The Effects of a Year-Long Student Teaching Model on the Self-Esteem and Preparation of the New Teacher

Graduation Date

Summer 2010

Document Type

Master's Thesis

Document Form


Degree Name

Master of Science

Program Name


Program Director

Madeliene Peters, EdD


The student teaching component of most teacher preparation programs in the United States varies from 30 to 300 hours of field service (Levine, 2006); typically this is a culminating activity comprised of a 15-week engagement at a school in two separate grade levels. California Multiple Subject Credential candidates typically divide their 15-week practicum into a nine- week assignment in a lower grade and a six-week assignment in a higher grade. Yet some graduates of these programs feel under-prepared and overwhelmed in their new role as teacher. This lack of preparation may promote fear and insecurity within some neophyte teachers. A year-long student teaching model may well provide the additional insight and support to fledgling teachers. By interviewing new teachers from both types of programs, this paper investigates the benefits and potential drawbacks of year-long and 15-week teacher preparation programs. Findings indicated that a year-long experience in student teaching assignments makes a difference in one’s self-esteem and feeling of preparedness compared to a 15-week assignment.

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