Content Posted in 2024
1936 On the Steps of Benincasa, Dominican University of California Archives
1936 Outside of Benincasa, Dominican University of California Archives
1936 Viewbook Publication Depicting Students in Group Study Corrals in Guzman Library, Dominican University of California Archives
1939 Benincasa on Shield Day, Dominican University of California
1947 Veritas, Dominican University of California Archives
1948 February Carillon Vol 1, University Archives
1948 February Carillon Vol 2, University Archives
1948 March Carillon Vol 1, University Archives
1948 March Carillon Vol 2, University Archives
1948 Student Depicted in Viewbook Reading in Guzman Library, Dominican University of California Archives
1948 Veritas, Dominican University of California Archives
1949 September Carillon, University Archives
1951 April Carillon, University Archives
1951 May Carillon Vol 2, University Archives
1951 Veritas, Dominican University of California Archives
1952 Veritas, Dominican University of California Archives
1953 Veritas, Dominican University of California Archives
1954 December Carillon, University Archives
1956 Veritas, Dominican University of California Archives
1961 May Carillon, University Archives
1962 Dirt Excavation for Alemany Library Construction, Dominican University of California
1962 Library Construction from Interior, Dominican University of California
1963 Archbishop Alemany Library Interior Construction, Dominican University of California
1963 Guzman Library Book Transportation to Alemany Library (Exterior), Dominican University of California Archives
1963 Students Featured in Alemany Library Language Lab, Dominican University of California Archives
1963 Transportation of Books into Alemany Library Interior, Dominican University of California
1963 Trasportation of Books from Alemany Library Exterior, Dominican University of California
1964 Archbishop Alemany Library Lobby, Dominican University of California Archives
1967 December Carillon, University Archives
1967 November Carillon, University Archives
1968 April Carillon Suppliment, University Archives
1968 December Carillon, University Archives
1968 February Carillon, University Archives
1968 March Carillon No. 5, University Archives
1968 March Carillon No. 6, University Archives
1968 March Carillon Supplement, University Archives
1968 March Carillon Suppliment, University Archives
1968 May Carillon, University Archives
1968 November Carillon, University Archives
1968 November Carillon Suppliment, University Archives
1968 October Carillon, University Archives
1968 October Carillon Suppliment, University Archives
1968 September Carillon Suppliment, University Archives
1968 September Carillon Suppliment, University Archives
1969 February Carillon, University Archives
1969 January Carillon Suppliment, University Archives
1969 March Carillon, University Archives
1969 March Carillon Suppliment, University Archives
1969 May Carillon, University Archives
1969 November Carillon, University Archives
1969 October Carillon, University Archives
1969 October Carillon Suppliment, University Archives
1970 February Carillon Suppliment, University Archives
1970 November Article $5,000 in Grants for Alemany Library
1971 February Carillon Suppliment, University Archives
1971 Group Study Area in Archbishop Alemany Library, Dominican University of California Archives
1971 November Carillon, University Archives
1972 March Carillon, University Archives
1980s Alemany Library Entry Walkway View from Library Gates, Dominican University of California Archives
A Comparison of Candidate Banker Plants for Management of Pests in Lettuce, Brian N. Hogg, Erik H. Nelson, and Kent M. Daane
A Cost-Effectiveness Study of Nursing Home Turnover Rates on Registered Nurse Staffing, Yvonne Kit Chan
A Culturally Sensitive and Intersectional Approach to Healthcare Among Latinx Communities, Gabriela Meza
Acute Care Nurses' Perceptions of Barrier to End of Life Care in Geriatrics, Samuel Butalid
Adaptations of Older Drivers: A Retrospective Study, Ashleigh Relvas, Jackie Torvestad, and Max Zweig
Adaptations o Older Drivers in Marin County, Karen D. Wilhoite and Robin M. O'Connor
Advanced Spatial Analysis of Neural Targets Using Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy and Spatial Proteomics, Joshua Brindley
Advancing School Nursing Practice: A Novel Approach to Screening for Gastrointestinal Disorders in Children, Ashley Bunting and Isabella Cavlan
Advancing Translational Research in Neurodevelopmental Disorders using a Human Neuronal Xenograft (HuNeuX) Model, Lizet Reyes Rodas
A Framework for Understanding the Impacts of the Everyday Low Purchase Price Policy in a Supply Chain, Yung-Jae Lee
America, We Call Your Name: A Poetry Reading for a Nation in Crisis, Judy Halebsky
Analysis of Movement Patterns in Pediatric Occupational Therapists, Karen Wittkin Sasso
