A Fragile Balance: The Venetian Glass Industry in Cross-Cultural Artisitic Exchange with the Islamic World

Graduation Date

Spring 2011

Document Type

Master's Thesis

Document Form


Degree Name

Master of Arts

Program Name


First Reader

Heidi Chreiten, PhD

Second Reader

Neal Wolfe, MA


This thesis considers the significance of the Venetian glass industry and its economic situation with special emphasis on the effects of trade with the Islamic world. Venice's material opulence was mimicked by the fragile and elegant glass vessels of the day. From the middle of the fifteenth century and for more than two hundred years the glass of Venice enthralled Europe with its élan. Venetians were greatly indebted to Islamic sources for improvements in decoration and techniques, especially in the area of glassmaking. Venetian artisans developed glass which conveyed designs from contemporary Italian Renaissance culture yet still drew motifs from Islamic art. The dynamic relationships Venice forged with its Islamic trading partners provided Venice with both wealth and cross-cultural awareness.
