The Homework Debate: Arguments For/Against Homework

Graduation Date

Spring 2003

Document Type

Master's Thesis

Document Form


Degree Name

Master of Science

Program Name


Program Director

Madalienne F. Peters, EdD


The study of homework and its implications that it is effective in a child’s ability to retain information has constantly been in question since the idea of homework was adopted over a hundred years ago. One of the main goals in education is high student performance. The United States has consistently placed in the middle of all industrial nations in standardized tests, and researchers have been trying to figure out why. Homework has become one of the main areas of study into the United States low performance in student achievement. This paper examines the many arguments for and against homework. In the past, homework has often paralleled history’s attitude toward children and their development. Recent studies show that homework is only beneficial to high school students, yet all schools still use homework as a crucial portion of their curriculum. Researchers who are for homework believe that doing nightly homework can help children develop character traits such as responsibility, discipline, and motivation. Researchers who are against homework believe that homework can cause children to adopt bad habits because homework is often unsupervised. Researchers continue to search for answers here and abroad.

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