An Analysis of Activity Patterns and Occupations Among Obese and Normal Weight Children, Lindsey M. Gabrielson
An Educational Program for Internationally Educated Nurses in Preparatin for the NCLEX-RN Exam, Audrey S. Schou
An Evaluation of Nurses' Knowledge and Use of Holistic Nursing Principles and Complimentary and Alernative Medicine, Audrey Kaprielian
An Evidence Based Review of Computer-Assisted Cognitive Remediation Programs for People with Traumatic Brain Injury, Mitch Riker and Gina Stires
An Integrative Somatic Art Therapy Approach: EMDR & Body-Based Practices for Traumatic Stress, Alexis Sorbara
An Investigation into the Educational Needs of Licensed Vocational Nurses Working in Long-Term Care, Bonita A. Knuckles
An Investigation of the Impact of Caring for a Child with a Feeding Dysfunction on Parental Occupations, Jamie S. Throndset
An Occupational Therapy Pilot Supported Education Program for Young Adults with Psychiatric Disabilities Using a Cognitive Remediation Approach, Robyn Hood and Deepti Kumar
A Pilot Intervention Study to Determine the Effectiveness of Guided Imagery (GI) to Reduce the Perception of Stress n Uncomplicated Twnin Pregnancies, Sharon Castellanos
A Qualitative Review of Occupational Therapists' Listening Experiences in End of Life Care, Michele Asuncion, Jennifer Rabello, Caitlin Silangcruz, and Elizabeth van Dyk
A Research Study of Underserved Patients with Erectile Dysfunction in a County Hospital, Community Based Health System, Fatima Ascano-Martin
Art-based Autoethnographic Study of a Senior Professional Woman of Color's Journey, Raceal McWhorter
Art Therapy Assessment and Sense of Safety, Sophie C. Restall
Asperger's Syndrome and High Fuctioning Autism: A Resource guide for Individuals and their Families in Marin County, California, Rita Caskey, Laura Pehle, and Kimberly Woodland
Assessing Disparities in Culturally Competent Care in Ethnic Burn Patients, Min Kang
Assessing Lung Cancer Screening Protocols and Outcomes: A Comparative Analysis Between Indonesia and the United States, Priscilla Sitorus
Assessment of salivary cadmium levels and breast density in the Marin Women's Study, Michaela F. George, Shayne Paff, Jenyse Rojo, Mark Powell, Christopher Benz, Karl Pope, Karla Kerlikowske, John Shepard, Matthew Willis, Rochelle Ereman, and LeeAnn Prebil
A Strategy to Increase the Utilization of RRT, Clarice Bridges
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder: Alternative Treatment Plans for School Age Children Diagnosed with ADHD, Claudia L. Carbonell
Baby's First Three Years: A Child Development Resource Guide for Parents with Intellectual Disabilities, Jayme Agbayani
Barriers to Prevetative Health Care fo Indian Women Immigrants, Urvi Shah
Bedside Technology Improves Patient Safety, Jimmie Nickleberry
Befriending Your Anxiety Through the Polyvagal Lens by Utilizing Embodied Imagery, Cassandra Lacroix
Beyond Wills and Ways: Expanding the Scope of Snyder’s Hope Model to Understand the Transmission of Hope Through Developmental Relationships, Veronica Fruiht
Blinking Icons: Letters to Saint Augustine, Meg Neville
Body positions and Movements of Pediatric Occupational Therapists Working in Sensory Integration Clinics and the Impact on Occupational Participation, Chloe Conroy, Kerry Gates, and Heather Jantz
Brand Loyalty: Factors that Influence /Promote Customer Loyalty in Taiwan Cosmetic Industries, Yu-Shan Lin
Breaking the Mold: Exploring the Influence of Gender Roles on Men's Choice of Nursing Specialties and Its Implications for Patient Care, Cid Rowel Agustin
Breating the Wave: An Educational for NICU Nurses, Sydney Wing
Breezy Girl on a High Balcony, Marianne Rogoff and Luis Silva Pinto
Building blocks for a happy life: Longitudinal associations between early life income, mentorship and later well-being, Thomas Chan, Veronica Fruiht, and Nicardo McInnis
CAM Education in California Schools of Nursing, Cathleen Hough Taylen
Caregivers and Young Adults with Mental Illness: Perspectives on Listening Needs and Quality of Life, Jennifer Nicole Bueby and Genevieve Galicia Tuazon
Case Manager's Beliefs, Knowledge and Use of Complementary and Alternative Therapies in Clinical Practice, Jeanne Edenson
Cats, Carpenters, and Accountants: Bibliographical Foundations of Information Science, Wayne de Fremery
Centering Community Voice and Knowledge through Participatory Action Research, Jennifer Lucko
Challenging Norms, Creating Art: An Anti-Ableist Lens on Visual Arts Education, Alexis Lino
Children at Risk for Learning Disabilities: Occupational Therapists' Perceptions about Pre-and Post-Early Intervention Services, Michelle Venter
Chosen Family in LGBTQ+ Community: Creating Feeling of Safety Through Collage in Art Therapy, Zaina Berger
Circumventing Problems Before They Occur: Implmenting Capnography, Joanna Castaneda
