As the only Master of Arts in Art Therapy program in Northern California, Dominican University of California offers an intimate on-campus learning environment designed to prepare students for successful careers in art therapy while encouraging the artistic and therapeutic process.
This site brings together a collection of master's theses and doctoral dissertations from the students of the Art Therapy program.
Theses/Capstones from 1994
Mirroring Through Art to Repair the Damaged Self, Elenore Kanner Weinberg
The Psychological Related Effects of Children Creating Mandalas, Carol DeLue
The Supervisor/Student Relationship in an Art Therapy Prcticum Setting, Carla A. Hawke
The Use of Art and Wilderness Experience to Inncrease Hope in Adolescents: An Exploration of an Intervention, Brian Andrew Lewis
The Validity and Reliability of the Draw-A-Person Directive as a Global Self-Esteem Assessment in Elementary Schools, Elizabeth Van Horn
Using Collage to Overcome Resistance in Troubled Adolescents, Shirley Gallup
Theses/Capstones from 1993
Assessment of Multiple Personality Disorder Using Art Therapy, Liesel Roberts
Assessment of Suicidal Youth Using Art Therapy, Susan Scoskie
Grant Proposal for an Art Therapy Program for At Risk Children in Residence at the Battered Women's Shelter Program San Mateo, CA, Rachel Cherry
Research Proposal to Study Sandplay Therapy as a Modlaity to Enhance Self-Esteem in SED Adolescents: Part I, Robert A. Goulart
Research Proposal to Study Sandplay Therapy as a Modlaity to Enhance Self-Esteem in SED Adolescents: Part II, Robert A. Goulart
Tattoo Significance Among Woment, Christine L. Pulliam
The Art Therpist's Handbook, Victoria Z. Woodrow
The Effect of Momentary Emotional States on Color Response Patterns, Lea Nazarathy
The Effects of Art Therapy on the Self-Worth of Inner City Youth, Erica Saltiel Levin
The Impact of Borderline Clients Studied in Post-Session Artwork of Nine Therapists, Debbie J. Wessels
The Influence of Time and Professioanlization on The Evolution of Art Therapists Identity, Sally V. A. Benson
The Validiity and Reliability of the "Draw a Rosebush" Art Assessment to Discriminate Between Abuse and Non-Abuse in Adolescents, Maura Katrin Schapper
Theses/Capstones from 1992
Art Therapy in a Behaviorally Oriented Day Program with a Schizophrenic Male Adult, Heidi R. Inglis
Eating Disorders and Contemporary Women, Joanna Denkin
Positive School Performance: Art as a Second Language to Promote Self-Esteem, Charlotte A. Flanagan
Preferred Symbol, Archetypal Stages, and Life Satisfaction of the Spritiual Woman at Midlife, Patricia J. Laszewski
Treatment of Adolescent Obesity Using Behavioral Art Therapy, Angela Faye Ruff
Theses/Capstones from 1991
An Analysis of Stress in the Careers of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, Richard A. Jercha
An Analysis of the Feminist Perspective in Family Art Therapy Training, Constance A. Ingram
A Pilot Program: Family Art Therapy as Psychological Intervention with Terminally Ill Patients and Their Caregivers, Gwen J. Sanders
Color as a Bridge from Mental Illness, Sherryl-Anne Malone
For Kids: Grant Proposal for Pyramid Alternatives' Children's Therapy and Education Group, Amy Horn
Grant Proposal for a Pilot Program to Increase Self-Esteem in Abused Severly Emotional Disturbed Adolescents, Melissa Ann Locke-Quan
Grant Proposal for a Pilot Study Addressing the Emotional Issues Surrounding Diabetes for Diabetic Children and Adolescents and Their Family Members, Barbara A. DeRose
Grant Proposal for the Establishment of an Art Therapy Program at the Family Resource Center of Salinas/Seaside Facility of Monterey County, Kimberly Roach
Images of Crisis: Art Therapy Process in Short Term Shelter Settings, Sandra Lehti
The Path of Creation, Laura E. Langdon
The Role of Precombat Personality in the Development of Postcombat Stress Disorder: A Case Study Using Art Therapy, Jana Tuschman
Why Women Artists Choose to Become Art Therapists, Lisa A. Hill
Theses/Capstones from 1990
Art Therapy in West Germany: A Study of Theories and Methods, Tatjana Meschede
Artworks: A Traveling Art Program, Cathleen Meadows
Clinical Art Therapy With Adult Patients in the Western Psychiatric Center, Nadine M. Blaschak
Development of a Database of Artwork by Vietnam Veterans with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), E. Anne Reidy
Emotional and Organic Indices Based on Human Figure Drawings by Persons With Traumatic Brain Injury, Benne E. Rockett
Grant Proposal for a 1991 Appointment Calendar Featuring the Art Work Created by Children Who are Patients at Napa State Hospital, Connie Holmund
Grant Proposal for a Pilot Art Education Program for Room-Bound elders at Hillsdale manor Convalescent Hospital, Catherine Crawford
Grant Proposal for a Pilot Art Therapy Program for Children of Battered Women Temporarily Housed in the San Mateo Battered Women's Shelter, Diana W. Young
Grant Proposal for Outpatient Art and Family Therapy Groups with Schizophrenic Clients, Elaine Marley Beaver
Grant Proposal to Establish an Art Therapy Trauma Surviviors Group for Kings Outreach Boys Ranch, Mary De Santos
Grant Proposal to Support a Pilot Art Therapy Project for a Short-Term Outpatient Chemical Dependency Group, Juanita Ghalamkar
Group Art Therapy for Repetitive Symbolism of an Austistic Adolescent, Joyce M. Kafoury
Pediatric Leukemia Patients: Their Family Relations and Significant Artistic Symbols, Pamela Dobbins
Proposal for Training in Psychiatric Rehabilitation Utilizing Art Expression in Establishing Client Determined Values and Goals, Robert E. Johnson
Robert: A Case Study using Art Therapy to Facilitate Growth, Sahanta Lee DiCesare-Pannutti