The Archbishop Alemany Library began the collection of electronic master's theses and capstone projects in 2012; this collection represents the theses that have collected since then.
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Theses/Capstones from 2011
Theatre Arts Programs: Impact of Cognitive Development in Elementary School Students, Lauren Miller
The Counseling Challenge: Balancing Student Interests with Societal Pressures, Taylor Mancini
The Discourse of Cannibalism Within Christianity, Elizabeth Romero
The Effectiveness of Teaching Traditional Grammar on Writing Compostion at the High School Level, Gina Jaeger
The Effect of Small Learning communities on Academic Success: One School's Journey from Comprehensive to Personalized, Tina Ruggeiro
The Exalted Everyday: Pierre Bonnard's Captivating Color, Jennifer Edwards
The Importance of School-Wide Enrichment Programs in Elementary School Settings, Lauren Burris
The Influence of Gender Bias on Children in Childcare Settings, R. Ikram
The Learning Trip: Using the Museum Field Trip Experiece as a Teaching Resource to Enhance Curriculum and Student Engagement, Jennifer Tuffy
The Nun's Tale from the Hours of Catherine of Cleves: A Medieval Novella, Elizabeth Lau Skelton
The Parental Choice to be Proactive Knowing the Limited Role of civil Litigation in Cyberbullying, Joseph C. Sheehan
The Rise and Fall of the Crudsades Through Vatican Political Hegemony, Bart S. Alvara
The Triple Spiral at Newgrange: Historical Research of its Signifigance and Implications for Art Therapy, Jacqueline Eaton
The Use of Madalas to Reduce Stress in a Homeless Shelter and A Correlation Study of Parent-Child Stress Levels and AVPT Image Choice, Coralia Cooper
The Use of Mandalas as a Developmental Assessment of Emerging Adulthood, Sara Barulich
The Use of Photo Art Therapy to Increase Self-Esteem in Hispanic Adolescents, Janet Siegel
Thoughtful Homework or Busy Work: Impact on Student Academic Success, Jennifer E. Tokarski
Understanding Factors That Influence Academic Performance in Tenth Grade Students, Denise Smith
Unity in the Elementatry School Classroom: Building Community Through Increasing Positive Social Interactions Between and Among Students, Sally Piatt-Jaeger
Using Literature Circles to Increase Readign Comprehension in Third Grade Elementary Students, Shawna R. Briggs
Using Precision Drawing Tools with Men in Art Therapy, Jeremy H. Montieth
XY Needs in Education, Jennifer Neidlinger
Theses/Capstones from 2010
2010 A Digital Odyssey: Exploring Document Camera Technology and Computer Self-Efficacy in a Digital Era, Robert Joaquin Hoge
A Cross-Cultural Look at the Emotional Response to Color: Implications for the Field of Art Therapy, Kathryn Foley
An Analysis of the A-G Requirement in a Rural California High School, Marc Masao Morita
An Analysis of the Message of the Negro Spriituals Withing the Conext of Jurgen Moltmann's Theology of Hope, Carolyn E. Matthews
A Qualitative Heuristic Art Therapy Study of Biracial Vietnamese-European Americans and Identity Formation, Erica Doreen Orth
Art Therapy and Autism: Group and Individual Art Therapy to Enhance Social Skills in Children with ASD, Nissa Jackman
Art Therapy and Lifebooks to Facilitate Foster Children's Grief Process, Angela Anderson
Art Therapy Group for Depressed Mothers in Substance Abuse Remission, Ashley Bart
Art Therapy with Minority Special Needs Children, Charice N. Mabry
Assessment Practices with English Language Learners for Entry Into Special Education Programs, Ellen Speiser
A Study Exploring the Use of hte Person Picking an Apple Assessment and the Formal Elements Art Therapy Scale with Groups of Artists and Non-Artists, Jacquelynn Brooke Adams
At-Risk Adolescent Girls and Fostering Positive Self Identity: Creative Clothing Design as a Narrative Art Therapy Approach, Fei-Fei Chang
Classroom Management and the ADHD Student, Laura Colberg
College Readiness of Urban High School Students in the United States: The role of Technology in Preparing All Students for College, Eileen Vollert O'Kane
Cultural Competence and the Residents of the Homeward Bound Residential Homeless Program, Leandra Rachelle Wallace
Decreasing Anxiety and Depression Through Art Therapy with Self-Identified Adult Lesbians, Sonja Carrington
Decreasing Anxiety, Improving Social Behavioral Issues and Fostering Resiliency Through CBT-Oriented Art Therapy with Homeless Children, Takako Uemura
Elementary Writing Instruction Using Picture Books, Lura Viera
Environmental Education for Sustainability Projects: Inspiring and Facilitating Implementation, Ashley Williams
Hawaiian Quilt Art: Continuity and Change, Marie Y. Jarvis
Healing from Eating Disorders: The Journey from Narrative Writing to Art Therapy, Stephanie Schultze
Identifying Obstacles to Incorporating Ocean Content into California Secondary Classrooms, Jennifer Stock
Implementaing Literacy Circles to Enhance Student Achievement Within a Phonics Based Curriculum, Kelly Ryan
Implementing Educational Science Televison in the Third Grade Classroom, Ashley Shear
Investigating the Genetic Mechanisms of Lifespan Extension by Dietary Restriction in D. Melanogaster, Marysia C. Kolipinski