Closing the DEI Gap: Uplifting Unheard Voices, Mojgan Behmand, Josue Castillo, and Naomi Elvove
Communicating with the Public about Vietnam: How Transparent was Johnson in his Public Statements, Amber Fields
Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use Among Older Adults and Prevalence of Reporting Use to Physicians, Cathryn Halford
Complementary and Alternattve Medicine: Knowledge, Beliefs, and Practices of Oncology Nurses, Alicia Terrado-Locquiao
Contemporary Practice Patterns and Trends of Mental Health Occupational Therapists in California, Cassie Whittington
Contextualizing George Orwell: How Orwell's Life Experiences Influenced his Most Famous Novels, Jonah Ridgley
Controlled Substance Agreements:The Patient's Perspective Explored Through the Theory of Human Caring, Diane Moskowitz Keaney
COVID-19 Pandemic’s Effect on Occupational Therapy Students’ Time-Use and Occupational Engagement On Returning to In-Person Learning, Jhannell Hannah D. Ocampo, Susan MacDermott, and Karen McCarthy
Creating a Healthy Work Environment: Empowering Nursing Staff, Elizabeth Shew
Cultural Competence and the Residents of the Homeward Bound Residential Homeless Program, Leandra Rachelle Wallace
Deciphering the Complex Networks of Aging Through a Glycation Lowering Tool and the Effects of Methylglyoxal (MGO) on Adipocytes, Edgard Morazan
Dementia, Feeding, and Nutrition: Strategies for Nonrofessional Caregivers of Persons with Dementia, Catherine D. Killinger
Description of Registered Nurse's Knowledge and Practice of the Nurse Coach Role, Jonalyn M. Wallace
Detection and Management of Post Intensive Care Syndrome, Ann Tomy
Developmental Effects of Child Abuse: The Relevance of Timing, Laura Luz Alvarez Pineda and Karla Susana Saldaña
Developmental Effects of Child Abuse: The Relevance of Timing, Laura Luz Alvarez Pineda and Karla Susana Saldaña
Differences in Coping Strategies Among Older Persons Living with HIV Disease and AIDS, Toby Embry
Disaster Preparedness for Nursing Homes, Ann Baechler
Does Cardiac Surgery Improve the Quality of Lfe of Octogenarians?, Mining Vallance
Effective Classroom Management Practices and the Training Needs for Beginning Educators, Hannah Sinclair
Effectiveness of Self-Care Intervention to Reduce Staff Nurse Stress, Shari Cassidy
Effectiveness of the Prenatal to Three Parenting Classes: A Program Evaluation, Patricia Gallegos
Effective Screening for Pneumonia: A Challenge for the 21st Century, Janet Mekonnen
Effects of California’s Mandated Staffing Ratios, Connie Cheng
Effects of Comprehensive Sex Education on Unplanned Pregnancy Rates and STI Occurrences among Chinese American Adolescents, Onsheng Seto
Effects of Denied and Delayed Medical Treatment on the Injured Workers' Quality of Life, Ann Kathryn Hribar
Effects of Latinx Parental English Proficiency on Stress, Maria Alvarez Pineda
Effects of Menopause on Coronary Artery Disease, Angelica Gonzales
Efficacy of Summer Handwriting Camp on Printing Performance of School-Aged Elementary Students, Angela Rose DeGraffenreid
Emotional Intelligence: Better Nursing, Better Patient Care, Christine Virk
Emotional Regulation Among High School Varsity Basketball Coaches, Dan Ourian
Empowering Achievement: Investigating Leadership, Agency, and Access for First-Generation College Students, Antonia Marcelle Pettit
Enabling Healthy Occupations for Caregivers of Individuals with Dementia: A Guide to Resourcesq, Katrina Carleton and Sarah Machling
Encounters Between Aphids and Their Predators: The Relative Frequencies of Disturbance and Consumption, Erik H. Nelson and Jay A. Rosenheim
Enhancing School Culture through Positive Behavioral Intervention Supports (PBIS) Training and Implementation: Insights from Teacher and Administrator Educators, Grazia Benedetti
Enhancing the Therapeutic Value of Equine Assisted Activities to Promote Maximum Occupational Performance, Catherine Marie Brazil
Eugenic Utopia or Postmodern Peril? A Discussion of the Ethics of Reproductive Technology, Anne Hedges
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Culture Based Nurse-Led Education for Postpartum Depression in Primiparous Asian-American Women, Colleen Peralta
Evaluation of the Family Therapy Program: In This Together (ITT) for Survivors of Domestic Violence, Liliana Valle-Contreras
Evaluation of the Family Therapy Program: In This Together (ITT) for Survivors of Domestic Violence, Liliana Valle-Contreras
Evidence-Based Practice: Using Evidence to Support Clinical Practice in Occupational Therapy, Lori Louise Lawerence, Julie Palana, and Carlos I. Diaz Rios
Examining the Sleep Habits of College Aged Individuals, an Intervention Study, Garrett Siebels
Expansion and Ineffectiveness: The Evolution of the Mexican Healthcare System, Leslie Bejaran Solorio
