce Curtiss-Cobb
Grant Proposal for Enhancing Self-Esteem for Severly Emotionally Disturbed Adolescents Through Art Therapy, Donna L. Capaldi
Grant Proposal for Outpatient Art and Family Therapy Groups with Schizophrenic Clients, Elaine Marley Beaver
Grant Proposal for the Establishment of an Art Therapy Program at the Family Resource Center of Salinas/Seaside Facility of Monterey County, Kimberly Roach
Grant Proposal: St. Luke's Hospital Pediatric Unit Play Therapy Program, Sara A. Gaines
Grant Proposal to Establish an Art Therapy Trauma Surviviors Group for Kings Outreach Boys Ranch, Mary De Santos
Grant Proposal to Evelyn and Walter Haas Jr. Fund, Sandra Lynne Gleeson
Grant Proposal to Support a Pilot Art Therapy Project for a Short-Term Outpatient Chemical Dependency Group, Juanita Ghalamkar
Grant Submitted to the College of Notre Dame for A Program for Physically Handicapped Children Through the San Mateo County Arts Council, Sharyl C. Thode
Graphic Communications: A Case Study of a Dissociative Identity Disorder, Virginia L. Miller
Group Art Work with Chronic Schizophrenic Patients, Leonora Olds
Growing into the Nursing Role: Exploring the Challenges New Nurses Face and How Residency Programs Address these Problems, Jan Ashley Escosio
Growth Through Creativity, Jean Priestley
Guidance Practices Related to Religious Vocations of Girls of San Francisco Archdiocean High Schools, Mary Albert Walsh
Healing Racial Trauma and Reframing the Miseducation of U.S. America: Altering Exclusionary Textbooks as a Therapeutic Experiential, Kamaria Erin Wells
Helicobacter Pylori Infection and Its Importance in the Development of Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura, Zilola Khashimova
Helping Continuation High School Students Become Successful in Mathematics, Ramon R. Villegas
Herzog and the Torah, Nancy Alberton
High School Students' Perceptions fo the Treatment of the Mexican-American War in Textbooks: Results froma Private Bilingual Bicultural School in Mexico, Serena Rose Millstone
History Electives in High School: Making Social Studies Engaging, Sean Kelsey
Home and Homelessness, Laura Stivers
Home/Hospital Instruction: Instructional Approach to Working with Students with Major Depressive Disorder, Cara Newman
Home-School Cooperation: A Study of Practices in Relationship to the Religious and Socio-economic Background of the Pupils in the Kindergarten and First Grades of Twelve Schools, Marie Carmel Janke
Homework: A Nightly Ritual Beginning in the Elementary Grades, Ann-Marie N. Skaggs
How "American" are "All-American" Brands? A Case of Gap, Inc. as "Made in America" Brand, Eulaia Wycoff and Rajeev Soorea
How Can a Teacher Succeed in an Inclusive Classroom, Nadine Rae Mosness
How Character Education and Conflict Resolution Strategies Foster a Positive Learning Environment, Faranz Heydari
How Differentiated Instructional Strategies Impact Student Self-Confidence: A Review of the Literature, Georgette Mayer
How Does the Use of Simulations Enhance Fifth Graders' Multicultural Understanding of Social Studies, Victoria Sattinger
How has the Pandemic Exacerbated Nurse Burnout, and what can be done to Improve their Psychological and Emotional Well-Being?, Lisette Diaz
How is health seeking behavior and patient outcomes for Latin Immigrants affected by language barriers, socioeconomic status and health literacy?, Cassandra Sanchez
How Play in the Kindergarten Classroom Can Suport Student Success in Meeting the California Language Arts Standards, Cecillia L. Quintana
H-T-P Pre and Post Tests with Schizophrenic Patients on Antipsychotic Medication, W. Kay Inman
Identifying Cultural Biases and Understanding Health Care Disparities For LGTBQ+ Patients, Jevon Nelson
Identifying Student Learning Styles Using the Movement Aspects of Wetzig Coordination Patterns, Deborah J. Roberts
Illuminating the Increase of Intentional Dating in the COVID-19 Pandemic and its Connection to Relationship Satisfaction through the Lens of Photography., Caitlin Carnegie
Images of Crisis: Art Therapy Process in Short Term Shelter Settings, Sandra Lehti
Image Text Search and Retrieval System, Wayne de Fremery and Sanghun Kim
Imaging Device, Wayne de Fremery and John Young
Impact of a Middle School Reading Strategies Elective on Reading Comprehension Test Scores and Reading Confidence, Tammy Wilks Kornfeld
Impact of Intergenerational Trauma Among Immigrant and Refugee Families: Effects on the Mental Health and Acquisition of Care, Loralee Chea
Impact of Intergenerational Trauma Among Immigrant and Refugee Families: Effects on the Mental Health and Acquisition of Care, Loralee Chea
Implementaing Literacy Circles to Enhance Student Achievement Within a Phonics Based Curriculum, Kelly Ryan
Implementation of an Art Therapy Program at a Child Abuse Residential Center, Elizabeth Joyce Voss
Implementing Early Reading Intervention Programs into First Grade Classrooms: A Review of the Literature, Michelle Y. Ingalls
Implementing Educational Science Televison in the Third Grade Classroom, Ashley Shear
Implementing Graphic Organizers for English Language Learners in High School Biology, Jason Shern
Implementing Learner-Centered Education Using a Sixth Grade Science Curriculum, Erica Kaplan
Implementing Neurophysiological Research into the Lives of Linguistically and Culturally Diverse High School Students, Sabrina Paiz
Improving Compliance with Rehabilitation Treatment Recommendations Among the Latino/a Population of Caregivers and Clients, Maria C. Martinez
Improving Reading Skills for English Language Learners Within the Regular Educational Program, Cheryl Ellen Sweeney
Improving Students' Attitudes About Statisitcs Ability through Integration of Statistical Software With Statistics Instruction, Susan Emrich Tynes
Increasing Control: Watercolor Painting an Students with Developmental Disabilities, Carol Mellberg
Individual Art Therapy with Hospice Clients and Their Loved Ones in a Hospital Hospice Program, Beth Newman
Individualized Instruction Strategies in Mainstream Classrooms: Including Students with Autistic Spectrum Disorder, Stephanie R. Betts
Ineffective Aggregation of Filipino-American Health Assessment Data & It's Effect on Individualized Healthcare, Marrian Gutierrez and Anthony Rain Macoy
Influence of Income on Environmental Education Practices in High Wealth and Low Wealth Areas: A Review of the Literature, Kristina Schultz
Influence of Kindergarten Journal Writing on Building Reading and Writing Skills, Patricia Sanders
Influence of the Time-of-Day on Student Performance on Mathematical Algorithms, Wendy Sjosten-Bell
In Search of Emily in The Knight's Tale, The Teseide, and the Two Noble Kinsmen, Lynne S. McClellan-Loots
Inservice Education Within the Parochial School System, Mary Alberta Aebli
In-Service to Practice: Effectiveness of Using Technology on Curricular Integration in the Classroom, Jeffrey W. Bausch
Insight into Factors Involved in the Developmental Process of Professional Identity Formation of the Art Therapist, Marsha Hardaway-Burke
Institutional Transformation through Community Engagement: Assessment, Accountability, and Equity in Motion, Leah Ozeroff and Julia Van der Ryn
