Grant Proposal for an Art Therapy Program for At Risk Children in Residence at the Battered Women's Shelter Program San Mateo, CA

Graduation Date

Summer 1993

Document Type

Master's Thesis

Document Form


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Therapy

Degree Granting Institution

Notre Dame de Namur University

Program Name

Art Therapy


The battered Women's Services of San Mateo County, California seeks funding from the Peninsula Community Foundation in order to provide an Art Therapy Program for the at-risk children in residence at their Battered Women's Shelter Program. funding in the amount of $30, 060.00 is being requested for programing and administrative costs.

The Battered Women's Services Agency of San Mateo (BWSSM) has been serving women and child-victims of domestic violence since 1978. Their 24 hour crisis line has been maintained without interruption since then. The agency provides its' clients: Food,; clothing; shelter; counseling; support groups; resource referrals; and , Temporary Restraining Order Clinics.

Child-witnesses to interpersonal violence are considered abused; it is not exceptional that they are also victims of physical, sexual, and psychological abuse. Many are in crisis and traumatized as a result of their experiences. Statistics show abused and traumatized children are at great risk of repeating patterns of abuse, trauma re-enactments, victimization, and family violence if their traumatization goes unaddressed and therapeutically unserved.

Researchers posit that immediate intervention with child-victims of interpersonal violence is necessary to prevent the profound and long-term effects of abuse and traumatization; effects for which society often pays a very high price both socially and economically.

The proposed Children's Art Therapy Program, in alignment with the overall goals and objectives of the Battered Women's Services Agency, will address and meet the special needs, emotional concerns, and psychological issues of the children, ages 2 - 17, enrolled in the children's program at the battered Women's Shelter through providing: immediate art therapy intervention; individual needs and skill's assessment; psychosocial evaluation; psychotherapeutic counseling; and , appropriate referrals to outside agencies when needed.

It is anticipated that participation in the Art Therapy Program will provide a number of positive outcomes for the children and help to ameliorate and deter the long-term effects of family violence and trauma in the future.

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