The Archbishop Alemany Library began the collection of electronic master's theses and capstone projects in 2012; this collection represents the theses that have collected since then.

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Theses/Capstones from 2004

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Management Strategies Teachers can Use to Support Student Learning During Classroom Instruction, Britton Barkoff

Brain-Based Teaching and Project-Based Learning: Meaning Making in Three Middle School Watershed Restorations, Zola de Firmian

Catholic Education Values and Their Impact on Student Recess Behavior: Is There a Connection, Maria M. Ward

Educating the Whole Middle School Student: Creating a Balanced School Structure, Jennifer Cabaud-Yasin

Effective Mthematics Word Problem Reading Strategies: For Inclusive Middle School Classrooms, Judith C. Tompkins

Effectiveness of the Prenatal to Three Parenting Classes: A Program Evaluation, Patricia Gallegos

Effects of Denied and Delayed Medical Treatment on the Injured Workers' Quality of Life, Ann Kathryn Hribar

Enhancing Teacher-Child Relationships Through Art, Elizabeth Recktenwald

Exploring Teacher Attitudes Towards Alternative Scheduling, Dawn E. Horwath

Fire All Through Time, Laura Phillips

Healing Anxiety Associated With Sudden Loss Trauma Via a Group Art Therapy Experience, Myriam Martinez

Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179): God Re-Imagined: Bringng Feminine Theological Dimensions to Christian Images of God, Meredith Pechoultres

How Differentiated Instructional Strategies Impact Student Self-Confidence: A Review of the Literature, Georgette Mayer

Implementing Early Reading Intervention Programs into First Grade Classrooms: A Review of the Literature, Michelle Y. Ingalls

Influence of Income on Environmental Education Practices in High Wealth and Low Wealth Areas: A Review of the Literature, Kristina Schultz

Influence of Kindergarten Journal Writing on Building Reading and Writing Skills, Patricia Sanders

In Search of the Perfect Society: Three Utopian Communities in Nineteenth-Century Amererica, Megan Perle

Intermediate Grade Reading: Peer-Assisted Learning Strategies Applied to a Teacher-Directed Program, Juliane C. Ellis

Is Banning the Answer?: Educators' Responses to Student Exprression of Violence, Michelle Brindley

Loving Lo: The Dialectic of Self-Transcendence and Self-Assertion as Illuminated by the Literary Art of Nabokov's Lolita, Julia Van Der Ryn

Making Peace with Contradictions Reflections of Territory and Identity in Israel/Palestine, Chase Clow


Making Peace with Contradictions: Reflections of Territory and Identity in Israel/Palestine, Chase Clow

Mathematics Page Format: Student Experience with High-and Low-Density Layouts, Nina Ravitz

Measuring the Validity of F.E.A.T.S Using the Apple Tree Projective Drawing with Children Diagnosed with ADHA, Alice Locke Chezar

Measuring the Validity of the Formal Elements Art Therapy Scale to Assess for Anxiety in Middle School Aged Children, Susan Kleene Barnes

No Child Left Behind in California: Accountability for Studetn Proficiency, Nicole F. Ellis

Personal Creativity and Caring in Professional Nursing Practice: A Correlational Study, Lisa Brozda

Projective and Self-Report Assessment tools Used to Assess for Eating Disorder Risk Factors in Young Women, Erika I. Hirsch

Promoting Parental Participation and Involvement, Amalia Fernandez-Niewendorp

Reports of Us of Complimentary Health Modalities in Higher Risk Prenatal Populations, Lola M. Barnes

Resistance to Change Within Education, Joel J. Brunner

Self-Concept Through Art Therapy: Using Therapeutic Creative Arts Techniques With Students With Learning Disabilities, Madeline F. Pascua

Story, Symbol, and Metaphor in Art: Using Art Therapy to Facilitate Change in Dominant Client Narratives, Tanya Alexander

Student and Teacher Engagement in a Scripted Literacy Program: a Case Study of the High Point Reading Intervention Program in an Urban Elementary School, Anne Reid

Successful Implementation of Laptops in the Classroom: An Implementation Plan, Debra A. Armstrong

The Art and Science of Art Therapy, Emily Heald

The Death of King David or, The Abishag Rag, Robert F. Bradford

The Effects of Conflict Management on Elementary Discipline, Jessie M. Rees

The Efficacy of Instructional Methods for Fourth Grade English Learners Using the Jason Project Science Curriculum, John Dean

The Evolution of Birth Art: A Brief Selection of Thematically and Chronologically Organized Images of Childbirth in Vairious Cltures, Alexis Ruppanner Cohen

The Masks of Mexico: Mexican-American's Relationship With Their Cultural Heritage and Self-Concepts, Tara F. Franklin

The Organization of Classroom Discussions: A Study of How and Why Female Classroom Particiaption Differs Between Book Club Discussions and Whole-Class Reading Discussions, Sandy J. Shifs

Using Art Therapy as a Tool for Rehabilitating Individuals With Prosopagnosia: Two Case Studies, Shauna Goodenough

Using Sandplay in a Creative Arts Therapeutic Intervention Program for Depression in Elementary School Children, Elaine Gaidis Swanson

Vampires and Art: Addiction and Treatment from a Jungian Perspective, Xan B. Walker

Theses/Capstones from 2003

A 10 Week Creative Arts Expression Workshop in a School Based Environment and Its Effect on Self-Esteem in 6th, 7th, and 8th Graders, Shannon M. Asbury

A Case Study of the Wamakashka Oeti (Bison Camp): Evaluating the Impact of Indigenous Learning on Cultural Integrity and Family Wllness for Nakonabe at Fort Peck Assiniboine and Sioux Reservation, Joshua B. Horowitz

A Grant Proposal Examining Mirroring as an Art Therapy Technique With High Risk Preschoolers in Head Start, Majica Phillips

A Group Art Therapy Initiative to Serve Women with Breast Cancer and Their Children in Mountain View, and Surrounding Santa Clara County Area, Karen R. Sturm

A Literature Review: Dual Immersion Programs in Elementary Schools, Lea N. Soltes