Integrated adaptive skills program model (IASP), Zoee Bartholomew
Integrating 6th Grade Geometry Standards into a Waldorf Methods Charter School, Ilie Alma Watterson
Integrating Cultural Perspectives of First Generation Latino Students and Families into the College Admissions Process, Ryan R. Rosso
Integrating interactive, adaptive technology to teach first year physician assistant students, Zilola Khashimova
Integrating Theater Arts into the Classroom: The New Responsibiliites of the Elementary School Teacher, Jessica Brock
Interactive and Textbook Lessons in Science Instruction: Combining Strategies to Engage Students in Learning, Christina Puentes
Interdisciplinary Community-Based Support for Caregivers of Individuals Living with Dementia, Gina Tucker-Roghi, Jamie Escoubas, Renee Tolliver, and Sarah Tucker
Intermediate Grade Reading: Peer-Assisted Learning Strategies Applied to a Teacher-Directed Program, Juliane C. Ellis
Intermedicate Grade Mathematics: Hands-on Strategies and Strands Stressed by Teachers, Julie M. Mann
Interprofessional Collaboration in High Performing Healthcare Teams, Zilola Khashimova
Intrinsic Motivation and Academic Achievement: The Role of Teacher Behaviors in Promoting Intrinsic Motivation and Academic Achievement, Karen Jill Gordon
Introduction to the Study of "Narrative" Prayers in Spanish Literature, Mary Inez Valla
Investigating the Genetic Mechanisms of Lifespan Extension by Dietary Restriction in D. Melanogaster, Marysia C. Kolipinski
Investigating the Implementation of Whole Languge: Strengths and Weaknesses, Amanda LeDoux
Investigating the Use of Oral Language Development Instruction to Accelerate the Academic Language Proficiency of English-Language Learners, Angela M. Clark
Investigating Transcriptomic and Embryonic Differences Between Cave and Surface Populations of Asellus aquaticus, Haeli Lomheim
In Vivo Evaluation of (-)-Zampanolide Demonstrates Potent and Persistent Antitumor Efficacy When Targeted to the Tumor Site., Leila Takahashi-Ruiz, Joseph D Morris, Phillip Crews, Tyler A Johnson, and April L Risinger
Irish Life and Character in Anglo-Irish and English Fiction During the Career of Maria Edgeworth, M. Ignatius Foley
Is Banning the Answer?: Educators' Responses to Student Exprression of Violence, Michelle Brindley
Isolation in Women in Ministry Using Jungian Archetypes and Modified Kinetic Family Drawings, Andrea Lynn Arnold
Issues in Full Inclusion: Understanding Concerns of Classroom Teachers, Susan Ellen Schuepbach
James Burke's The Knowledge Web: An Educational Resource, Alexandria Frances Pattillo
Jeremy Gridley Father of the Boston Bar, Mary Cletus Toohey
Jesuit Education and Mathematics: Review of the Literature on Jesuit Education and Mathematics, Ernesto A. Diaz
Keepign Our Rural Communities Safe: A Study of Strengths an Weaknesses of a Rural Violence Prevention Program, Michelle Egger
Kids Helping Kids Side by Side, Mika Tomita
Kim So-wŏl’s Chindallaekkot (Azaleas) as an Immersive Environment, Wayne de Fremery and JuSub Kim
Kindergarten Entrance Age Requirements in California: Research, Policy and Practice, Bonny E. Griebstein
Kindergarten Readiness: Using Age or Skill in Assessing a Child's Readiness, Leslie Barden Smith
Learning to Love, Work, and Live Your Best Life: Mentoring in Emerging Adulthood Predicts Later Flourishing and Subjective Well-Being, Jordan Boeder, Veronica Fruiht, Sarah Hwang, Giovanna Blanco, and Thomas Chan
Learning to Read in Zoomania - The Curriculum and Succssful Strategies Used in a First Grade Classroom, Jennifer A. Aikman
Lessons Learned: Kinesthetic Learning and Engaging Students with ADHD (in the Time of COVID), Claudia Freedman
Life After Brain Injury - Family Perspectives, Shaina Snyder, Everlee Anderson, Allison Wyek, Elijah Tolentino-Medios, and Cathyisabella Kintanar
Life After Brain Injury - Survivor and Family Perspectives, Brandon Duenas, Gary Eng, Haleli Moalem, and Miguel Regidor
Life After Pediatric Hemorrhagic Stroke: Family Centered Outcomes, Janice Brown, Jordan Ng, Reilly Todd, and Alyssa Vo
Life Stage and Proximity to Roads Shape the Skin Microbiota of Eastern Newts (Notophthalmus viridescens), Vanessa P. Wuerthner, Jessica Hua, and Obed Hernandez-Gomez
Literature-Based Exploration: Efferent and Aeshtetic, Kathryn Prather
Literature in the Iranian Secondary School, Farideh Seihoun
Live Free or Die, Kim Marcellino
Low Self-Esteem in Children: Improving Self-Esteem in Abused Children Living in Out-of-Home Placements, Colleen D. Murphy
Lyrical Trends Throughout the 2010s in Rap, Simon Stewart
Mandala: Path of Beauty, Joan Kellogg
Mapping Natural Genetic Variants Associated with Nutrient Response, Kenneth Wilson
Mari Card Test: Profile of the Cardiac Patient, Eunice Brown
Masks of Northwest Coastal Indians: Transformation of the Human Spirit, Karen Cornell
Math Anxiety: Teacher Effect on Student Attitudes About Mathematics, Jennifer B. Woodall
Mathematical Achievement in Reduced Stress, Kristie A. Weber
Mathematics Page Format: Student Experience with High-and Low-Density Layouts, Nina Ravitz
Meaningful Reading: Broadening Perspectives Through Literature, Kristin Dantagnan
Measuring Outcomes of Occupational Therapy Facilitated in Natural Settings with Young Children, Amie Smith, Deepak Dale, Brinda Saini, Zoe Peters, and Amanda Laccone
Measuring the Validitiy of F.E.A.T.S. Using the Apple Tree Projective Drawing to Assess Self-Esteem in Adolescents, Rosine Ferber
Mechanisims and Regulation of Neuroprotection by Neuroglobin, Marielle Discipulo
Medium Matters: A Decade of Media Consumption Predicts Positive and Negative Dimensions of Self-Perceptions of Aging, Jordan Boeder, Dwight C K Tse, Veronica Fruiht, and Thomas Chan
Meeting Diversity with a Multicultural English Elective Course, Christina Dell'Osso
Meeting the Unborn: A Phenomenological Inquiry into Prenatal and Birth Experience, Patricia Nichols
Memes to Cope and Communicate, Priscilla (Nox) Ngo
Men in Art Therapy: Exploring a Minority, Andreas Schmitz
Middle School Reading Comprehension, Wendy Ragusa
Mirroring Through Art to Repair the Damaged Self, Elenore Kanner Weinberg
Monitoring English Language Learners Reclassified as Fluent English Proficient, Janet G. Raiche
Monsignor George Johnson: His Educational Principles and Their Application to the Curriculum of the Catholic Schools, Mary Giovanne Vidoni
Multiage Classrooms and the Academic and Social/Emotional Growth of Students, Kristin Rohrbach Westra
My Body as a Journey Accessing Pre-colonial Identity for Healing Intergenerational Transgender Shame, Jennifer Lagman
Myth or Trend: A Study of the "Clinification Syndrome" in the Field of Art Therapy, Corinne Celeste Meadows
Needs of Dyslexic Students and Reading Programs that Meet Them, Daniel Marsh
Ninth Grade Counseling for Girls: A Comparative Study, Mary Maurice Powers
No Child Left Behind in California: Accountability for Studetn Proficiency, Nicole F. Ellis
Nominations to the Supreme Court, 1893-1908, Timothy Joseph Casey
Non-profit Organization as a Solution to Under-Identification of Gifted Disadvantaged Students, Emily Yvette Cook
Nursing Burnout and Preventative Measures, Giselle Balaoing
