The Effects of Home Schooling on the Developmment of Social Skills

Graduation Date

Spring 2005

Document Type

Master's Thesis

Document Form


Degree Name

Master of Science

Program Name


Program Director

Madalienne F. Peters, EdD


One reason parents may choose to home school their children is that they believe that there is a general lack of discipline in public schools and a decline in the quality of a public education. Although there is validity to this choice, there are often negative stereotypes that are associated with it. The purpose of this study is to evaluate and dispel and/or add authority to what one may already believe about home schooling.

The literature has shown that there are many positive aspects of home schooling. Academically, home schoolers do exceptionally well. In spite of this, opponents believe that many parents do not hold the certification to teach. They also argue that home schoolers are deprived of the proper socialization and that the standards for home schooling are too lenient (Meeks, Meeks, & Warren, 2000). Advocates dispel any speculation that home schooled children lack social skills.

Following the review of the literature, I designed a narrative research study to assess the advantages and disadvantages in regards to one home schooled family that lives in an affluent area east of the San Francisco Bay. The findings of this interview confirmed the ability to develop social skills and excel academically without attending a traditional school. Home schooled children are able to develop social skills but it is the parents’ responsibility to involve their children in some sort of social interaction if they opt out of a traditional education.

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