Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Doctor of Philososphy

Publication Date


Granting Institution

University of California, Irvine

Committee Members

Professor Kut C. (Rick) So Professor Carlton Scott Professor Imran Currim


This dissertation studies the effect of implementing everyday low purchase price policy (EDLPP) for a manufacturer in consumer non-durable market. In the framework, many .important retailer and consumer behaviors are considered. A major finding of the study is that temporary price discount (a Hi-Lo policy) is generally unprofitable to the manufacturer because the sales increase due to the discount is usually offset by the decreased profit margin and increased total production and inventory related costs. Another important finding is that the retailer plays a critical role as an active middle agent.

Through the sensitivity analysis, we identified the conditions under which implementation of either a Hi-Lo or an EDLPP policy could make more economic sense. Our analytical framework provides a means to quantify the potential benefits of adopting an EDLPP policy, which would be useful for members in the distribution channel to understand the potential value of the partnership and consequently help to promote a higher level of cooperation.


Copyright Yung-Jae Lee 1998. All rights reserved.