Occupational Therapy Collaboration In Creating Accessible Theatre, Chanelle Bautista, Alyssa Cho, Jazmine Cunanan, Ariana Marino, and Miko Ramo
Occupational Therapy for Individuals with Dementia and their Caregivers: Promoting Health, Wellbeing and Quality of Life, Gina Tucker-Roghi
Occupation-Based CNA Program to Build Caregiver Knowledge and Self-Efficacy in Dementia Care, Lucky Ung, Judy Chen, and Michelle Hong
Oedipal Triangle: A Case Study of Temperature Contrasts in Color and Symbol, John Dickinson
Ofrendas: Altar-making Traditions in the Mexican Days of the Dead and Art Therapy Applications for Grief and Bereavement, Jeanne Gabriel
One Face, Many Roles: A Dominican Journey from Student to Administrator, Paul Raccanello
OTs Delivering Culturally Sensitive Care for Dementia Family Caregivers From Diverse Backgrounds, Abraham Lai, Lucy Palacios Mendez, and Darren Sarmiento
Our Early Years of Life's Effects on our Future Health and Well-Being, Claudia Gagliano
Outdoor Education Opportunities for Middle School Students: Academic and Social Impacts of Adventure Programs, Lisa Gordon
Outside the School Day Programs in High Poverty Elementary Schools, Lori Dawn Bosworth Jones
Overcoming Language and Cultural Barriers in School: Helping Hispanic Students Acquire Success in Elementary School, Pauline S. Ivey
Parental Involvement: An Essential Ingredient for a Successful School, Kimberly G. Akimoff
Parental Reasons for Home Schooling, Karrie Coulter
Parent Perceptions of ASD Learning Environments: A Qualitative Study, Sarah Pyles
Pediatric Stroke Outcome Measures: A Systematic Review, Janice Brown, Jordan Ng, Reilly Todd, and Alyssa Vo
Peer Conflict Mediation: An Examination of Peer Conflict Mediation in High Schools, William Coley
Peer Interaction and Writing Development in a Social Studies High School Classroom, Erik Berridge
Peer Tutoring as a Strategy for Supporting Writing Fluency in English Language Learners, Laura Kilgariff
Peppermint Patty as a Possible Illustration of a Right-Brain-Dominant Child, Laura F. Williman
Perceiving the Complex Path: Encouraging and Supporting Academic Exploration for College Students, Claudia M. Lang
Perceptions and Attitudes of High School Admistrators, Teachers, and Students in Core Literature Selection, Maria Sharp
Phe Monitor: A Case Study of Business Vs. Science When Developing a New Product, Sage Callaway
Phonics and Parents: Keys to Reading Success, Megan Kuykendall
Photo Art Therapy for the Adolescent Psychiatric Inpatient Program at McAuley Behavioral Health Services, Carolyn J. Donnay
Physical Education and Self-Esteem: The Effect of Cooperative Groups in Fourth and Fifth Grade Physical Education Classes, Krista Tarantino
Physical Fitness and Language Arts Achievement Correlations ina Rural Fifth Grade Population, Kathryn Hall
Pilot Art Therapy Program for Emotionally Disturbed Adolescents at Maryhurst, Margaret K. Fennell
Pilot Art Therapy Program for SED Adolescents at the Institute for the Arts of Living, Sue Ann Martin
Position Paper: English Language Curriculum guidelines for elementary School English Language Learners, Anthony Miele
Positive Academic and Affective Student Outcomes at a Small School for At-Risk Adolescents Through Ongoing Teacher Consultation with a Marriage, Family, Child Counselor, Margaret M. Wertz Tuohy
Positive School Performance: Art as a Second Language to Promote Self-Esteem, Charlotte A. Flanagan
Post-Secondary School Pathways: College and Career Technical Eduation, Kenneth L. Savin
Potent Antimalarials with Development Potential Identified by Structure-Guided Computational Optimization of a Pyrrole-Based Dihydroorotate Dehydrogenase Inhibitor Series., Michael J. Palmer, Xiaoyi Deng, Shawn Watts, Goran Krilov, Aleksey Gerasyuto, Sreekanth Kokkonda, Farah El Mazouni, John White, Karen L White, Josefine Striepen, Jade Bath, Kyra A. Schindler, Tomas Yeo, David M. Shackleford, Sachel Mok, Ioanna Deni, Aloysus Lawong, Ann Huang, Gong Chen, Wen Wang, Jaya Jayaseelan, Kasiram Katneni, Rahul Patil, Jessica Saunders, Shatrughan P. Shahi, Rajesh Chittimalla, Iñigo Angulo-Barturen, María Belén Jiménez-Díaz, Sergio Wittlin, Patrick K. Tumwebaze, Philip J. Rosenthal, Roland A. Cooper, Anna Caroline Campos Aguiar, Rafael V C Guido, Dhelio B. Pereira, Nimisha Mittal, Elizabeth A Winzeler, Diana R. Tomchick, Benoît Laleu, Jeremy N. Burrows, Pradipsinh K Rathod, David A Fidock, Susan A. Charman, and Margaret A. Phillips
Potential Effects of Low Dose Radiation on Human Cells, Bridget Gengler
Potential Roles of Amyloid Precursor-Like Protein Signaling in Alzheimer's Disease Pathology, Mark Orcholski
Preclinical characterization and target validation of the antimalarial pantothenamide MMV693183., Laura E. de Vries, Patrick A M Jansen, Catalina Barcelo, Justin Munro, Julie M J Verhoef, Charisse Flerida A Pasaje, Kelly Rubiano, Josefine Striepen, Nada Abla, Luuk Berning, Judith M Bolscher, Claudia Demarta-Gatsi, Rob W M Henderson, Tonnie Huijs, Karin M J Koolen, Patrick K Tumwebaze, Tomas Yeo, Anna C C Aguiar, Iñigo Angulo-Barturen, Alisje Churchyard, Jake Baum, Benigno Crespo Fernández, Aline Fuchs, Francisco-Javier Gamo, Rafael V C Guido, María Belén Jiménez-Diaz, Dhelio B Pereira, Rosemary Rochford, Camille Roesch, Laura M Sanz, Graham Trevitt, Benoit Witkowski, Sergio Wittlin, Roland A. Cooper, Philip J. Rosenthal, Robert W Sauerwein, Joost Schalkwijk, Pedro H H Hermkens, Roger V Bonnert, Brice Campo, David A Fidock, Manuel Llinás, Jacquin C Niles, Taco W A Kooij, and Koen J Dechering
Preferred Symbol, Archetypal Stages, and Life Satisfaction of the Spritiual Woman at Midlife, Patricia J. Laszewski
Preparing for Confirmation, Alma Marie Bill
Preparing Regular Education Teachers for the Mainstreaming of Emotionally Disturbed Students, Amy E. Allen
Prescription Opioid Misuse and Addiction: Healthcare’s Contribution to the Opioid Epidemic and What Can Be Done About it, Emily Larsen and Katrina Ecke
Preventing Postpartum Complications Using a Home Visitation Model of Care, Jenna Ingram
Primary Teachers' Perceptions on their Performance in Relation to Class Size: Do They Feel They are Meeting the Academic Needs of Their Students?, Elaine S. O'Rourke
Principles of Catechetical Instruction According to Rev. Peter C. Yorke, Mary Clement Manion
Printshops, Pressmen, and the Poetic Page in Colonial Korea, Wayne de Fremery
Progressive Reforms in Education: A Search for Progressive Teaching Strategies, Christina Grace Delantoni
Project Based Learning for Life Skill Building in 12th Grade Social Studies Classrooms: A Case Study, Daniele C. Zimmerman
Project Based Learning in a Sheltered Classroom, Leilani N. Gillis
Project Based Learning in a Standard-Based System, Jennifer McClellan
Promoting Cultural Arts Access through Sensory-Friendly Theatre, Chanelle Bautista, Alyssa Cho, Jazmine Cunanan, Ariana Marino, and Miko Ramos
Promoting Health, Well Being and Quality of Life for Individuals with Dementia, Gina Tucker-Roghi
Promoting Parental Participation and Involvement, Amalia Fernandez-Niewendorp
Promoting Resilience in High Risk Students Attending Alternative High School Programs, Julie Brazill
