Teacher's Perception of Art Education in the Kindergarten Classroom
Graduation Date
Spring 2001
Document Type
Master's Thesis
Document Form
Degree Name
Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Therapy
Degree Granting Institution
Notre Dame de Namur University
Program Name
Art Therapy
Elaine L. Cohen, EdD
First Reader
Kristin Geiser, PhD
Second Reader
Rosemary Dalton, PhD
What role does an art education play in the latest trend to educate the many to obtain high test score results? This study's literature review suggests that the way a child learns can benefit from having a visual arts education and indicates that there are national, state and district resources that can help define standards for visual arts. Unfortunately, these standards are voluntary and not mandated within the schools. This study looks at one Upper Middle Class school district's kindergarten teachers' perceptions of the visual arts in their curriculum which reveals their understanding of a visual arts education and their willingness to access the available resources to help guide their instruction. This study used a questionnaire to answer the research question: "How do district kindergarten teachers perceive visual arts in their program?" and examined the responses of 23 of the 24 suburban district kindergarten teachers in the San Francisco Bay area of California California is currently setting goals pertaining to standards in an art curriculum The State Board of Education is required to adopt content standards
for visual and performing arts, following recommendations developed by the Superintendent of Public Instruction, on or before June 1, 2001. Although the bill neither requires a school to follow these content standards nor mandates an assessment of its students, this study finds kindergarten teachers in support of an enriched art curriculum. Although their awareness of state, district, and school art standards are not strong, they are willing to further their knowledge and receive support available to implement these standards.