The Efficacy of Instructional Methods for Fourth Grade English Learners Using the Jason Project Science Curriculum

Graduation Date

Spring 2004

Document Type

Master's Thesis

Document Form


Degree Name

Master of Science

Program Name


Program Director

Madalienne F. Peters, EdD


One of the growing issues currently facing education is the increasing number of English learners. Content curricular areas, such as science, are often inaccessible to English learners while their language is developing. The purpose of this study is to explore using effective methods for improving language proficiency for English learners while teaching the content area subject science. Using a co-relational research design, a small control group will be given a pre and post language proficiency assessment. The goal is to measure language proficiency growth through specifically designed instruction of the content area of science. Previous research has revealed that strategic content instruction for English learners can positively influence language development. The results show growth that may be seen as result of the instructional methods employed.

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