Proposal to Support an Art Gallery at Napa State Hospital, Elaina Rose Cameron
Providing Healthcare Workers in Medically Underserved Areas: A Case Study, Zilola Khashimova
Putting the Pieces Back Together: Using a Kintsugi-Influenced Directive to Promote Self-Forgiveness and Resiliency in Young Adults with Shame and Guilt, Marieev Krista Princer
Qualified Teachers and the "No Child Left Behind Act", Lorna Itzaina
Radical Imagination in Action: Re-Visioning and Co-Creating Community Engagement, Julia Van der Ryn, Emily Wu, and Jocelyn Gomez
Ramifications fo California's Proposition 227: Emotinal and Academic Effects on California's Primary School English Language Learners, Barbara Godoy-Borges
Rattlesnake Kinship: Indigeneity, Disability, Animality, Vivian Delchamps
Reading Comprehension: A Whole Language Effect on Academic Success, Hilary Claire Trimble
Reading Improvement Programs on the College and University Level, Dorothy Smith Blackmore
Reading Programs Used in Juvenille Correctional Faciliites to Address the Literacy Needs of Learning Disabled Youth, Elizabeth Anne Ryan Dalphino
Reading Results: A Critical Look at Standarized Testing and the Linguistic Minority, Joanne Shannon
Read the Writing on the Walls: Graffiti and Art Therapy, Annie Marinovich
(Re)Developing Habits of Gratitude and Kindness in an Elementary Classroom Post-Pandemic, Michaela Callahan
Redwood House: Art Experience Group in a Residential Treatment Center, Valerie Appleton
Re-evaluation of the Fijianolide/Laulimalide Chemotype Suggests an Alternate Mechanism of Action for C-15/C-20 Analogs., Joseph D Morris, Leila Takahashi-Ruiz, Lauren N Persi, Jonathan C Summers, Erin P McCauley, Peter Y W Chan, Gabriella Amberchan, Itzel Lizama-Chamu, David A Coppage, Phillip Crews, April L Risinger, and Tyler A. Johnson
Referal Practices/Policies of Public School Officials and Juvenile Probation to Juvenile Court Schools, Marta Blea Evans
Reflecting on an academic career: associations between past mentoring investments and career benefits, Jordan Boeder, Veronica Fruiht, Kevin Erikson, Sarah Hwang, Giovanna Blanco, and Thomas Chan
Reflections on the History of Creativity, Elizabeth W. Smith
Relational Art Therapy: Bridge to Healing of the Abused Child, Cari Rondeau
Relationship Between Left-handedness and Creativity in Children K-6 as Measured by the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking, Wilma K. Trousdale
Relations of Mission San Gabriel to the Beginning of Diocesan Organization in Southern California, Mary Benigna Krug
Religion and the Adolescent, Dominic W. Sarubbi
Research Proposal to Study Sandplay Therapy as a Modlaity to Enhance Self-Esteem in SED Adolescents: Part I, Robert A. Goulart
Research Proposal to Study Sandplay Therapy as a Modlaity to Enhance Self-Esteem in SED Adolescents: Part II, Robert A. Goulart
Resiliency in Rural Northern California County Community and Continuation School Graduates: Experiences and Characteristics of Resiliency Among Successful Graduates, Ernest Kent Jones Jr.
Resistance to Change Within Education, Joel J. Brunner
Resources for Teachers and ADHD Students in the Public Classroom, Jessica Quattlander
Retablos: The Tradition of Painting the Tragic, The Miraculous, and Art Therapy Applications with Latino Adolescents, Deann Acton
Retinopathy: Reducing the Risk for Patients with Type II Diabetes Mellitus, Jasmyn Mei
Review of Literature on Language Programs for English Language Learners and Implications for Program Development, Maria Luisa Raposo
Review of: Walker Gore, Clare. Plotting Disability in the Nineteenth-Century Novel. Edinburgh University Press, 2020, Vivian Delchamps
Ribosomal Targets of HDAC Inhibition in Breast Cancer, Bianca S. Gabriel
Rising Costs of Insulin and Effects of Self-Management in Type 1 Diabetes, Justine Yadao
Rising Stars and Underdogs: The Role Race and Parental Education Play in Predicting Mentorship, Veronica Fruiht, Jordan Boeder, and Thomas Chan
Role of Helicobacter Pylori Infection in Development of Gastrointestinal Malignancy, Zilola Khashimova
Safe Practices for Preventing COVID-19 Among School-Aged Children, Meleena Reyelle Banda-Garcia
School Gardens: Raising Environmental Awareness in Children, Shira Brynjegard
School Responses to Declining Enrollment, Tina Krenov
School Uniforms in Public Schools, Francisco Julian Islas
Self-Regulating Learning Strategies for Students with Learning Differences, Kim Scheidt
Sensory Modality Functioning, Arlene Mulligan Bowen
Serving Asian International Studetns in English-Speakign Graduate Programs in the United States, Nobuko Maekawa
Sexual Abuse Indicators in Kinetic Family Drawings, Christopher Phillip Powers
She Speaks Spanglish, A Podcast Series, Kate Fernanda Becerra
Shift report and SBAR: strategies for clinical postconference., Fatima Ascano-Martin
Significant Methods and Devices in Teaching French with Special Observations in the Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools of San Francisco, Mary Clara Avellar
Single-Sex High School Choice and African-American Girls Why do African-American Girls Choose and Stay at a Single-Sex High School?, Gabrielle Dobel
Skin bacterial metacommunities of San Francisco Bay Area salamanders are structured by host genus and habitat quality., Shannon Buttimer, Obed Hernandez-Gomez, and Erica Bree Rosenblum
Small Molecule Compound with Indole Moiety Protects Against Alzheimer’s Disease Pathology in C. elegans and Mammalian Cell Culture Models, Elena Battistoni
Small-Scale Process-Oriented writing Assessment: An Action Research Study, Jessyca Lytle
Social and Emotional Learning Strategies to Support Students in Challenging Schools, Zandra K. Marulanda
Social Cognition with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Peer Relationships, Melissa Geary
Some Factors Affecting the Virtue of Obedience in Elementary School Children, Thomas Josephine Lawler
Some Major Problems in the Behavior of the Young Adolescent Girl and Their Possible Solution Through Bibliotherapy, Mary Patrick English
Spring 2010 Newsletter, Center for Community Engagement
Spring 2016 Newsletter, Center for Community Engagement
Spring 2017 Newsletter, Center for Community Engagement
Spring 2018 Newsletter, Center for Community Engagement
Spring 2019 Newsetter, Center for Community Engagement
Spring 2020 Newletter, Center for Community Engagement
StarSung: A Timeslip Novel, Cindy Pavlinac
Still Standing, Capella Parrish
Storytelling as a Teaching Tool: A Workshop for Parents, Tiffany Dawn Parkin
Strategies for Improved Learning for Students with Audiotry Processing Difficulties, Michelle L. Richman
Strategies for Teaching Hebrew to students with Learning Disabilities, Aliza Harari
Stress Management, Relaxation Techniques and Free Drawings with Elementary School Children, Demetra Paras
St. Thomas More's Treatice to Receave the Blessed Body of Our Lorde: An Edition, Loretta Julie Costello
Student-Centered Math Activities and Standards-Based Classrooms, Jennifer Levy
Student Leadership Education in Elementary Classrooms, Lindsay Hess
Student Perceptions of the Effect of Teacher Turnover on Passing the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE), John J. Harris Jr.
