The Organization of Classroom Discussions: A Study of How and Why Female Classroom Particiaption Differs Between Book Club Discussions and Whole-Class Reading Discussions

Graduation Date

Spring 2004

Document Type

Master's Thesis

Document Form


Degree Name

Master of Science

Program Name


Program Director

Madalienne F. Peters, EdD


This study investigated the organization of classroom discussions and its affects on the participation of third grade girls in two public school classrooms. It compared the participation of female students during reading utilizing the small-group technique of book club discussions (four to six students per club) with whole-class discussions (nineteen students). The study also explored female students* feelings about participating in class and investigated if particular ways of organizing discussions affected the participation of female students. The results of the research study suggested that female students working in small groups had a significant increase in the participation rates, enjoyment of in-class lessons, and self-confidence when compared to female students participating in whole-classroom discussions.

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