Preparing Regular Education Teachers for the Mainstreaming of Emotionally Disturbed Students

Graduation Date

Summer 2006

Document Type

Master's Thesis

Document Form


Degree Name

Master of Science

Program Name


Program Director

Madalienne F. Peters, EdD


This review of the literature examines how regular education teachers are little prepared for the mainstreaming of students with a diagnosis of emotional disturbance. The goal is to gather information to help a teacher feel successful when working with emotionally disturbed students and to assist the teacher in implementing the proper strategies to make a successful transition for the teacher, student, and class as a whole. Little has been done to properly prepare teachers for the mainstreaming of such students and most of the helpful information is not compiled into an easily attainable manner from which the teacher can easily view and seek advice.

The literature reviews how teachers can identify students who are emotionally disturbed and what steps the teachers should take to assist students and maintain mental sanity, along with promoting a productive classroom environment. The literature also details the things teachers can do to work with these children and how teachers’ attitudes have a profound affect on the successful mainstreaming of the student It also helps address the concerns of teachers regarding the mainstreaming of emotionally disturbed students. Lastly, information from the literature is compiled to help teachers, including the school as a whole, as well as administrators, locate the proper resources to help these students as well as consider mainstreamed students the responsibility of everyone.

The hope is to provide regular education teachers with simple lists and readings to prepare them for the mainstreaming of ED children in the regular education class. The goal of this research is to provide a reference guide concerning what to expect and how to refocus preconceived opinions and concerns, and to provide the teacher with the proper resource materials.

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