Art Therapy Program for the San Mateo County School-based Mental Health 599 Team

Graduation Date

Spring 1996

Document Type

Master's Thesis

Document Form


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Therapy

Degree Granting Institution

Notre Dame de Namur University

Program Name

Art Therapy


In the past decade the number of severely emotional disturbed “at risk” children has increased. San Mateo County provides special education classes for those students qualifying for special education. The county provides special day classes for severely emotionally disturbed children. Also the county provides additional supportive 599 services for “at risk” students and their families. The 599 program is designed to prevent those “at risk” children from entering non-public school settings. The program also provides intensive wrap around services to the students and families in order to help the student be successful in school.

This grant proposes to fund an art therapy after school program and additional individual art therapy sessions for fifty-two weeks. The participants in the art therapy program will be “at risk” children involved with 599 services who attend special education classes in San Mateo County school system. With the goal of reducing crises and hospitalizations, the art therapy program will provide these “at risk” students a structured environment to focus on increasing socialization skills, self-esteem and appropriate peer interactions.

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