Expectations of Government Human Resource Management Systems Using Information Services Framework, Heng-Ju Chen
Exploring the Effects of Art Therapy Interventions on Self-Evaluations of Food Addiction: A Randomized Control Study, Dawn Fiacco
Exploring the Impact of Swimming on Asthma Management in Asian Americans, Trishtine Tran
Exploring the Impact of Swimming on Asthma Management in Asian Americans, Trishtine Tran
Exploring the Relationship Between Cherished Possesions, Occupations, and the Health of Older Adults, Christina Salisbury
Exploring the Role of Mitochondrial Fission Factor (MFF) in Murine Reproduction, Wendy Jara
Expressive Arts and Journaling: The Effect of a Nurse-Run Workshop on the Anxiety/Stress of Health Care Professionals in a Community Health Setting, Kathryn Joy Kim
Eyes Wide Open: Stories of Grief, Loss, and Transformation through Narrative Medicine, Melanie Dines
Facilitating Occupational Balance in Students Transistioning to College, Nina T. Schultz
Facilitating Social and Leisure Participation in Persons Experiencing Homelessness and Mental Illness, Emily Fowler
Factors that Influence the Prevalence of Food Allergy in Children Born in Industrialized Countries vs. Developing Countries: A Literature Review & Feasibility Study, Dimitri Miguel Lacson Torres
Factors that Influence Women's Decision During Menopause, Sarah Lippit-Houston
Finding the Will and the Ways: How Using Character Strengths Can Make Adolescents More Hopeful, Veronica Fruiht
Fine, I'm A Terrible Person, Lisa Rosenberg
Floral Resources Enhance Aphid Suppression by a Hoverfly, Brian N. Hogg, Erik H. Nelson, Nicholas J. Mills, and Kent M. Daane
Formation of Environmentally Persistent Free Radicals on the Surface of Iron Oxide and Interior of Montmorillonite Clay, Reuben Oumnov
Freedom to Flourish: Housing as a Social Good, Laura Stivers
From Classroom to College: The Impact of Educators of Color on Long-Term Commitment of Students of Color, Haley Hayes
Functional Hand Grasp of Young Children Ages 9 to 18 Months: A Comparison of Down Syndrome and Typically Developing Children, Kimberly A. Imsdahl
Gardening as a Meaningful Occupation for Persons with Serious and Persistent Mental Illness: A Change Project, Amanda Harness
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren: An Investigation of Identified Burdens, Jamie Xelowski
Growth, Development and Consumption by Four Syrphid Species Associated with the Lettuce Aphid, Nasonovia ribisnigri, in California, Julie V. Hopper, Erik H. Nelson, Kent M. Daane, and Nicholas J. Mills
Hablando Sobre Inmigración: How Members of the House of Representatives in 118th Congress Frame the Issue of Immigration, Guadalupe Castañeda Martinez
Health and Lifestyle Behavioral Changes To Prevent Myocardial Infarction (MI): Mixed Methods Approach To Understand Secondary MI Prevention, Naila Idreesa Saghir
Herbals and Dietary Supplemets: Evaluation of Perioperative Nursing Forms, Arleen Sakamoto
Holistice Nurse Entrepreneurs: Their Motivations and Their Charactristics, Carol Deards
How Financial Status Affects Food Decisions in Households of Marin City, Joe Blakely
How Financial Status Affects Food Decisions in Households of Marin City, Joe Blakely
How The Lockdown of Covid-19 Influenced The Neurocognitive and Psychosocial Development of Preschoolers, Kay Picson
How The Lockdown of COVID-19 Influenced The Neurocognitive and Psychosocial Development of Preschoolers, Kay Picson
ICU Nurse Mental Health: Telehealth versus In-Person Therapy Effectiveness, Ariel Mach
ICU Nurse Mental Health: Telehealth vs In-Person Therapy, Ariel Mach
Impact of Nursing Education on Kangaroo Mother Care: Neurodevelopment Outcomes in Preterm Infants, Giana Usac
Improvements in Medication Reconciliation: Further Steps Towards Engineering a Culture of Safety, Lisa Freeman
Improving Acute Stroke Nursing Care, Scott Meehl
Improving Daily Evaluations of the Ventilated Patient, Jnni G. Desnoyers
Improving Liquid Bait Programs for Argentine Ant Control: Bait Station Density, Erik H. Nelson and Kent M. Daane
Including Children with Autism in Family Activities: A Qualitative Study, Laura Nichol Lindholm
Incorporation of Nutrition Education with Medication Injection to sustain Weight Loss, Julia Calvelo
Incorporation of Nutrition Education with Medication Inject to sustain Weight Loss, Julia Calvelo
Increasing Occupational Performance in Adults with Serious Mental Illness: A Train the Trainer Model, Ann Ruderman and Vanessa Ghiringhelli
Increasing Ocupational Performance and Fall Self-Efficacy in Older Adults: The "Stepping On" Program, Emmy Alexander and Andrea Kjelstrom
Interracial Friendships and Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety Among College Age Filipino Americans, Jenyse Rojo
Interracial friendships and symptoms of depression and anxiety among college-age Filipino Americans, Jenyse Rojo
