Teacher Education in Integrating Technology Tools in the Elementary Classroom

Graduation Date

Spring 2012

Document Type

Master's Thesis

Document Form


Degree Name

Master of Science

Program Name


Program Director

Madeliene Peters, EdD


Hardware and software programs used as instructional tools in the elementary classroom promote student interest and engagement. As teachers implement hardware and software into their instruction, student interest is sustained which leads to depth in learning. The research literature supports student engagement, promotes many different types of software and hardware programs, and suggests how to facilitate the use of hardware and software technology in the classroom as learning tools.

This is a non-experimental study using interview and observation data. The technology coordinator that I interviewed for this paper discussed many forms of software tools that she utilizes to match the lesson plans in the students’ daily classrooms. Conclusions indicate that die tools are there, but there is a lack of professional education and development in how to implement these tools.

Students in kindergarten were observed as the teacher used a smartboard for instruction. Results indicated again that the tools are in place but not being used fully. The lesson plans that do utilize the hardware and software tools are engaging and empowering the students interactive and inquisitive during their learning experience. Our elementary students need to be provided with an education that prepares them for the technology driven careers and lifestyle in our current technology-advanced economy.

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