The Archbishop Alemany Library began the collection of electronic master's theses and capstone projects in 2012; this collection represents the theses that have collected since then.

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Theses/Capstones from 2007


Cultural Disparities of SAT Scores and the Influence on Higher Education Opportunities for African American and Latino Students, Nichelle Hoover

Demographics and Diversity Between Teachers and Students: Recruiting and Retaining a Diverse Teaching Force, Amanda L. Langford

Disaster Preparedness for Nursing Homes, Ann Baechler

Does Cardiac Surgery Improve the Quality of Lfe of Octogenarians?, Mining Vallance

Everybody Dreams, Everybody Lies: A Novel of Blessing, Lin Marie De Vincent

Examining the Social Impact of Pull-Outs Programs in Elementary Education for Students With Learning Disabilities: What are the Social Effects of Pull-Out Programs, Francein Hansen

Family Language Labels: Effect on Children Living With Non-Parental Caregivers, Megan Ottoboni


Homework: A Nightly Ritual Beginning in the Elementary Grades, Ann-Marie N. Skaggs

Homework: A Nightly Ritual Beginning in the Elementary Grades, Ann-Marie N. Skaggs


Interactive and Textbook Lessons in Science Instruction: Combining Strategies to Engage Students in Learning, Christina Puentes

Interactive and Textbook Lessons in Science Instruction: Combining Strategies to Engage Students in Learning, Christina Puentes

Investigating the Implementation of Whole Languge: Strengths and Weaknesses, Amanda LeDoux

Investigating the Use of Oral Language Development Instruction to Accelerate the Academic Language Proficiency of English-Language Learners, Angela M. Clark

Non-profit Organization as a Solution to Under-Identification of Gifted Disadvantaged Students, Emily Yvette Cook

Position Paper: English Language Curriculum guidelines for elementary School English Language Learners, Anthony Miele

Review of the Literature on Community Building in an Online Learning Environment: The Essential Foundation for Online Collaborative Learning, Douglas Carr

Sakamoto Ryoma: the Nietzschean hero of the Meiji Restoration, Jeff Cohen

Serving Asian International Studetns in English-Speakign Graduate Programs in the United States, Nobuko Maekawa


Stained Glass at the Cutter's Edge, Jocelyn Fitzgerald

Strategies for Teaching Hebrew to students with Learning Disabilities, Aliza Harari

Student Perceptions of the Effect of Teacher Turnover on Passing the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE), John J. Harris Jr.

The Inpatient Palliative Care Consult: Description of the Target Population in the Acute Care Setting, Tonya O'Claire

The Nursing Experience of Chemical Sedation in the Elderly, Gloria J. Haddad

The Relationship Between English Language Structure and Language Acquisition, Michael R. Gainey

The Use of Music as an Adjunct therapy to Pain Management in Sickle Cell Disease: A Pilot Interventon Study, Lou Ella Taylor

Using Appreciative Inquiry on a Multicultural Nursing Unit as a Transcultural Method for Discovering Individual Strengths and Common Values About Caring Relationships, Lisa Kyle Miller

Theses/Capstones from 2006

A Cross Cultural Study of Evil Eye Symbols and Amulets, Sharon Gobuty

A Pilot Intervention Study to Determine the Effectiveness of Guided Imagery (GI) to Reduce the Perception of Stress n Uncomplicated Twnin Pregnancies, Sharon Castellanos

A Pilot Study on a Holistic Model Incorporating a Psycholinguistic Approach Accelerating Second Language Acquisition, Julie C. Catton


A Pilot Study on a Holistic Model Incorporating a Psycholinguistic Approach Accelerating Second Language Acquisition, Julie C. Catton

Artistic Landscapes: Dancing Beyond the Stage; An Investigation of 1960s Site-Specific Dance Through the Chorography f Anna Halprin, Trisha Brown and Twyla Tharp, Meredith Lee Wilson

A Study of the Effective Use and Integration of Technology, Paige Truax

Building Community in a Standards-Based Classroom, Deidre Cobia

Case Manager's Beliefs, Knowledge and Use of Complementary and Alternative Therapies in Clinical Practice, Jeanne Edenson

Community Art Therapy Group Intervention for Adolescents Battling Eating Disorders, Yulia Agafonova

Deterents to Reading and Methods to Support Students to Become Lifelong Readers, Aja Silva-Sabino

Differentiated Instruction: Principles and Techniques for the Elementary Grades, Melinda E. Good

Dr. Suess in the Classroom: Building the Phonemic Awareness of Kindergarten Students, Angela Kriesler

Education, Coerrection, and Recidivism: A Qualitative Study of Adult Detention Centers in Mendocino, El Dorado and San Mateo Counties, David Genoux

Effective Art Interventions for Adult Immigrants, Wei Lin Ku

Helping Sexually Abused Children by Supporting Their Parents, Sarina Hamer

Increasing Empathy in Elementary School Age Children, Laura Purpura

Integrating 6th Grade Geometry Standards into a Waldorf Methods Charter School, Ilie Alma Watterson

Internal Locus of Control and Retablos: The Application of Art Therapy with HIV Positive Gay Men, Alberto Rangel


Jesuit Education and Mathematics: Review of the Literature on Jesuit Education and Mathematics, Ernesto A. Diaz

Learning from the Lived Experience of Addicts in Recovery: How to Obtain and Retain Recovery, Mary Francis Hansen

Measuring Depression with the Hernandez Art Depression Assessment for Children: A Pilot Study Introducing a New Inventory to Measure Depression in Children with the Inclusion of Art Therapy, Marco Hernandez

Music therapy and Prenatal Stress Reduction: An Alternative Approach to Reduce the Perception of Stress for women with Uncomplicated and Low Risk Twin Pregnancies, Grace Chin

Outside the School Day Programs in High Poverty Elementary Schools, Lori Dawn Bosworth Jones

Painter of Light: Fra Angelico a. History ad Interpretive Analysis of Selected Frescoes of San Marco, Diane M. Traversi