Serving Asian International Studetns in English-Speakign Graduate Programs in the United States

Graduation Date

Spring 2007

Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science

Program Name


Program Director

Madalienne F. Peters, EdD


When Asian International students (AISs) come to the United States (US) for graduate school, they face a lot of problems, such as culture shock. They face a lot of differences between their home country experience in schools and that experience in the United States. Some of these problems are unexpected. For example, in shopping, business people may not give good service to students who do not speak English fluently. At the university there may be deficiencies in the overall support in transitioning AISs to graduate education in the US The purpose of this qualitative study is to identify information to help advisors and international students to better understand each other.

Students and advisors were selected for interviews and asked a sense of questions about the expectations, problems, and needs of international students. Their responses were reviewed to determine common needs and also ways to help international students make adjustment to attending graduate school in English in the US. The results indicated that international students need a support system that everyone can use easily. Advisors need to know that some international students feel comfortable talking to them about their problems, and the others are hesitant to talk about their problems, even big problems.

In conclusion, international students who are finishing the school can provide service for new international students. They can help new international students with their life both on and off campus. University advisors must not only support international students feel comfortable in class, but also help them with living in the community.

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