Study on the effect of Drill on Word Meaning on Reading Achievement, Mary Stanislaus Dazé
Substance Abusers and Differentiation: Viewing the Self within the Family System, Jeannette Lynn Whitfield
Substance Use Among Nurses as a result of COVID-19, and the Impact of Rehabilitative Programs on Nurses, Gerome Macaspac
Successful Implementation of Laptops in the Classroom: An Implementation Plan, Debra A. Armstrong
Successful Involvement of Language Minority Familties in Secondary Classrooms, Megan Walker
Supporting English Learners in Elementary Classrooms: How Teacher Preparation Affects EL Achievement, Jordan Whitman
Supporting Special Needs in a Catholic Junior High, Eleanor Ryan
Supporting Struggling Readers in an Inclusive Classroom, Melinda Stuart
Tails as Teachers: Animal-Assisted Therapy and Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Stephanie E. Weiss
Tattoo Significance Among Woment, Christine L. Pulliam
Teacher Education in Integrating Technology Tools in the Elementary Classroom, Karen Jane Wolf
Teacher Empowerment and Collaboration Enhances Student Engagement in Data-Driven Environments, Cristy J. Pollak
Teacher-led VS. Peer-led: Discovering a Format for Engaging Literature Discussion In a Seventh Grade Classroom, Christine Olson
Teacher Preparation and Confidence Regarding Post-Secondary Transition Plans, Dale Heffernan
Teacher Professionalism Within the Community, Peter G. Tate
Teacher Receptivity to Change, David A. Duncan
Teacher Retention: Factors That Contribute to Teachers' Decisions to Remain in the Profession, Valerie Cines
Teachers and Science Museums: Are Valuable Connections Being Made, Suzanne T. Paras
Teacher's Perceptions of the Quality of New Teacher Preparation, Sandra B. Mallouf
Teachers' Performance Assessment and Rewards Systems: A Case Study at Nanrong Junior High School, Chin-Yang Su
Teaching About Religion in the Public Schools, Philip E. Benezra
Teaching Computers to Read Korean: Big Data and Artificial Intelligence at Adan Mun'go, Wayne de Fremery
Teaching Poetry Through Dance, Vivian Delchamps
Teaching Spelling and Vocabulary to At Risk Students Utilizing the Musical/Rhythmic Intelligence, Robert Eric Sundberg
Teaching Through Mnemonics in Elementary School Classrooms, Arianne Waite-McGough
Techniques to Analyze the Pathophysiology of Aging from Induced Senescence and SOD2 loss, Asia Davis-Castillo
The Advantages and Disadvantages of an Early Bird/Late Bird Program, Lisa Gockel
The Aging Population and the Experience of Life Satisfaction: A Phenomenological Paper in Clinical Art Therapy, Ariosto J. Coelho
The AIDS Memorial Quilt: Therapeutic Benefits of Panelmaking as an Art Therapy Intervention, Michelle A. Thibaudeau
The Allusions to the Saints in the Canterbury Tales, Their Appropriateness, Mary Jean Francis Boos
The Angel Island Immigration Station Project, Amber Bell, Kaya Bottmeyer, DeAndre Brown, Guadalupe Castaneda Martinez, Amber Fields, Noah Gallardo, Madison Huckabay, Jorden Josephs, Brennan Krebs, Brianna Miller, Charlotte Moody, Solena Omelas, Adele Partington, Cece Trifoso, Jonah Ridgley, and Natalia Roman
The antimalarial MMV688533 provides potential for single-dose cures with a high barrier to, James M. Murithi, Cécile Pascal, Jade Bath, Xavier Boulenc, Nina F Gnädig, Charisse Flerida A Pasaje, Kelly Rubiano, Tomas Yeo, Sachel Mok, Sylvie Klieber, Paul Desert, María Belén Jiménez-Díaz, Jutta Marfurt, Mélanie Rouillier, Mohammed H Cherkaoui-Rbati, Nathalie Gobeau, Sergio Wittlin, Anne-Catrin Uhlemann, Ric N. Price, Grennady Wirjanata, Rintis Noviyanti, Patrick Tumwebaze, Roland A. Cooper, Philip J. Rosenthal, Laura M. Sanz, Francisco Javier Gamo, Jayan Joseph, Shivendra Singh, Sridevi Bashyam, Jean Michel Augereau, Elie Giraud, Tanguy Bozec, Thierry Vermat, Gilles Tuffal, Jean-Michel Guillon, Jérôme Menegotto, Laurent Sallé, Guillaume Louit, Marie-José Cabanis, Marie Françoise Nicolas, Michel Doubovetzky, Rita Merino, Nadir Bessila, Iñigo Angulo-Barturen, Delphine Baud, Lidiya Bebrevska, Fanny Escudié, Jacquin C. Niles, Benjamin Blasco, Simon Campbell, Gilles Courtemanche, Laurent Fraisse, Alain Pellet, David A Fidock, and Didier Leroy
The Application of Democratic Principles of Education to the Minor Seminary, John H. Hillmann
The Art Therpist's Handbook, Victoria Z. Woodrow
Theatre Arts Programs: Impact of Cognitive Development in Elementary School Students, Lauren Miller
The Attitude of the British Government Toward Colonial Currency 1751-1775, Marie Eucharista Suber
The Benefits of a School Leadership Program for Students, Tracy L. Walker
The Boon of Korea's Twentieth-Century Books, Wayne de Fremery
The Borderline Personality in Art Therapy, Sandra A. Songy
The "Bridge Drawing" Used as an Assessment of Chemically Dependent Veterans, Hal Lynne Micali
The California High School Exit Exam: English Language Students' Perspectives, Sezgin Llaely Ramirez
The Coming Out Process: Parental Knowledge of Sexual Orientation and the Self-Esteem of Adult Lesbians, Gabrielle M. Johnson
The Compensating Male and the Adolescent Transitional Stage, Scott P. Gregory
The Components of Vaccine Hesitancy and the Role of Patient Education in Promotion of Vaccinations in Newborns, Camille Joy Rayo
The Confidant of High School Youth, Marie Barbara Buckley
The Connection Between High School Drama Programs and Academic Performance, Jessica M. Macklin
The Construction and Use of Mathematical Games and Models in the Junior High School, Robert W. McConville
The Counseling Challenge: Balancing Student Interests with Societal Pressures, Taylor Mancini
The Curriculum and the Cumlative Record: A Study of the Possibilities of Using the Cumlative Record in Developing a Curriculum, David Louis Raffo
The Deirdre Theme in AE, W. B. Yeats and J. M. Synge, Marie Chantal Cotter
The Determination of Initial and Subsequent Group Placement of Students at the Middle School Level, Robin M. Selfridge
The Development and Present Use of Demonstrations in the Secondary Schools of Northern California, M. Bernadine
The Development of Language Responses in Early Childhood, Patricia Rawles Bertrand
The Diagnostic Drawing Series: A Comparison of Psychiatric Inpatient Adolescents in Crisis with Non-Hospitalized Youth, Hadass Shlagman
The Diagnostic Drawing Series of Adolescent Anorexia Nervosa, Julie Price
