Graduation Date


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Project Type

Qualitative Study

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Therapy


Art Therapy

Program Director

Richard Carolan, PhD, ATR-BC

First Reader

Erin Partridge, PhD, ATR-BC

Second Reader

Sarah Kremer, PhD, ATR-BC


A graduate student in art therapy wrote this heuristic paper to explore shame's role as both a negative internal feeling and a cultural and social tool for evaluating and regulating behavior. As a transgender woman, she examines what it is like to be labeled as Filipino and deal with being transgender. Tiny advances have been made in the understanding of shame within the context of minority transgender self-research. Using art to expose those feelings associated with shame, balance them with affirmations, and ground them in native identity are key aspects of this process. Consequently, meeting one's shadow becomes a necessity for self-acceptance. There is a discussion about the potential to readapt the exploratory process into a card game for art therapy.

IRB Number


Streaming Media
