The Archbishop Alemany Library began the collection of electronic master's theses and capstone projects in 2012; this collection represents the theses that have collected since then.

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Applied Sport & Performance Psychology | Art Therapy | Biological Sciences | Business Administration | Clinical Lab Sciences | Counseling Psychology | Creative Writing | Education | Humanities | Nursing | Public Administration | Occupational Therapy


Theses/Capstones from 2003

School Responses to Declining Enrollment, Tina Krenov

Self-Portrait Drawings by Adolescents Diagnosed With Borderline or Narcissistic Personality Disorders, Elizabeth Zimmerman

Teacher Retention: Factors That Contribute to Teachers' Decisions to Remain in the Profession, Valerie Cines

The Effect of Music on the Coping of Informal Caregivers of Persons with Dementia, Thelma Jean Craig

The Effect of Oral Reading Fluency on Analysis Skills, Kimberly Borchardt Hammer

The Effects of Digital Storytelling on Healing and Closure with World War II Veterans, Deborah A. Vanni

The Effects of High School Internships on Academic Performance a Reviw of the Literature, Robin A. Rynbrandt

The Effects of Morale Building Activities on Teachers in a Rural High School, Katherine A. Babcock

The Effects of Weekly Sustained Silent Reading Time on Recreational Reading Habist and Attitudes ina 9th Grade English Class, Mary C. Kirby

The History and Importance of Cultural Celebrations in Marin County, California, Heather Steil

The Homework Debate: Arguments For/Against Homework, Craig Pitti

The Old Masters Art Collage With Couples: Increasing Intimacy Through a Six-Session Art Intervention With Couples, Justina Larson

The Option Mandala: A Brief Art Therapy Intervention for Sexually Active Teens, Jacqueline Tabb

The Santa Claus Girl: A 90-minute Teleplay, Patrica Parks Goodin

The Use of Forum Theatre as a Problem Solving Strategy for Middle School Students, Blair Johnson Carlson

Using the FEATS with Brain Tumor Patients, Jennifer Taylor

Work of Breathing: Development of a Construct, Randee Nymann

Writing Conventions for English Language Learners: A Study of the Use of the Past Tense, Lauren Ryan

Theses/Capstones from 2002

A California Induction Program: A Report on the Effectiveness of Supporting New Teachers Through the BTSA Project, Karen Mize

A Correlational Study of the Effects of Acculturation and Body Image on the Perceptions of Obesity and Thiness by Latin Women, Rosa M. Morrow

An Art Therapy Program for Women Who are Experienceing Postpartum Depression at California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco, Brittany Ryan Michaelian

An Examiniation o fthe effect of Risk-taking as Defined by the International Baccalaureate Organiztion (IBO) Primary Year Program (PYP) on Students' Active Particiaption in Their Own Academic Learning, Philip Wolch

A Preventative Intervention for Children at Risk for Depression Using Learned Optimism and Art Therapy, Anne B. Stockwell

A Quest for Spirituality in 20th Century America, Sabine Henrichsen-Schrembs

Art Therapy for the First Three Steps of AA's 12-Step Program, Pen-lung Liao

Art Therapy Program for At-Risk Children of Battered Women, Melissa Miel Foster

A Safe Space: An Art therpay Group for Women Survivors of Domestic Violence, Angela Angelone

A School-Based Bereavement Art Therapy Support Group for Grieving Children, Cecilie Christine Rowitz

Basileus Minos of Minoan Crete (Volumes I - IV), Winifred Fleet

Camille Claudel: A Reconsideration of Her Position as a Female Artist in Nineteenth Century France and Her Role in the History of Art, Maureen Frances Cecil

Conditions in Which the Process of Art is Healing: A Survey, July K. Ugas

Defining a Character Type for Complimentary Medicine Based Therapists Using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and the Arrington Visual Prefernce Test, Elsbeth Norton

Effective Interventions for Retention Policy in the Middle Schools, Thomas Michaud

Enhancing Visual Literacy with Technology in Standards-Based Secondary Visual Arts Curriculum, Ricarda Fritz Eggert

Establishing and Nurturing Social Connectedness Through a Threapeutic Art Experience for Children Aged Seven to Ten, Lisa Bartsch

Eugenic Utopia or Postmodern Peril? A Discussion of the Ethics of Reproductive Technology, Anne Hedges

Examining Beginning year Writing Production of First Graders: Lined Versus Unlined Paper, Tim Munneke

Exploring the School-Within-A-School (SWAS) Model, Gina Rivera Cater

Factors That Explain Third and Fourth Grade Teachers' Decision to Teach Environmental Education in a Northern California District, Rebecca Fenton

Implementing Learner-Centered Education Using a Sixth Grade Science Curriculum, Erica Kaplan

Measuring the Validity of the Formal Elements Art Therapy Scale Among the Person-Picking-an-Apple-From-a-Tree and the Draw-A-Person-Standing-in-the-Rain, Margaret Dewey

Parental Reasons for Home Schooling, Karrie Coulter

Peer Tutoring as a Strategy for Supporting Writing Fluency in English Language Learners, Laura Kilgariff

Perceptions and Attitudes of High School Admistrators, Teachers, and Students in Core Literature Selection, Maria Sharp

Perceptions of Beauty Among Young Children in a Multicultural Society, Gila Gam

Physical Education and Self-Esteem: The Effect of Cooperative Groups in Fourth and Fifth Grade Physical Education Classes, Krista Tarantino

Pilot Post Intervention Evaluation of Renew, A Program for Burnout Intervention Among Medical Professionals, Lenora A. Kwok

Progressive Reforms in Education: A Search for Progressive Teaching Strategies, Christina Grace Delantoni

Reflections in Stone: Four Venetian Villas of Andrea Palladio as Expressions of Sixteenth Century Venetian Political History, Cathleen Brennan

Relationship Between Perception of the Character of God and a Father's Parenting Style Using Christ Images as a Projective Assessment Tool, Heather Dawn Moore