Investigating the Experience of Occupational Performance and Life Satisfaction of Fathers of Children with Disabilities, Andrea Pavic and Rhiana Gulesserian
Investigating the mechanism of action of a highly potent haloalkoxyacridone against Plasmodium falciparum, Jordan Charlton
Investigating the Role of Glycation Stress on Muscle Function and Quality in Aged Mice, Karishma Kamlesh Patel
IUD pain managment, emily nguyen
Journal Club: Encouraging Evidence-Based Nursing Practice at the Bedside, Patricia L. Bontrager
Knowledge and Attitudes of Nursing Home LVNs and RNs Regarding Administering Pain Medictions to Dying Patients at End of Life, Sylvia DiAnn Young
Learning from the Lived Experience of Addicts in Recovery: How to Obtain and Retain Recovery, Mary Francis Hansen
Liquid Baits Manage Argentine Ants in Coastal Vineyards, Monica L. Cooper, Kent M. Daane, Erik H. Nelson, Lucia G. Varela, Mark Battany, Neil D. Tsutsui, and M. K. Rust
Long Term Effects of Ritalin on Children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Kendra Pheatt
Luke 24:36 and 1 John 3:1-7: Different Viewpoints on Life After Death, Scott Gambrill Sinclair
LUNCH POEMS@DOKKYO #8 ジュディ・ハレスキ, Judy Halebsky
Lunch Poems with Judy Halebsky, Judy Halebsky
Male Caregiver Strain: The Mental Effects of Being an Informal Caregiver for a Family Member with Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease, Alessandra M. Barillas and Elijah Rammel B. Borja
Male Caregiver Strain: The Mental Effects of Being an Informal Caregiver for a Family Member with Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease, Alessandra M. Barillas and Elijah Rammel B. Borja
Mark 12:13-17 and Taxes, Scott Gambrill Sinclair (Retired)
Maternal Sensitivity to Infant Cues: The Effects of Learning Infant Massage, Janet Jones
Maternal Stress on Preterm Birth in Asian American Women, Dana Ma
May 1960 "The Newsletter", Dominican University of California
Medical Cannabis in Pediatric Chronic Pain and Diseases, Marissa Colombo
Metamorphosis December 1974, University Archives
Metamorphosis December 1975, University Archives
Metamorphosis February 1975, University Archives
Metamorphosis March 1975, University Archives
Metamorphosis March 1976, University Archives
Metamorphosis May 1975, University Archives
Metamorphosis November 1974, University Archives
Metamorphosis November 1975, University Archives
Metamorphosis October 1975, University Archives
Metamorphosis September 1975, University Archives
Metamorphosis September 1976, University Archives
Mindfulness-based Art Therapy: The Effects of Art Media on Mindfulness and Stress Reduction in College Students, Isabella Sziraczky
Mobility for Occupational Engagement: Promoting the Maintenance of Wheelchair for Residents of Skilled Nursing Faciliities and Their Caregivers, Joseph Robert Boudreau Jr.
New Breast Cancer Drugs Mediate Epigenetic Silencing of ERBB2 via the RNA Exosome, Ana M. Escalante
New Features of Laboratory-Generated EPFRs from 1,2-Dichlorobenzene (DCB) and 2‑Monochlorophenol (MCP), Lavrent Khachatryan, Marwan Y. Rezk, Divine Nde, Farhana Hasan, Slawomir Lomnicki, Dorin Boldor, Robert Cook, Phillip Sprunger, Randall W. Hall, and Stephania Cormier
NewGen Surgical: Reimagining Health for People and Planet [Case], Sarah Lee, Vafa Saboorideilami, Xiaotian Zhang, and Yung-Jae Lee
Nurses' Knowledge of Breastfeeding in the Perinatal Setting, Sabryna R. Faridnia
Nurses' Perception of the effects of Companion Pets in Hospice Settings, Nasser Sorkhabi
Nurse Suicide: Examining Depression and Anxiety in Critical Care Settings, Arianna Bernardine Barata
Nurse Suicide: Examining Depression and Anxiety in Critical Care Settings, Arianna Bernardine Barata
Nursing Assessment and Management of Constipation in the Community Dwelling Elder, Denise Fillipucci
Occupational Impact of Career Ending Injuries on Elite Competitive Athletes: Strategies for Transition, Jennifer Elisabeth Kociaj
Occupational Impacts on Care Providers: Perceptions of Non-Professional Caregivers for Cancer Patients, Kerry Brady
Occupational Performance in Computer Tasks from the Perception of Users: Biomechanical Implications Related to Three Computer Mouses, Vanessa Lynne Preston
Occupational Performance of College Student-Athletes, Ashley Mills
Occupational Therapists" Perceptions of using Behavioral Approaches with Children with Autism, Kristi Lynn Allison
Occupational Therapy and the Occupation of Listening: Comparing Students with Experienced Practicioners, Monica Palatnikov and Jessica Froiland
Occupation, Quality of Life and Adaptation in Older Adults with Age-Related macular Degeneration (ARMD), Margaret A. Harshbarger
Occupations of School-Aged Children with Siblings with Cognitive and Behavioral Disabilities, Courtney M. Harris
Online Surf Shop Web Page Development in TaiwanL: An Exploratory Study, Meng-Wen Kuo
