"The Inpatient Palliative Care Consult: Description of the Target Popul" by Tonya O'Claire

The Inpatient Palliative Care Consult: Description of the Target Population in the Acute Care Setting

Graduation Date


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Document Form


Degree Name

Master of Science



Department or Program Chair

Barbara Ganley, PhD

Thesis Advisor

Luanne Linnard-Palmer, EdD, RN


Palliative Care is a new specialty that is evolving and developing an identity within the healthcare delivery system. Palliative Care encompasses a broader definition of the terminally ill then does the definition of hospice. Palliative care patients face life- threatening illnesses, may have 12 to 18 months life expectancy, and continue to receive curative care. Palliative care shares the philosophy of interdisciplinary care hospice espouses. In addition, palliative care also offers clarification of treatment goals, patient/family education regarding the expected disease progression and pain and symptom management. The target palliative care population has not been well identified in the acute care hospital setting. Billings (2002) stated, ”We are unaware ot data that identifies the prevalence of dying patients in a United States general hospital population (Billings, Gardner, & Putnam, 2002. p.364). 1 his study is a replication ot the study completed by Billings at Massachusetts General Hospital.

This study was designed to provide an estimate of the percentage of hospitalized patients that would benefit from a Palliative Care Service. Retrospective chart review provided a profile of the palliative population including age, code status, average length of stay and level of service on discharge. The Continuity of Care staff on tout consecutive Thursdays identified hospitalized patients as Category A. those whom they believed were likely to die in the next 6 months and Category B, patients with a life- threatening disease, but with a longer prognosis. A total of 54 patients, or 17.5% of the total hospitalized patients were identified as those who would benefit from a Palliative Care Service. This study contributes to the knowledge of the prevalence and demographics of the palliative care population at Kaiser Permanente Santa Rosa.

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