As I Effect, So Shall I Be Affeted: An Exploration of the Role of Emotional Intelligence Within a Second-Grader's Self-Image

Graduation Date

Spring 2000

Document Type

Master's Thesis

Document Form


Degree Name

Master of Science

Program Name


Program Director

Grace Grant, EdD


The following thesis is an attempt to ascertain the importance of the role of emotional intelligence within the formation of a second-grader s self-image. The study is based on directed lessons taught to the students concerning the various skills which make up emotional intelligence. Multiple forms of assessment were conducted in both formal and informal settings. Emotional intelligence is discussed in terms of Daniel Goleman’s (1995) theory of emotional intelligence. The lessons used to teach the children these specific skills were done through multi-sensory methods designed specifically to engage the students using Howard Gatdner’s Multiple Intelligence Theory. Two themes which emerged from the study are a positive enhancement of a second-grader’s self-image and the importance of multi-sensory teaching methods in imparting lessons on emotional intelligence. These themes are examined and illustrated by three specific case studies.

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