Optimizing Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia Prevention and Education: In Adult ICU Settings, Danielle Gonzalez
Optimizing Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia Prevention and Education: In Adult ICU Settings, Danielle Gonzalez
Pandemic Memory Project: Student Reflections on the Covid-19 Pandemic of 2020, Javier Acosta, Jazylina Albelda, Stella Artukovich, Carter Bell, Tyler Bernius, Hailey Butcher, Janelle Feraro, Declan O'Flynn, Trinity Formalejo, Abigail Garcia, Jason Halpren, Jasmin Mazarlegos-Rodas, Citlaly Molina, Armando Munoz, Sophia Portillos, Alaiyah San Juan, Leslie Solorio, Sven Zalmovic, Adrianna Torres, Brooke Vafi, Saul Valle, Deepalakshmi Vanaraja, Olivia Wynn, Yoselin Calderon, Alycia Carrasco, PJ Volz, Nanik Tangore, and Aaron Richardson
Parenting a Child with Special Needs: A Phenomenological Study of Occupation and Adaptation, Grace Bacarro
Parenting Infants Discharged from the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU): A Change Project, Brittany Michelle Loe
Pediatric Vaccination Adherence: Enhancing Compliance Among First-Generation Asian American Parents, Katelyn Leong
Pediatric Vaccination Adherence: Enhancing Compliance Among First-Generation Asian American Parents, Katelyn Leong
Perceived Occupations of Older Adults Living in the Community: A comparison of Persons Living in Single and Multigenerational Households, Saran Nuth and Keving Michael O'Neill
Perceptions of Care giving and the Impact on Occupational Choices of Chinese Caregivers, Stephanie Melissa Ng
Personal Creativity and Caring in Professional Nursing Practice: A Correlational Study, Lisa Brozda
Physician/Nurse Knowledge Exchange Through Rounding: Effective Communication and Optimal Patient Outcomes, Rosa Pedroza
Pilot Post Intervention Evaluation of Renew, A Program for Burnout Intervention Among Medical Professionals, Lenora A. Kwok
Planetary health learning objectives: foundational knowledge for global health education in an era of climate change., Kathryn H. Jacobsen, Caryl E Waggett, Pamela Berenbaum, Brett R. Bayles, Gail L. Carlson, René English, Carlos A. Faerron Guzmán, Meredith L. Gartin, Liz Grant, Thomas L. Henshaw, Lora L. Iannotti, Philip J Landrigan, Nina Lansbury, Hao Li, Maureen Y Lichtveld, Ketrell L McWhorter, Jessica E. Rettig, Cecilia J. Sorensen, Eric J Wetzel, Dawn Michele Whitehead, Peter J. Winch, and Keith Martin
Play in the Prone Position: A Resource Guide for Parents and Their Growing Infants, Ilse Violeta V. Catindig
Post traumatic Growth Among Patients Diagnosed with Cancer, Deborah J. Vance
Predators Reduce Prey Population Growth by Inducing Changes in Prey Behavior, Erik H. Nelson, Christophoer E. Matthews, and Jay A. Rosenheim
Prevalence of Sensory Processing Disorders in Kindergarten and First Grade and the Impact on Occupational Particiaption in School, Lauren Armstrong, Katie Harshbarger, and Margaret Kuffel
Preventive Strategies for Elder Abuse within Hospice Care by Healthcare Professionals, Joshua Eason
Promoting Body Satisfaction in Adolescent Females Through Engagement in Healthy Occupations: A Preventative School-Based Intervention Workshop, Kaitlyn Buckley
Promoting Community Mobility: The Availability of Accessible Rental Cars for Drivers with Physical Disabilities, Lindsay Palmer
Promoting Engagement in Leisure Activities for Veterans Experiencing Homelessness, Brian Bonham
Promoting Engagement in Leisure Occupations for Persons Experiencing Homelessness, Marija Milcevic
Promoting Fall Self-Efficacy and Fall Risk Awareness in Older Adults, Adriana Garcia, Dagmara Marciniak, Lauren McCune, and Erica Smith
Promoting Meaningful Occupations for Individuals with Dementia in an Adult Day Care, Erin Roan
Promoting Occupations: Success Strategies to Match Amputees with Appropriate Protheses a Resource Manual for Occupational Therapy Students, Paul Hollenbeck
Promoting Self-Directed Learning for Occupational Therapy Students: A Manual of High-Technoology Assistive Devices for Persons with Disabilities, Claire Blackman
Promoting the Healthy Occupation of Computer use y College Students: an Ergonomic Workshop, Romariz Lizardo
Promoting the Occupation of Work for Individuals with Serious Mental Illness, William Kong
Promoting Well-Being through Engagement in Occupations for Older Adults with Memory Loss: The Well-Being Project, Joyce Bodestyne, Anabelle Escueta, and Christina Nguyen
Purposeful Hourly Rounding on the Medical Unit, Katie Charlson
Racial and Geographic Disparities in the Management and Care of Sepsis, Luke Dommaschk Burwell
Racial and Geographic Disparities in the Management and Care of Sepsis, Luke Dommaschk Burwell
Racial Disparity of African American Women in Breast Cancer Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Treatment, Delores Hamilton