The Diagnostic Drawing Series: Research with Depressed Acute Psychiatric Inpatient Adults, Megan J. Burdick-Grade
The Diagnostic Drawing Series: Research with Male Inmates Incarcerated for Murder, Claudee D. Mitchell
The Early Development of Social and Economic Nativism in San Francisco and the Mining Regions of California 1848-1856, Mary Colette Standart
The Educational Achievement and Ideals of Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, Eda Rose Respini
The Educational Contributions of John Bosco, John Bosco Lambruschini
The Educational Principles of Charles Franklin Thwing, Marueen Thwyng
The Educational Viewpoints of Mari de St. Jean Martin Regarding Preparaion for Christian Maariage and Motherhood, M. Columba Kirby
The Educational Work of the Sisters of St. Dominic of the Congregation of the Queen fo the Holy Rosary, Mary Kevin Breen
The Effectiveness of Art Therapy with Depressed Older Adults in a Partial Hospital Program, Susan E. Galen
The Effectiveness of a Skill Based Explicit Phonics Reading Program K-2 as Measured by Studetn Performance and Teacher Evaluation, Alexandra B. Dakin
The Effectiveness of Cross-Age Tutoring in Improving Academic Performance and Student Activities, Kim Baumann
The Effectiveness of Restorative Justice Practices: How to Restore Justice for At-Risk Youth, Rolando Crisostomo
The Effectiveness of Teaching Traditional Grammar on Writing Compostion at the High School Level, Gina Jaeger
The Effectiveness of the Art Therapy Process in the Survival of Suicide Aftermath, John B. MacCracken
The Effect of Athletic Activities on Adolescent Girls' Self-esteem, Corrine Ahrens
The Effect of John J. Cantwell's Episcopate on Catholic Education in California (1917-1947), Mary Patricia O'Donnell
The Effect of Learning Musical Notation and Performance on the Reading Fluency of At-Risk Middle School Students, Heather Cullen
The Effect of Momentary Emotional States on Color Response Patterns, Lea Nazarathy
The Effect of Note Taking on the Recall of Information, Emily Lichty
The Effect of Oral Reading Fluency on Analysis Skills, Kimberly Borchardt Hammer
The Effect of Small Learning communities on Academic Success: One School's Journey from Comprehensive to Personalized, Tina Ruggeiro
The Effects fo a Changing Technical Graphics Curriculum, Brock A. Falkenberg
The Effects of Adoption on Identity as Assessed by the Kinetic Family Drawing, Colleen Paul
The Effects of Art Therapy on the Self-Worth of Inner City Youth, Erica Saltiel Levin
The Effects of a Word on the Month Program on a Small Independent School, Peter Lavaroni
The Effects of a Year-Long Student Teaching Model on the Self-Esteem and Preparation of the New Teacher, Jennifer L. Griffiths
The Effects of Conflict Management on Elementary Discipline, Jessie M. Rees
The Effects of Cooperative Learning on Self-Esteem: A Literature Review, Lucyann M. Tedesco
The Effects of High School Internships on Academic Performance a Reviw of the Literature, Robin A. Rynbrandt
The Effects of Home Schooling on the Developmment of Social Skills, Valerie Logue
The Effects of Morale Building Activities on Teachers in a Rural High School, Katherine A. Babcock
The Effects of Personal Goals in Writing Development, Kelly DeBisschop
The Effects of Screen Time on Children, Jacqueline Valdepenas
The Effects of Soothing Sounds on Individual Seatwork, Brady J. DeLaurenti
The Effects of Weekly Sustained Silent Reading Time on Recreational Reading Habist and Attitudes ina 9th Grade English Class, Mary C. Kirby
The Elf King, Barbara Baird
The Elf King: Student Pages: The Elf King Reading Program, Barbara Baird
The Emerging Epidemic of Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity Amongst Young Children, Juliana Morales
The Environment is a Factor in Experiencing the Feeling of Safety and Wellness, Toni Morley
The Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot, the Expression of Pope's Ideal of the Gentleman, Mary Francis James Harvey
The Evolution of Frederick Douglass’ Slavery Debate: An Examination of his Rhetoric, Jacquelyn Torres
The Evolution of the Sun Symbol: Its Meaning and Signifigance in Beliefs of Cultures throughout History, Chris Chiochios
The Examination of the Link Between Pesticides in Food and Learnig Disorders in Children, Sue Ellen Raby
The Experience of Childlessness for Women in Midlife Who Delayed Childbearing Until It Was Too Late, Gail Caufield
The Foreign Language Field Day, Charles Victor Groat
The Fourth and Sixth Letters of Saint Gregory of Nyssa: A Commentary with an Introduction and Translation, Mary Richard Rhodes
The Gentile Opposition in the Wasatch Region: A Study in Religious and Social Conflict (1862-1890), Alfreda Marie Bayhouse
The Girl Who Cried "Why?": Using Inquiry/Constructivist Methodology to Create Integrated History/English Webpages with Academy Sophmores, Kim A. Culbertson
The Goals and Expectations of Parents and Teachers: A Comparison of Two Schools, Lisa Hill Poett
The Historical Development of San Rafael High School (1887-1958), Edith D. Miller
The History of Saint Catherine's Academy: 1851-1854 in Monterey, California 1854-1862 in Benicia, California, Mary Hyacinth Kilgannnon
The History of Saint Raphael's School (1889-1962), M. Mark Bittick
The History of Saint Rose Academy San Francisco, California 1862-1906, Mary Ellen Marengo
The History of Vocational Commercial Education in the Secondary Schools of San Francisco from 1860 to 1930, Marie M. Schmidt
The Homework Debate: Arguments For/Against Homework, Craig Pitti
The Impact of Borderline Clients Studied in Post-Session Artwork of Nine Therapists, Debbie J. Wessels
The Impact of Counselor on First Generation Student Access to Higher Education, Marianne Hill
The Impact of Daily Process Writing with Emergin Writers, Tricia Nance
The Impact of Developmental Delays:Utilizing Social-Emotional Learning Skills for Educational Success, Katherine J. Walker
The Impact of Gender Related Influences on the Reading Interests of Boys and Girls: An In-Service Education Project to Inform Teaching Practices, Daniel Savelson
The Impact of Grade-School Retention on Self Esteem and Decision-Making in Five Adult Lives, Christie Tanner
The Impact of Sleep Deprivation in Nurses on Psychomotor Skills, Memory, and Medical Errors, Luke Asprec
The Impact of Social Isolation during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Personal Account of Social Isolation, Patricia Espinal Ramos
