Middle School Reading Comprehension

Graduation Date

Spring 2005

Document Type

Master's Thesis

Document Form


Degree Name

Master of Science

Program Name


Program Director

Madalienne F. Peters, EdD


Providing the tools for middle school students to become proficient, and competent readers is essential. The purpose of this research project is to identify and evaluate strategies for middle school reading comprehension. More often than not, middle school students are placed into reading programs and expected to keep up with their grade level peers. Middle school students come to school with very different reading abilities. Past instruction and early intervention are key factors in determining the various levels of reading comprehension at the middle school level. The first part of this study will identify strategies necessary to support middle school reading comprehension at various levels. The next part will consist of reading units compiled and supported by “The New York Reading Project” among others, to build reading lessons that support all levels within the middle school.

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