Helping Continuation High School Students Become Successful in Mathematics

Graduation Date

Summer 2011

Document Type

Master's Thesis

Document Form


Degree Name

Master of Science

Program Name


Program Director

Madeliene Peters, EdD


The focus of this research is to understand how to engage at risk students at a continuation high school in mastering mathematics. These students typically fail math classes, and, as a result, are unmotivated to attempt to learn principles of mathematics. The purpose of the study is to develop strategies that build their understanding of Algebra 1. The theoretical rationale that forms the basis of this paper addresses student engagement in learning. Teaching meaningful content serves as a link to connecting students with subject matter. A review of the literature and an interview with a mathematics consultant indicate that positive reinforcement, a variety of teaching strategies, a personal connection with students, and a sense of the part of the students that they belong to the school and/or community are important in engaging students in the study of mathematics.

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