Implementing Early Reading Intervention Programs into First Grade Classrooms: A Review of the Literature

Graduation Date

Spring 2004

Document Type

Master's Thesis

Document Form


Degree Name

Master of Science

Program Name


Program Director

Madalienne F. Peters, EdD


Reading skills are used as a primary learning tool throughout the educational system, thereby making it an imperative that learners read at their grade level. Grade level reading skills are needed in all content area subjects such as social studies, literature, science and math. Early reading intervention programs insure that appropriate reading skills are developed by learners. Many first grade learners who do not meet grade level standards before moving on to the next grade may compromise their continuing education as a result. This literature review identifies and organizes the literature on early reading intervention programs into thematically related units. A review of the literature suggests that a collection of the methodologies focused on preventative early reading intervention programs rather than remediation programs may be useful in effect for both practitioners and learners. In addition, the review focuses on introducing practitioners to successful early reading intervention programs and methods.

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