Art Therapy Based Outcome Study for Assessment of Adolescent Acute Care Treatment: A Progrtam Designed for Acute Care Adolescent Patients

Graduation Date

Fall 1995

Document Type

Master's Thesis

Document Form


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Therapy

Degree Granting Institution

Notre Dame de Namur University

Program Name

Art Therapy


The Pediatric Services at McAuley Behavioral Health Service of St. Mary’s Hospital, formally named McAuley Neuropsychiatric Institute, seeks $7,690.00 from the San Francisco Foundation to establish an outcome study of art therapy services offered as part of their comprehensive mental health program. The McAuley Behavioral Health Service is a non-profit state licensed mental health facility. It serves the needs of a broad population in San Francisco County. The proposed outcome study will use art therapy to investigate improvement in the art therapy component of the milieu treatment of the pediatric population.

McAuley Behavioral Health Service's multi-disciplinary program is committed to providing the most effective psychiatric care in the most cost-effective manner. To meet this challenge they must face the limitations of care time and funding and reassess their treatment priorities, feasibility, and effectiveness. Research shows that art therapy used in the milieu treatment setting can be effective tool for assessment, evaluation, treatment and documentation of patient functioning. Art therapy can be used as a less threatening way for patients to communicate feelings and explore their

internal process.

This outcome study will use an art based assessment and a verbal self-report to measure the effectiveness of art therapy as a salient tool for emotional expression. Client participation in art expression and its benefit to the individual over a period of time will be demonstrated. The information gathered in this study will assist the creative arts program and the McAuley Behavioral Health Service to evaluate and design its program to best benefit the pediatric population they serve.

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