Needs of Dyslexic Students and Reading Programs that Meet Them

Graduation Date

Spring 2005

Document Type

Master's Thesis

Document Form


Degree Name

Master of Science

Program Name


Program Director

Madalienne F. Peters, EdD


Dyslexia is the most prevalent of all known learning disabilities (Barton, 2004), affecting one out of every five children. Despite its prevalence, there is still a prevailing ignorance and myth, in and out of the school system, surrounding the condition (Shaywitz, 2003; Barton, 2004). This project examined several reading classroom programs that meet the specific needs of students with dyslexia. The purpose of this study was to educate classroom teachers about the disorder of dyslexia, providing teaching strategies, accommodations and information on effective reading programs for students with dyslexia. The project will consist of a half-day workshop where specific techniques for language instruction will be discussed and demonstrated. Participants will also be given printed material to take with them to use in the classroom.

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