Research Proposal: The Changing Image of Nursing as Seen in the Nurse's Uniform

Graduation Date


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Document Form


Degree Name

Master of Science



Department or Program Chair

Barbara Ganley, PhD

Thesis Advisor

Luanne Linnard-Palmer, EdD, RN


The literature relating to the evolution of the nurse’s uniform was reviewed in an attempt to discover the factors that affect nurses’ professional attire, their attitudes toward client/patient expectations, and nurses’ perceived relationship between professional attire and their ability to care for clients optimally. The design was descriptive and exploratory as well as quantitative. Active practicing nurses were surveyed via questionnaire on their attitudes concerning today’s professional nursing attire and the appropriate attire of the future. The data were then statistically analyzed for future reference and recommendations. The sample size produced results of statistical significance. The responses showed almost unanimous acceptance of the idea that nurses’ attire affects overall client perceptions, and a two-thirds affirmative response to the relationship between a “clean, pressed uniform” and the client's perception of a nurse s skills, although far fewer respondents (one in three) endorsed a single uniform, emblem, or logo. A statistical profile and analysis of the responses was given, and the nature of the responses pointed to areas where follow-up studies would be fruitful.