The Impacts of COVID-19 on Business Practice: Some Key Insights, Rajeev Sooreea and Brinda Sooreea
The Importance of School-Wide Enrichment Programs in Elementary School Settings, Lauren Burris
The Influence of Gender Bias on Children in Childcare Settings, R. Ikram
The Influence of Identity on Art and How it Can Connect Us to Our Community, Christina Aguila
The Influence of Time and Professioanlization on The Evolution of Art Therapists Identity, Sally V. A. Benson
The Inner Game of Teaching: What is it and How can It Make Us Better Teachers, Michael Schulist
The Intellectual and Imaginative Concept of the Angels in Certain Works of John Donne, Mary David Barry
The Learning Trip: Using the Museum Field Trip Experiece as a Teaching Resource to Enhance Curriculum and Student Engagement, Jennifer Tuffy
The Life, Teaching, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth and Some Implications [Lecture Notes], Scott Gambrill Sinclair (Retired)
The Liturgy of the Church in Le Grand Portail Des Morts of Serge Barrault, M. Consuelo Tirado
The Long Investiture Controversy: Western Europe's Power Struggle between Church and State (494-1598), Kieran Vrklan
The LOTUS Project: A Resilience Program for Dominican University of California Occupational Therapy Graduate Students, Melissa Morini, Naema Dahdoul, Ashley Moffett, Regine Erika Saldivar, and Viviana Vazquez
The Marin County High Schools: An Account From Public Records, Conrad W. Trahan
The Need for Highly qualified Taechers Committed to Servign Students in Urban Centers, Gary Watson
The New Face of Bilingual Education: Is It Worth the Battle? One School's Struggle, Stache Drese
Theory vs. Practice: An Administrative Perspective on Teaching and Learning in a Pandemic, Gigi Gokcek
The Parental Choice to be Proactive Knowing the Limited Role of civil Litigation in Cyberbullying, Joseph C. Sheehan
The Path of Creation, Laura E. Langdon
the Philosophy of Choice in Learning and Motivation and Its Effects on Student Engagement and Motivation, Jennifer M. Keyes
The Planning, Coordinating and Conducting of a Year-long In-service Reading Workshop, Jeanne Marie Bendik
The Problem of Correlated Library Instruction in Secondary Schools, Mary Christopher Calloway
The Process of Urbanization and Modernization that is Evolving Manchester, United Kingdom, Alison McNeal
The Psychological Related Effects of Children Creating Mandalas, Carol DeLue
The Public Career of Joseph McKenna, Geraldine Miller
The Relationship Between ADHD and Giftedness, Kimberly A. Orendorff
The Relationship Between English Language Learners' Phonemic Awareness and Decoding Skills, Anna Lorey
The Relationship Between English Language Structure and Language Acquisition, Michael R. Gainey
The Relationship Between Mathematics Homework and Learning in Middle-School Students: Impact on Achievement, Shelly L.O. Thelen
The Relationship Between Self-Efficacy and Informed Decision-Making on Primiparous Women During the Birthing Process, Morgan R. Fillipo
The Relationship Between Teacher Training and Experience and Successful Referral of Students Affected with Attention Deficit Disorder, Jo Briner-Jones
The Religious Poetry of Christina Rossetti, Mary Ancilla Donovan
The Representative Use of Symbols Within the First Three Sessions of Cyber Sanplay Therapy, Sarah M. Slaughter
The Rise of OxyContin: How Purdue Pharma and the Sackler Family is Responsible For the Epidemic Behind the Pandemic, Colin White
The Role of Art Education in the Junior High School, Lorraine Austin Parmelee
The Role of Art Therapy in the Formation of Identity in Female Adolescents, Kathleen M. Keller
The Role of Kinesthestics in Learning the Importance of Active Engagement and the Connected Process of Reflection, Marguerite E. Etemad
The Role of Precombat Personality in the Development of Postcombat Stress Disorder: A Case Study Using Art Therapy, Jana Tuschman
The Role of Science in Elementary Education, Emily Moran
The Role of Teachers in Class Size Reduction Programs, Mark Medcalf
The Role of the Catholic Secondary Schoool in Philippine Secondary Education Since 1946, Bibiana Vendiola
"The Silent Classroom": A Study of One Classroom Management Strategy on Disruptive Ninth Grade Classrooms, Robert E. Blake
The Social and Political Philosophy of Justice Pierce Butler, Mary Kieran Hannifan
The Social Reproduction of Education Inequality: Still Separate Still Unequal, Debra Elaine Moore
The Status, Duties and Administrative Procedure of the Elementary School Principals of the Archdiocese of San Francisco, Francis de Sales Hallicy
The Supervisor/Student Relationship in an Art Therapy Prcticum Setting, Carla A. Hawke
The Syntax of the Nominal Forms of the Verb in Livy Book XXXI, Mary of St. Michael Hubner
The Syntax of the Nominal Forms of the Verb in Livy Book XXXII, Mary Francis Raphael McCarthy
The Syntax of the Nominal Forms of the Verb in Livy Book XXXIII, Zoe Maher
The Syntax of the Nominal Forms of the Verb in Livy Book XXXIV, M Giovanni Donnelly
The Syntax of the Nominal Forms of the Verb in Livy Book XXXIX, M Virginia Wales
The Syntax of the Nominal Forms of the Verb in Livy Book XXXVI, Mary Eduardus Flaherty
The Syntax of the Nominal Forms of the Verb in Livy Book XXXVII, Mary Felix Montgomery
The Tempō Crises: The Fracturing of the Tokugawa Shogunate: A reexamination of the fall of the great Japanese Edō Period, Spencer Davidson
The Third Letter of Saint Gregory of Nyssa: A Commentary with an Introduction and Translation, Mary Justin Barry
The Use of a Body Sculpture Experience as a Means of Addressing Body-Image with Five Women, Jeanne Cory Preville
The Use of an Art Journal with Latency Age Children of Divorce: A Multiple Case Study, Shannon A. Anderson
The Use of Art and Wilderness Experience to Inncrease Hope in Adolescents: An Exploration of an Intervention, Brian Andrew Lewis
The Use of Brain-Based Learning to Teach Interpersonal Skills to Adults, Mary Ellen Pastorino
The Use of Forum Theatre as a Problem Solving Strategy for Middle School Students, Blair Johnson Carlson
The Use of House-Tree-Person Test in Diagnosing Mental Illness, Eva A. Jarrett
The Use of Imagery and Visualization in a Cognitive-Based Art Therapy Group to Increase Internality in Adolescent Girls, Kristin Joy Kuhlman
The Use of Melodic and Rhythmic Mnemonics to Improve Memory and Recall in Elementary Students in the Content Areas, Orla C. Hayes