Raising the NCLEX Pass Rates for LVNs t Unitek College, Garth Hutton
Reappearance, Marianne Rogoff
Reduce Wrong Site Surgery by Iproving Compliance in the Use of niversal Protocol-Development of New Procedure Safety Checklist, Diane Petruzzella
Reducing Emergency Department Visits Among Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Teri Nguyen
Reducing Emergency Department Visits for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Nurse-Led Home Interventions, Teri Nguyen
Reflections of the Long Light: Poems and Images, Foad Satterfield and Kimberly Satterfield
Registered Nurses Perceptions of TheirUse of Critical Thinkng Skills in the Clinical Setting, Colleen Ferguson
Relationship-Baed, Parent-Directed Activities to Facilitate the Occupations of Readiness for the Transistion from Preschool to Kindergarten, Michele Freitas, Alyson Nguyen, and Jessica Tomsky
Reports of Us of Complimentary Health Modalities in Higher Risk Prenatal Populations, Lola M. Barnes
Reports on Patient Education and Perception of Safe Play for Children Receiving Cancer Treatments by Health Professionals, Rachel Lucie Louro
Research of Patent Strategy and Management for the Medium-sized and Small Business in Taiwan, Hsing-Hsien Lee
Research Proposal: The Changing Image of Nursing as Seen in the Nurse's Uniform, Helen Huntington
Restorative Justice Initiatives in Marin County: Mitigating the Impacts of the School-to-Prison Pipeline on Youth, Gina Dudley
Risk Factors Associated with Pressure Ulcers Among Older Adults in the Emergency Department, Faranak Haghighi
Role of Electronegativity in Environmentally Persistent Free Radicals (EPFRs) Formation on ZnO, Syed Monjur Ahmed, Reuben Oumnov, Orhan Kizilkaya, Randall W. Hall, Philip T. Sprunger, and Robert L. Cook
Root Causes of Homelessness in Marin County and Prevention Strategies, Michaela George, Kelsey Bas, Joe Blakely, Naila Saghir, Garrett Siebels, Liliana Valle-Contreras, and Sehrish Khan
Rural Physicians' Perceptions, Beliefs, and Practice Patterns: Catalysts or Barriers to the Diffusion of Complementary Medicine, Mary Anne G. Keane
Screening effectiveness of compounds for delay of Alzheimer’s Disease pathogenesis in Caenorhabditis elegans and mammalian cell culture, Brielle Rapsas
Self-Care for Nurses: Protecting our Energy Field, Nancy Kraus
Sermon John 20:19-29 and Belief in the Incarnation, Scott Gambrill Sinclair (Retired)
Sermon John 3:16 and the Atonement, Scott Gambrill Sinclair (Retired)
Sex Education in Chinese American Adolescents, Onsheng Seto
Sexual Education for Adolescents with Down Syndrome, Christine Power
shedding, emerging; a rebirth, Christina Van Dueck
Social and Leisure Participation of Middle School Students: Comparing Non Overweight and Overweight Students, Erika Barberena and Adith Greaves
Social Participation in Young Adults with Serious Mental Illness, Dexter Mar-Tang
Status Anxiety and Overall Life Satisfaction of Young Adults in The Bay Area, Samuel Casco
Stress Levels in First Generation and Continuing Generation College Students, Alejandra L. Aroni Buiza
Stressors and Hypertension in Women: Negative Emotion and It's Effect on Blood Pressure, Mary Singler
Supporting the Cultural Context of Occupation: A Spanish-Language Guide to Sensory Integration for Families, Martha Pelayo
Supporting the Occupation of Healthy Eating: A Nutrition and Meal Preparation Guide for Older Adults Living Independently in the Community, Christina H. Choi
Sustaining a Cultural Change in the Discharge Process, Kareen I. Ferrer
Syrphid Flies Suppress Lettuce Aphids, Erik H. Nelson, Brian N. Hogg, Nicholas J. Mills, and Kent M. Daane
Teacher Voices: Stress and Coping Mechanisms among the Teaching Profession, Jasmine Suttles
Teamwork and Postpartum Hemorrhage, Anne Lupus
Telehealth: A Rising Intervention for Latina Mothers Experiencing Prenatal and Postpartum Depression, Britney Gutierrez
Telehealth: A Rising Intervention for Latina Mothers Experiencing Prenatal and Postpartum Depression, Britney Gutierrez
Testing Baits to Control Argentine Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Vineyards, Kent M. Daane, Monica L. Cooper, Karen R. Slime, Erik H. Nelson, Mark C. Battany, and Michael K. Rust
The Classifications adn Suggestions of Taiwanese Corporate Ventrue Capital Management, Hsing-Yin Kuo
The Contributions of St. Mary's Hospital to the Development of Medical Education in Nevada, Mary Carl Ottten
The Conversation Between Children's Literature and Child-Rearing, Kristin Stewart
The Design and Development of an Adapted Therapeutic Garden to Improve Occupational Performance in Older Adults, Amanda D. Gildea
The Desk, Marianne Rogoff
The Effectiveness of a Central Line Care and Maintenance Bundle to Promote Consistency and Compliance in Central Line Care, Sona H. Mahal
The Effect of Certification on the Use of Imagery, Marcie Holland
