The Archbishop Alemany Library began the collection of electronic master's theses and capstone projects in 2012; this collection represents the theses that have collected since then.
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Applied Sport & Performance Psychology | Art Therapy | Biological Sciences | Business Administration | Clinical Lab Sciences | Counseling Psychology | Creative Writing | Education | Humanities | Nursing | Public Administration | Occupational Therapy
Theses/Capstones from 2012
Using Draw-A-Person in the Rain Projective Drawing Assessment in Measuring Resilience and Coping in Children, Maria Paull
Using Idiomatic Expressions as a Stimulus for Art Therapy with Adolescents With Asperger's and High-Functioning Autism, Kristen Haney
What is Family? Examining Polyamorous Families: Implications for Art Therapists, Jessie Craig
Theses/Capstones from 2011
A Fragile Balance: The Venetian Glass Industry in Cross-Cultural Artisitic Exchange with the Islamic World, Kathleen S. Deadder
A High Throughput Assay for Detection of Mannose 6-Phosphate in Unpruified Cell Culture Supernatant, Benjamin K. Schooler
Apolipoprotein E: Effects on App Processing in Relation to Alzheimer's Disease, Alexander Robert Patent
A Qualitative Study with Art Therapists on the Use of Art as Self-Care in Addressing Vicarious Trauma, Rachel A. Votaw
Art Therapy: Couple Experience an Elevation of Mood Following Creating a Mandala Together, Patricia J. Doolittle
Assessing Inmate Attachment Through the Bird's Nest Drawing: Art Therapy in a Correctional Setting, Lucas Patrick Ketelle
A Systematic Approach to Understand the Bacterially-Derived Determinants of Growth and Aging in Caenorhabditis Elegans, Nicole Alexandra Naude
Bedside Technology Improves Patient Safety, Jimmie Nickleberry
Better Choices: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Behavior Management Programs, Miguel T. Acuna
Bridging the Gap in Communication Between School and Home: Impact on Academic Achievement in Primary Grades, Meredith Maestas
Community Support for Visual Arts Programs: Artist-in-Residence in a K-6 Elementary School, Monica Kulman Jacobson
Coping Resources Among First Generation Korean-American Elders, Minhee Huh
Credit: Part IIIof a Three Part Novel, Elizabeth Evans
Developing the Girl as a Leader, Rose Hembrow-Beach
Effects of Kindergarten Entry Age on Writing Achievement, Cynthia M. Pfingsten
Enhancing Self Efficacy in the Hispanic High School Biology Student: Getting Students to Believe in Their Ability to Master Science Curriculum, Ashley Marie Merian
Examining the Role of Principals in the Retention of New Teachers, Katherine Cross
Field of Dreams Program Evaluation: Empowering the Latino Population in Type2 Diabetes Self-Management, Edie Urteaga
First Ladies of Film: The Not so Silent Women of Early American Cinema, Catherine Borg
Focusing-Oriented Art Therapy in Multiple Sclerosis: A Randomized Controlled Trial to Enhance Quality of Life, Marise Lariviere
Fostering Self-Esteem in Adolescent with Epidermolysis Bullosa: Group Art Therapy in Summer Camp, Jennifer Innes
Gender Equity in Science Education, Johanna R. Hall
Group Art Therapy to Reduce Stress in Aging and Elderly People with Intellectual Disabilities, Mandi Baughman
Helping Continuation High School Students Become Successful in Mathematics, Ramon R. Villegas
High School Dropout Rates Among Minority Students in a Northern California Suburban Area, Alexander Chapman
History Electives in High School: Making Social Studies Engaging, Sean Kelsey
Honoring Mothers with Self-Car Through the Use of Art, Kathleen Dancing Brand
Improving Acute Stroke Nursing Care, Scott Meehl
Instructional Accommodations for Students with Asperger Syndrome in the General High School Classroom, Myrna Baylis
Integrating Cultural Perspectives of First Generation Latino Students and Families into the College Admissions Process, Ryan R. Rosso
Integrating Theater Arts into the Classroom: The New Responsibiliites of the Elementary School Teacher, Jessica Brock
Junior High: An American Saga, Keith Hayes
Multimedia Life Memories as Life Review for Alzheimer's Family Caregivers, Clara Joon-Hee Kim Hahn
Original and Digital AVPT: An Art-Based Assessment Comparison Study, Catherine Pei-Fang Hsin
Outdoor Education Opportunities for Middle School Students: Academic and Social Impacts of Adventure Programs, Lisa Gordon
Overcoming Language and Cultural Barriers in School: Helping Hispanic Students Acquire Success in Elementary School, Pauline S. Ivey
Parent Perceptions of ASD Learning Environments: A Qualitative Study, Sarah Pyles
Pediatric Medical Art Therapy: A Grant to Implement an Art Therapy Position to an Existing Artist-In-Residence Program, Hayley D. Oggel
Pro-Active Social Skills (PASS) Program: Using Art Therapy, Positive Psychology, Skillstreaming, and Values in Action to Develop Positive Social Skills, Shanon Alana Murray
Raising the NCLEX Pass Rates for LVNs t Unitek College, Garth Hutton
Reduce Wrong Site Surgery by Iproving Compliance in the Use of niversal Protocol-Development of New Procedure Safety Checklist, Diane Petruzzella
Re-Thinking the First Amendment: Religious Studies in Public Education, Amy Woodruff
Sinful, Sexual and Sometimes Smelly: Representations of Ethiopians, Women, and Ethiopian Women in Early Acetic Christian Literature, Cheramie Johnson
The Application of Art Therapy's Scribble Drawing Art Directive in Grief Counseling With Adults, Jennifer F. Liu