The Archbishop Alemany Library began the collection of electronic master's theses and capstone projects in 2012; this collection represents the theses that have collected since then.

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Theses/Capstones from 2002

Tails as Teachers: Animal-Assisted Therapy and Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Stephanie E. Weiss

Teacher-led VS. Peer-led: Discovering a Format for Engaging Literature Discussion In a Seventh Grade Classroom, Christine Olson

The Advantages and Disadvantages of an Early Bird/Late Bird Program, Lisa Gockel

The Determination of Initial and Subsequent Group Placement of Students at the Middle School Level, Robin M. Selfridge

The Impact of Grade-School Retention on Self Esteem and Decision-Making in Five Adult Lives, Christie Tanner

The Relationship Between Art in Schoool Curriculum and Adolescent Depressive Tendencies, Sara A. Post

The Relationship Between Teacher Training and Experience and Successful Referral of Students Affected with Attention Deficit Disorder, Jo Briner-Jones

The Spiral Symbol: Yesterday and Today, Jill L. Waterfield

Understanding Teachers' Rationale for the Weekly Spelling Test, Julie Stearn

Use of the Kinetic Family Drawing to Assess for Familial Alcoholism, Sarah Rubin

Using the Kaiser Bird's Nest Drawing Art Based Assessment as an Indicator of Attachment for Adolescents With Anorexia, Sylma Fine

Theses/Capstones from 2001

A Correlation Study Using the Formal Elements Art Therapy Scale and the Coopersmith Sel-Esteem Inventory (School Form) With Fourth and Fifth Grade Students, Monica M. Garcia

Addressing the Needs of Children With Exceptional Abilities, Chelsea Elizabeth Morgan

An Educational Video Illustrating the Theories of Margaret Naumberg and Edith Kramer: "Art as Therapy" and "Art as Psychotherapy", Philip J. Lawson

At-Risk in First Grade, Paula Bradshaw

Changing the High School Core Literature, Catrina Tuft

Coaching Students to Success, David Plescia

Effective Strategies for Managing Aggressive Behavior, Janine Arendt

In the War Zone: How the Vietnam Experience Changed the Profession of the Television News Correspondent, Larisa Joy Reilly

Kingsolver's Poisonwood Bible: Orleanna Breaking the Sequence and the Sentence of Wome's Oppression Through the Use of Women's Culture, Maureen Downs

Literature-Based Exploration: Efferent and Aeshtetic, Kathryn Prather

Peer Conflict Mediation: An Examination of Peer Conflict Mediation in High Schools, William Coley

Reflections on the History of Creativity, Elizabeth W. Smith

Sacred, Circles of Light:An Examination of Six San Francisco Bay Area rose Windows and Their Relationship to a Thousand-Year-Old Tradition, Neal Wolfe

School Gardens: Raising Environmental Awareness in Children, Shira Brynjegard

Teacher's Perception of Art Education in the Kindergarten Classroom, Ellen J. St. Amand

Teaching About Religion in the Public Schools, Philip E. Benezra

The Inner Game of Teaching: What is it and How can It Make Us Better Teachers, Michael Schulist

The New Face of Bilingual Education: Is It Worth the Battle? One School's Struggle, Stache Drese

Two Weeks to the Italian Renaissance: A Guided Tour of the Painting, Sculpture, and Architechture of Italy, Paul Raccanello

Theses/Capstones from 2000

A Blind Study Using the House-Tree-Person Test to Determine Birth Order, Amalia Leigh Collins

Academic, Athletic, and Social Influences of a Winter Tutorial on Elite Athletes, Barbara A. Sorba

Alternative Assessments for Elementary Students with Learning Disabilities in the Areas of Reading and Writing, Maeve Garvey

Art Therapy Can be Used to Detect Triggers That Cause Violent Behavior, Steven Edmonds

As I Effect, So Shall I Be Affeted: An Exploration of the Role of Emotional Intelligence Within a Second-Grader's Self-Image, Amy Kristine Burnett

Astraea Unmasked: The Desires of Aphra Behn, Maureen O'Donoghue

Effects of Integrating Literature and Writing into the Mathematics Curriculum on Learning and Understanding in Second Grade Students, Carolyn J. Wakeley

Farewell, Kelsey: An Historical Overview and Oral Histories of a Disappearing Gold Rush Town, Ellen Durand Olson

How Can a Teacher Succeed in an Inclusive Classroom, Nadine Rae Mosness

How Character Education and Conflict Resolution Strategies Foster a Positive Learning Environment, Faranz Heydari

How Does the Use of Simulations Enhance Fifth Graders' Multicultural Understanding of Social Studies, Victoria Sattinger

How Play in the Kindergarten Classroom Can Suport Student Success in Meeting the California Language Arts Standards, Cecillia L. Quintana

Inside the Heart of the Hollywood Hooker, Paula Gloistein

Paris and Patronage: Christine De Pizan and Her Writer's Market, Cynthia J. Sawyer

Project Based Learning in a Sheltered Classroom, Leilani N. Gillis

Project Based Learning in a Standard-Based System, Jennifer McClellan

Providing the "Release" Through an Art Therapy Journal While Promoting Insight: For Adolescent Self-INjurers, Melissa Ciappetta

Reflections of American Spirituality, Gail J. Tierney


Single-Sex High School Choice and African-American Girls Why do African-American Girls Choose and Stay at a Single-Sex High School?, Gabrielle Dobel


The Aesthetic Philosophy of John Cage and the Visual Arts of the Twentieth Century, Craig Griffeath