As the only Master of Arts in Art Therapy program in Northern California, Dominican University of California offers an intimate on-campus learning environment designed to prepare students for successful careers in art therapy while encouraging the artistic and therapeutic process.
This site brings together a collection of master's theses and doctoral dissertations from the students of the Art Therapy program.
Theses/Capstones from 2006
The Use of Group Art Therapy to Facilitate the Development of Identity with Adolescents in a Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Center, Sarah K. Moffitt
Using a Narrative Art Therapy Approach to Reduce Depression in Older Adults, Janet Ann Van Pelt
Using Art Therapy as an Intervention with Emotionally Disturbed Preschool Children, Katy Elizabeth White
Using the Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory-School Form, House-Tree-Person and Person Picking a Mango From a Tree in Salvadorian Children, Ana Enosensia De Ocampo
Theses/Capstones from 2005
Art Therapy Peer Support Group for 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade Children of Divorce, Karen Gibbons
Comparitive Study of Persian Art of Garden and Field of Art Therapy, Shelia Zion
God Images: A Graphic Documentary, Irene Marisa Schell
Health (Internal-External) Locus of Control in Patients With Soft Tissue Chronic Pain, and Treatment With Art Therapy, Shannon Warming
Life-Story Book Program: An Art Narrative Approach to Make a Life-Story Book of Japanese American Former Internees, Mio Yamashita Delorimier
Narrative Art Therapy for Families That Have a Child With a Life-Threatening Illness, Andrea A. Seitz
Patients Dealing With Terminal Illness Through the use of Creative Art Therapy, Christine Endo
Reasons for Living and Visual Construct Choices as Related to Suicide Risk of Inpatient Adolescents, June K. Gerteisen
Reducing Stress: An Art Therapy-Based Group for Parents of Children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Jane Y. Kim
Significant Images of Mary, Donnamae Eachus
The Ageless Current of Water, Mark Hudson
The Durga Project: A Narrative Approach to Art Therapy Groups with Adolescent Nepali Survivors of Forced Prostitution, Veronica C. San Chirico
The Effect of Keeping a 30 Day Creative Journal by Art Therapy Students and Interns, Linda Powers
The Use of the Mandala as a Coping Strategy in Breast Cancer Patients, Tobey Allen
Visual Preferences of Women with Postpartum Depression, Jennifer Tuepker
Working the First Three Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous in Art Therapy Groups with Female Substance Abusers, Stacey C. Dirzuweit
Theses/Capstones from 2004
A Bereavement Art Therapy Support Group for Grieving Adults, Jessica Tang
A Grant Proposal for an Art Therapy Program for Young Girls Focusing on INcreasing Self-Esteem and Reducing the Development of Eating Disorders, Jennifer Koegen
A Grant Proposal for Reflecting the Relationship: Using Partner Art Mirroring to Enhance Relationships, Juli Espinoza
Assessing the Use of Rawley Silver's Draw-A-Story for Depression Indicators and Peer Victimization in Elementary School Age Children, Trudy Willadson
Enhancing Teacher-Child Relationships Through Art, Elizabeth Recktenwald
Fire All Through Time, Laura Phillips
Healing Anxiety Associated With Sudden Loss Trauma Via a Group Art Therapy Experience, Myriam Martinez
Measuring the Validity of F.E.A.T.S Using the Apple Tree Projective Drawing with Children Diagnosed with ADHA, Alice Locke Chezar
Measuring the Validity of the Formal Elements Art Therapy Scale to Assess for Anxiety in Middle School Aged Children, Susan Kleene Barnes
Projective and Self-Report Assessment tools Used to Assess for Eating Disorder Risk Factors in Young Women, Erika I. Hirsch
Self-Concept Through Art Therapy: Using Therapeutic Creative Arts Techniques With Students With Learning Disabilities, Madeline F. Pascua
Story, Symbol, and Metaphor in Art: Using Art Therapy to Facilitate Change in Dominant Client Narratives, Tanya Alexander
The Art and Science of Art Therapy, Emily Heald
The Masks of Mexico: Mexican-American's Relationship With Their Cultural Heritage and Self-Concepts, Tara F. Franklin
Using Art Therapy as a Tool for Rehabilitating Individuals With Prosopagnosia: Two Case Studies, Shauna Goodenough
Using Sandplay in a Creative Arts Therapeutic Intervention Program for Depression in Elementary School Children, Elaine Gaidis Swanson
Vampires and Art: Addiction and Treatment from a Jungian Perspective, Xan B. Walker
Theses/Capstones from 2003
A 10 Week Creative Arts Expression Workshop in a School Based Environment and Its Effect on Self-Esteem in 6th, 7th, and 8th Graders, Shannon M. Asbury
A Grant Proposal Examining Mirroring as an Art Therapy Technique With High Risk Preschoolers in Head Start, Majica Phillips
A Group Art Therapy Initiative to Serve Women with Breast Cancer and Their Children in Mountain View, and Surrounding Santa Clara County Area, Karen R. Sturm
A National Survey of Art Therapists Regarding: How Art Affects the Development of Trust in the Therapeutic Relationship, Jennifer R. Alward
A Thesis Examining Historic Images of Christ as They Reflect Existential Themes of Love, Loss and Hope and Their Implcations Within the Terapeutic Process, Carolyn A. Farrell-Shaw
Combining Art Therapy and Ecopsychology: An Art and Wilderness Experience, Allie Andrus
Defining Self Through Symbol: A Psychological Analysis of the Cinderella Fairy Tale, Colette Fujimoto
Developing Positive Self-Talk Using Symbols in Sandplay, Jennifer Joyce
Huichol Yarn Painting as an Art Therapy Intervention to Promote Insight in Latino Children, Iris Rodriguez-Costello
Increasing Self-Awareness and Positive Feelings Towards Self: The Use of Art with Individuals with Developmental Disabilities, Jennifer Schott
Medical Art Therapy: A Synthesized Literature Review Resource Guide, Daynia J. Flynn