Descriptive Analysis of Kinetic-Family-Drawings by Adults with Develpmental Disabilities

Graduation Date

Fall 1995

Document Type

Master's Thesis

Document Form


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Therapy

Degree Granting Institution

Notre Dame de Namur University

Program Name

Art Therapy


The ability of fifty-five adults with Developmental Disabilities to produce Kinetic-Family-Drawings that qualify for assessment of indicators of isolation was investigated. The depiction of action and the artistic developmental stage of the drawings were also evaluated to provide a broader descriptive analysis. These characteristics were compared with four sub-groups. The results indicated that 71% of the participants had the ability to produce Kinetic-Family-Drawings that contained recognizable human figures representative of family members. Participants that lived in the community drew less family members and less action. This was attributed to the participants infrequent interaction with their families. Mild Mental Retardation was associated with a higher percentage of drawings in later artistic developmental stages and depiction of action. An average of 59% of the drawings contained an indicator of isolation. This percentage supports the hypothesis that people with Developmental Disabilities are affected by the stigma of being different. This issue is further discussed in the Literature Review. The researcher's observations during the completion of the drawings was also included to provide examples of how the drawings reflect unique characteristics in the participants lives.

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