The Effect of Glucosamine Usage Combined with Non-Traditional Exercise on the Ability to Meet Self-Care Requisities for Clients with Osteoarthritis of the Knee, Cheryl Hunter-Marston
The Effect of Music on the Coping of Informal Caregivers of Persons with Dementia, Thelma Jean Craig
The Effect of Positive Affirmations on Self-Esteem and Well-Being in College Students, Lynnelle Arquiza
The Effect of Spirituality on Nursing Burnout, Tonya L. Harrison
The Effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences on the Weight and Emotional Stability in Adolescents, Lauren Parayno
The Effects of Change in Barometric Pressure on Arthritis Pain, Cynthia Cammack
The Evidence-Based Parent Guide to Interventions for Children with Autism, Sophia Comparan and Thu Nguyen
The Impact of Body Image on Self-Confidence in Elite Dancers, Carissa Bethel
The Impact of Mutant Protein Disulfide Isomerase A3 and p21-Positive Cell Clearance on Cognitive Function in Mouse Models, Harrison Baker
The impact of Service Dogs on the OccupationalPerformance of Individuals with Disabiliites, Jacqueline Seybold Draper
The Impact of Spanish Classes for Labor and Delivery Nurses on Postpartum Depression Incidence among Hispanic Women, Leilani Gutierrez
The Impact of Spanish Language Training for Labor and Delivery Nurses on Postpartum Depression Incidence among Hispanic Women, Leilani Gutierrez
The Inpatient Palliative Care Consult: Description of the Target Population in the Acute Care Setting, Tonya O'Claire
The Life and Times of Anita Mattie Cummings Young, Linda DeLane
The Marketing Development and Improvement of Sunmore Ginseng Spa: A Case Study, Hsin-Huei Tseng
The Marketing Strategy of Cultural Educational Institutes: A Case Study of Junior Cram School, Wei-Chen Lo
The Nursing Experience of Chemical Sedation in the Elderly, Gloria J. Haddad
The Occupational Performance of Mothers of Adolescents with Physical Disabilities, Beth Doerring
The Relationship Between Prior Experience and Attitude Toward Energy medicine in Nursing Students and Faculty, Margaret Levine
The Relationship Between Weight Status and Social and Leisure Participation in Middle School Aged Students, Vanessa R. Marsh and Roxanne N. Orsini
The Relationship Between Weight Status, Quality of Life, and Social and Leisure Participation in Middle School Aged Children: A Mixed Methods Study, Brooke Cappa, Miranda Dabbs, Amy Lee, and Elizabeth Murray
The River Flowing, Bailey Storm
The Role of Infant Massage in Enhancing Parenting Occupations of Parents of Infants Who Stayed in the NICU: Parents' Perceptions, Erica Casey Claussen
The Role That Diet and Lifestyle Factor Plays in an Increased Risk for Cardiovascular Disease in Asians and Pacific Islanders, Ethan Caragan
These Are (Not) Haiku, Michael Pelletier
The Spiritual Occupations of Older Adults: A Qualitative Study, Emily Ann Sheridan
The Study of Organizational Effectiveness and Organizational Identification in Government Sectors in Taiwan, Chi-Hsuan Lin
The Use of Music as an Adjunct therapy to Pain Management in Sickle Cell Disease: A Pilot Interventon Study, Lou Ella Taylor
The Use of Occupationally Imbedded Exercise in Rehabilitation Interventions: A Manual for Therapeutic Applications of Video Games for the Nintendo Wii, Jordan M. Olenberger
Tragedy to Transformation: The Ongoing Impact of September 11th in the United States, Alison McNeal
Transgender Asian Americans, Abraham James Tiro
Travel as an Occupational Experience: The Perceptions of Travel Agent Related o Planning Trips for Persons Who are Wheelchair Dependent, Anjuli Dillon Kelley
Understanding COVID-19 Booster Hesitancy Amongst Those Experiencing Homelessness and Housing Instability, Kelsey Bas
Understanding the Barriers to Perioperative Specialty Certification, Marea T. Hargreaves
UNstuck in Six Decades, a lyrical memoir with ArtPoems, Reneé Marie
Unveiling New Realities: An In-Depth Analysis of Virtual Reality's Impact on Postoperative Adolescents, Julia Tolentino
Unveiling New Realities: An In-Depth Analysis of Virtual Reality's Impact on Postoperative Adolescents, Julia Tolentino
Veritas 1960, Dominican University of California Archives
Walker Use in Older Adults: Impact on Occupations, Mark Navasca, Lauren Pillon, and Julie Talcott-Fuller
War, Remembrance, and Katýn: How Public Memory Sites Affirm National Identity, Adele Partington
What's the Problem: Teacher Stress and Student Behavior, Emma Jaime
Where the Glass Glows: Unpacking the Therapeutic Experiences of Adult Students in a Community-Based Open Glass Studio During a Pandemic, Shelly A. Palmer
Will Work for Food, Marianne Rogoff
Work of Breathing: Development of a Construct, Randee Nymann
Yoga as an Occupation to Promote Quality of Life for Individuals with Fibromyalgia, Darshna Upadhyaya
You’re Not the Boss of Me!, Shankar Vedantam and Benjamin Rosenberg