Enabling Healthy Occupations for Caregivers of Individuals with Dementia: A Guide to Resourcesq

Graduation Date


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Document Form


Degree Name

Masters of Science in Occupational Therapy


Occupational Therapy

Department or Program Chair

Ruth Ramsey, EdD, OTR/L

Thesis Advisor

Bonnie Napier-Tibere, EdD, OTR/L

Second Advisor

Stephen Leonard, MOT, OTR/L


Caregivers of individuals with dementia can be affected by the stress of this occupation. Dementia is a disorder that alters an individual’s memory, cognition, personality, and behavior. As symptoms progress, an individual’s ability to care for him/herself declines and becomes dependent upon others. Being a caregiver can have some negative impacts affecting the physically and emotional well-being of the caregiver. To help reduce these impacts, resources are available to caregivers. Due to the time and energy necessary for caregiving, caregivers may not have time to research available resources. This thesis focuses on the development of a resource manual and website to provide a quick and easy guide to resources as well as occupational therapy tips to aid in the caregiving process.
