Perceptions and Attitudes of High School Admistrators, Teachers, and Students in Core Literature Selection

Graduation Date

Spring 2002

Document Type

Master's Thesis

Document Form


Degree Name

Master of Science

Program Name


Program Director

Madalienne F. Peters, EdD


The purpose of this study is to examine about the core literature typically taught in a 12th grade classroom. The literature reveals that students are more attitudes of administrators, teachers and students interested in reading when the selection includes modem authors as well as canonical authors.

Administrators, teachers, and students a three local high schools were asked to participate in this study. Administrators and teachers were surveyed and asked to relate their perceptions about selected Core Literature. Students were surveyed about their attitudes toward the canonical 12th grade English class.

Results indicate that there is not a clear understanding of the origins of Core Literature selections. Students and teachers alike are unclear as to Literature selections. Students and teachers almost unanimously agree that regardless of selected readings, teacher interest and excitement towards literature has a direct influence in student interest.

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