The Archbishop Alemany Library began the collection of electronic master's theses and capstone projects in 2012; this collection represents the theses that have collected since then.
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Theses/Capstones from 1998
Dionysos at the Palace: A Play in Three Acts, Julia Helen Hawkins
Drawing Mandalas: Its' Psysiological Effects on Children with Severe Emotional Disturbances, Antonia Fokken
Eleanor Roosevelt: Strategies for Success, Lila McCarthy
From Paris o Persia: Two Worlds Juxtaposed by the Journey fo the "Morgan Picture Bible", Robin Pryor
Graphic Indicators of Sexual Abuse in Children Using the Human Figure Drawing, Sandra Mailloux
Great Men, Heroic Deeds: The Influences of the Nine Heros During the Late Middle Age, Teresa Humm-Curry
Is There Life After Menopause? A Study of Changing Self Concept in Midlife Women, Constance Milligan
Looking for Recurrent Archetaypal Images Through the Use of the Arrigton Visual Preference Test With Children Who are Severely Emotionally Disturbed, Lesley Ann Mastey
Masks of Northwest Coastal Indians: Transformation of the Human Spirit, Karen Cornell
Mathematical Achievement in Reduced Stress, Kristie A. Weber
Retablos: The Tradition of Painting the Tragic, The Miraculous, and Art Therapy Applications with Latino Adolescents, Deann Acton
Sacred, Sensual and Sublime: An Iconographic Study of the Female Nude in the Murals of Diego Rivera, Michael Wornick
School Uniforms in Public Schools, Francisco Julian Islas
Seeds of Change: A History of he Pomegranate as Symbol in Art and Literature, Kathryn Hadley
Symbols of Self: Use of the Arrington Visual Preference Test With Severely Emotionally Disturbed Adolescents, Amy Lynne Rogers
The Collarborative Mural: An Art Intervention Offering Curative Experiences for the Individual, Group, and Community, Vicotria de los Santos Mycue
The Cultural Identity and Self-Esteem of Chinese-American College Students as Seen Through the Draw-a-Person Test, Kealailani A. Zane
The Effects of Personal Goals in Writing Development, Kelly DeBisschop
The Effects of Soothing Sounds on Individual Seatwork, Brady J. DeLaurenti
The Evolution of the Sun Symbol: Its Meaning and Signifigance in Beliefs of Cultures throughout History, Chris Chiochios
The Eye as Symbol, Elizabeth Olson
The Goals and Expectations of Parents and Teachers: A Comparison of Two Schools, Lisa Hill Poett
The Impact of Daily Process Writing with Emergin Writers, Tricia Nance
The Role of Teachers in Class Size Reduction Programs, Mark Medcalf
The Sword, The Cross and the Flag: The Theme of Martyrdom in the Greek War of Independence, Maureen O'Brien
The Use of Kramer Art Therapy Evaluation to Study Behaviors Related to the Diagnostic Indicators in the Art of Adolescents, Marjan Mokarram
Young and Old Together: An Intergenerational Art Therapy Handbook, Carrie Lenihan
Theses/Capstones from 1997
A Cross-Cultural Perspective of the Perception of Color as it Relates to Affect, Delia Lynn Yskamp
A National Survey on Art Therapists Beliefs Regarding Optimal Duration of Treatment with Specific Popualtions, Jennifer J. Cartwright
An Evaluation of a Ninth Grade English Challenge Curriculum, Heather Archibald
Art and Healing Among the Native Americans, Serita Rardin
Art Therapy Masters Theses Indexes, Waldena R. O'Sullivan
Art Therapy with Abused Adolescents: an Efficacy Study in the Non-profit Setting, Louis Buchhold
Can We Find a Modern Hero?: A Book of Questions, Peter A. Sagebiel
Children Dealing with Life-Threatening Illnesses Through the Use of Creative Art Therapy, Janet Marie Natale
Classroom Facilities and Their Impact on Learning, Rebecca Stuck
Early Intervention: Teaching Social Skills to Preschool Aged Children Using Art Therapy, Erin K. McElhinney
Exploring Alienation with Adolescents Identified with Serious Behavior Disordered Using Personal Symbols, Brooke Brown
Fairytales and Therapy: Using Fairytales in Assessing for Child Abuse, Kimberley Haws
Felt Art: A New Art Therapy Modality?, Meredith J. Dunn
Gender Differences in Mathematics: Are Boys and Girls Equal?, Marcy Daniel Athenais
Graphic Communications: A Case Study of a Dissociative Identity Disorder, Virginia L. Miller
Increasing Control: Watercolor Painting an Students with Developmental Disabilities, Carol Mellberg
In Defense of the Individual: Jean-Paul Satre's Quest for Authenticity, Lorraine Leslie Barnes
Isolation in Women in Ministry Using Jungian Archetypes and Modified Kinetic Family Drawings, Andrea Lynn Arnold
Measuring the Validitiy of F.E.A.T.S. Using the Apple Tree Projective Drawing to Assess Self-Esteem in Adolescents, Rosine Ferber
Ofrendas: Altar-making Traditions in the Mexican Days of the Dead and Art Therapy Applications for Grief and Bereavement, Jeanne Gabriel
Phonics and Parents: Keys to Reading Success, Megan Kuykendall
Teachers and Science Museums: Are Valuable Connections Being Made, Suzanne T. Paras