The Use of Multiple Intelligence Curriculum in a Fourth Grade Classroom and How it Enhances Student Self-Esteem and Motivation in Learning, Rebecca Sherman
The Use of Personalized Reading in the First Grade, Miriam E. Droge
The Use of Sensory Integrative Tool in a Third Grade Classroom and How it Affects Student Posture, Cynthia Haydon
The Use of Soundabet to Increase Phonemic Awareness, Jennifer L. Heutz
The Utilization of Art Therapy in Helping Children Deal with Loss, Mary Michelle Duffy
The Utilization of Art Therapy Techniqaues with Hospitalized Anorexic Patients, Karen L. McMichael
The Validiity and Reliability of the "Draw a Rosebush" Art Assessment to Discriminate Between Abuse and Non-Abuse in Adolescents, Maura Katrin Schapper
The Validity and Reliability of the Draw-A-Person Directive as a Global Self-Esteem Assessment in Elementary Schools, Elizabeth Van Horn
The Value of Teaching Foreign Languages in the Elementary Grades, Margaret A. Underhill
Tracking: Student Perceptions of Their Success in School, Mary S. Jacobs
Training Program for Occupational Therapists Working with Skilled Caregivers in Skilled Nursing Facilities, Lovegifty Dudero, Mai Huynh, and Ridhee Patel
Transforming Education: Engaging Students in the Second Decade of the 21st Century, Tina Zitzlaff
Transition to Manhood Thwarted: Struggles Portrayed Through Images, Virginia Taylor
Treatment of Adolescent Obesity Using Behavioral Art Therapy, Angela Faye Ruff
Trends Effecting the Evolving role of Handcraft in American Art Education to 1910, Ida Grae
Uncovering the Role of Progranulin in Ameliorating Lysosomal Storage Disease, Angelina Malagodi
Understanding Factors That Influence Academic Performance in Tenth Grade Students, Denise Smith
Understanding Mentorship for Underserved Undergraduate Students: A case for holistic mentorship, effective messaging and the removal of silos, Jennifer Lewton Labovich
Understanding Teachers' Rationale for the Weekly Spelling Test, Julie Stearn
Understanding the Appropriateness of Standards on Kindergarten Achievement in California: A Developmental Perspective, Shawna J. Fox
Une Enquête Sur La Programmation Et La Possibilité De L'Auto-Enseignement Du Vocabulaire Farancais Programmé, Earl F. Couey
Unity in the Elementatry School Classroom: Building Community Through Increasing Positive Social Interactions Between and Among Students, Sally Piatt-Jaeger
Universal Design for Learning: Inclusivity with Technology in Multicultural and Special Education Classrooms, Katie Hernandez Mendoza
Unraveling the Pathways Involved in Intestinal Repair After Ionizing Radiation Damage, Blaine Pattavina
Use of Online Support Groups by Parents of Students with Special Needs, Bari Kerbis
Using Art Therapy in Developing Attachment of Adolecents in Fluid Families, Ellen Pompa
Using Collage to Overcome Resistance in Troubled Adolescents, Shirley Gallup
Using Comic Books to Motivate Literacy Development in the Classroom, Adolfo Real Jr.
Using Direct Instruction to Enhance Student Achievement in a Self-Paced High School Mathematics Classroom, Leslie Banta
Using family focused-care solutions to improve child’s quality of life, Joshua M. Del Sol
Using Ficiton to Teach American History in Middle School Affects on Student Engagement, Anjuli Rose Elias
Using "Identity Tower":An Art Therapy Intervention for Increasing Perceived Social Identity in Workplace Groups, Julia Hammett
Using Interactive, Adaptive Technology to Teach First-Year Physician Assistant Students, Zilola Khashimova
Using Literature Circles to Increase Readign Comprehension in Third Grade Elementary Students, Shawna R. Briggs
Using Narrative Art Therapy to Explore Acculturative Stress Among First Generation Japanese Immigrant Women Married to U.S.-Born Spouses, Yasuno Yoshizawa
Using Professional Learning Communities to Build Teacher Leadership Capacity: Creating Sustainable Change in Education, Ainsley Taylor Harris
Using Student Learning Styles and Adapting Teaching Styles in the Context of a Standardized Curriculum, Anelie Smith
Using Young Adult Literature and Literary Theory to Teach Middle School Students How to Read Through Critical Lenses, Kathleen O'Connell King
Utilizing on-line interactive, adaptive technology in healthcare education – interactive skill-building workshop, Zilola Khashimova
Utilizing on-line interactive, adaptive technology in healthcare education – interactive skill-building workshop, Zilola Khashimova
Utilizing On-line, Interactive, Adaptive Technology in Nursing Education, Zilola Khashimova
Utilizing On-line, Interactive, Adaptive Technology in Nursing Education, Zilola Khashimova
Utilizing on-line, interactive, adaptive technology in nursing education, Zilola Khashimova
Venereal Disease v. Morality: U.S.- Sanctioned STI Trials in Guatemala, 1946-48, Abigail Gordon
Victim to Victimizer: Breaking the Cycle: An Art Therapy Group Intervention with Sexually Abused Boys in a Residential Settting, Lisa A. Manthe
Visalia: The Mother Parish of the San Joaquin Valley and its First Pastor; The Reverend Daniel Francis Dade, M Thomas Hampton
Visitor Restrictions and Patient- and Family-Centered Care in Pediatric Nursing, Carney Morrow
Visual Construct Choices of Incarcerated Women, Estelle Frances Rubenstein
What Challenges do K-5 Substitute Teachers Face and How can a School Support Their Efforts, Christine Menagh
What Impact Does the Ability to Access Healthcare Have on Maternal Outcomes in Africa?, Helena Harris
What's the Sign for Help? A Study Investigating the Use of Sign Language in Hearing Classrooms, Rebekah Thomas
Why Women Artists Choose to Become Art Therapists, Lisa A. Hill
Without Local Newspapers, Can We Save Our Democracy? An Analysis of Political Culture, Voter Turnout, and Civic Engagement, Julia Reinhard
Women in Human Service Professions Elementary School Teachers and Public Health Nurses: A Comparative Analysis, Lynn Amundsen
Working Through the Art Therapy Program and Personal Process (in Conjunction with Primary Therapy), Marilyn Marshall
Work-Life Balance Policies and Productivity, Zilola Khashimova
World Literature in the Secondary School, Carroll Dana Leach
Writing Conventions for English Language Learners: A Study of the Use of the Past Tense, Lauren Ryan
Writing in the Digital Era: New Dimensions for English Learners' Literacy, Gislene Nascimento