Grant Proposal for a Pilot Study Addressing the Emotional Issues Surrounding Diabetes for Diabetic Children and Adolescents and Their Family Members

Graduation Date

Summer 1991

Document Type

Master's Thesis

Document Form


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Therapy

Degree Granting Institution

Notre Dame de Namur University

Program Name

Art Therapy


Diabetes and its compilations is increasing at the alarming rate of 11% annually with insulin-dependent diabetes striking one in 500 children. California has nearly 2.8 million diabetics with over 140,000 living within the Santa Clara Chapter of the American Diabetes Association (SCADA). While doctors and other medical professional adre3ss the physical aspects of the illness, few are willing or able to deal with the emotional aspects. Feelings of stress, depression, guilt and isolation have been perceived by most diabetics and their family members. A twelve week pilot study, using SCADA facilities, is proposed which would address emotional issues which surround diabetes for diabetic children and adolescents and their family members. Art therapy and talking therapy techniques will be used in two groups to explore emotional issues and help promote positive family interactions. Using self inventory and personality tests, depression and other emotions will be assessed before, during, and after the twelve weeks to determine the effectiveness and value of the groups. The results and methodology would be published to help medical professionals become more aware for the importance of emotional issues surrounding diabetes.

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