The Effects of High School Internships on Academic Performance a Reviw of the Literature

Graduation Date

Spring 2003

Document Type

Master's Thesis

Document Form


Degree Name

Master of Science

Program Name


Program Director

Madalienne F. Peters, EdD


Work-based learning programs can challenge the grammar of schooling by connecting students to opportunities outside the school, creating learning communities of students, teachers, and employers, and integrating academic and occupational education. Although designed to change how students perceive the relationship between high school and life afterwards - college and work - do these programs actually affect students’ understanding of school/work relationship? This literature review focused on high school students planning to continue onto college. This literature review is split up into five sections: the work quality of an internship; motivation in the classroom; time and its effects on academics; connections between work and school; and other significant findings. By focusing on what students learn (content), how they learn it (pedagogy), and what it means to them and the program (results), this literature review provides perspectives on the promises of new forms of education. This literature review concludes with implications for designing and implementing internship programs.

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