The Benefits of a School Leadership Program for Students

Graduation Date

Summer 2006

Document Type

Master's Thesis

Document Form


Degree Name

Master of Science

Program Name


Program Director

Madalienne F. Peters, EdD


Past research has examined the idea that participation in extracurricular activities has concrete benefits to the participant and enhances positive adolescent development. However, extracurricular programs are often the first programs to be eliminated during school budget cuts. Studies show that these types of activities, including a leadership class, reduce the risk-taking behaviors of adolescents and promote school connectedness. In addition, researchers have discovered a correlation between school connectedness and success in later life, including but not limited to: higher GPA, increased likeliness of receiving a college degree, and lower rates of drug and alcohol abuse. This study will further examine the benefits of participation in a middle school leadership class and general perceptions regarding the benefits of involvement.

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