As the only Master of Arts in Art Therapy program in Northern California, Dominican University of California offers an intimate on-campus learning environment designed to prepare students for successful careers in art therapy while encouraging the artistic and therapeutic process.

This site brings together a collection of master's theses and doctoral dissertations from the students of the Art Therapy program.


Theses/Capstones from 2003

Menopause: A Rite of Passage Creation of a Menopausal Mask: Honoring Women in Midlife, Mary H. Lowe

Preferences and Descriptions of Religious Imagery According to Anxiety Level, Shay Lynn Alderman

Self-Portrait Drawings by Adolescents Diagnosed With Borderline or Narcissistic Personality Disorders, Elizabeth Zimmerman

The Effects of Digital Storytelling on Healing and Closure with World War II Veterans, Deborah A. Vanni

The Old Masters Art Collage With Couples: Increasing Intimacy Through a Six-Session Art Intervention With Couples, Justina Larson

The Option Mandala: A Brief Art Therapy Intervention for Sexually Active Teens, Jacqueline Tabb

Using the FEATS with Brain Tumor Patients, Jennifer Taylor

Theses/Capstones from 2002

A Correlational Study of the Effects of Acculturation and Body Image on the Perceptions of Obesity and Thiness by Latin Women, Rosa M. Morrow

An Art Therapy Program for Women Who are Experienceing Postpartum Depression at California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco, Brittany Ryan Michaelian

A Preventative Intervention for Children at Risk for Depression Using Learned Optimism and Art Therapy, Anne B. Stockwell

Art Therapy for the First Three Steps of AA's 12-Step Program, Pen-lung Liao

Art Therapy Program for At-Risk Children of Battered Women, Melissa Miel Foster

A Safe Space: An Art therpay Group for Women Survivors of Domestic Violence, Angela Angelone

A School-Based Bereavement Art Therapy Support Group for Grieving Children, Cecilie Christine Rowitz

Conditions in Which the Process of Art is Healing: A Survey, July K. Ugas

Defining a Character Type for Complimentary Medicine Based Therapists Using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and the Arrington Visual Prefernce Test, Elsbeth Norton

Establishing and Nurturing Social Connectedness Through a Threapeutic Art Experience for Children Aged Seven to Ten, Lisa Bartsch

Measuring the Validity of the Formal Elements Art Therapy Scale Among the Person-Picking-an-Apple-From-a-Tree and the Draw-A-Person-Standing-in-the-Rain, Margaret Dewey

Perceptions of Beauty Among Young Children in a Multicultural Society, Gila Gam

Relationship Between Perception of the Character of God and a Father's Parenting Style Using Christ Images as a Projective Assessment Tool, Heather Dawn Moore

The Relationship Between Art in Schoool Curriculum and Adolescent Depressive Tendencies, Sara A. Post

The Spiral Symbol: Yesterday and Today, Jill L. Waterfield

Use of the Kinetic Family Drawing to Assess for Familial Alcoholism, Sarah Rubin

Using the Kaiser Bird's Nest Drawing Art Based Assessment as an Indicator of Attachment for Adolescents With Anorexia, Sylma Fine

Theses/Capstones from 2001

A Correlation Study Using the Formal Elements Art Therapy Scale and the Coopersmith Sel-Esteem Inventory (School Form) With Fourth and Fifth Grade Students, Monica M. Garcia

An Educational Video Illustrating the Theories of Margaret Naumberg and Edith Kramer: "Art as Therapy" and "Art as Psychotherapy", Philip J. Lawson

Teacher's Perception of Art Education in the Kindergarten Classroom, Ellen J. St. Amand

Theses/Capstones from 2000

A Blind Study Using the House-Tree-Person Test to Determine Birth Order, Amalia Leigh Collins

Art Therapy Can be Used to Detect Triggers That Cause Violent Behavior, Steven Edmonds

Providing the "Release" Through an Art Therapy Journal While Promoting Insight: For Adolescent Self-INjurers, Melissa Ciappetta

Using Art to Process Aggression With Children Who Are Severly Emotionally Disturbed, Erin Kelly

Using The AVPT to Establish Viusual Concepts Norms of Taiwanese College Students, Su-Fen Liu

Using the AVPT With German University Students to Establish a Norminative Base for Visual Construct Preferences, Julie Haschemeyer

Theses/Capstones from 1999

A Grant Proposal for Using Art Therapy to Improve the Self-Esteem of Adolescents in a Special High School fo rAlcohol and Substance Users: And for Providign a Foundation for a Substance Free Life, Lynne Doherty

A Historical Survey of the Angel Archetype: Convergence of Psychology, Art Therapy and Soul, Christine Marie Springer

A Research Project on Mood and Color Choice in Children With Autism, Heather Suzanne Eckenrod

Art Therapy in a Business Community: A Creative Outlet for Enhancing the Work Experience Through Communication Skills Training and Stress Reduction, Kenda Swartz-Perez

Concurrent Validity of the House-Tree-Person and Kinetic-Family -Drawings as Depression Assessment Tools in the Non-Clinical Korean American Adolescent, Mikyong Han

Effect of Group Art Therapy on Depressed Mother-Child Dyads, Amy K. Keucher

Measuring the Validity of the DAP-SF Using the Draw-a-Person Projective Drawing to Assess Self-Seteem in Latino Adolescents, Yvette Duarte

Physiological Calming Effect of the Color Blue on Children, Lydia Cho

Presence of Defense Mechanisms in the Art of Children in Treatment for Luekemia, Kathryn S. Rogers

Quilts: A Textiel Tradition for Processing LIfe and Cultural Experiences With Art Therapy Applications, Constance Hunt

Surviving and Thriving: Increasing the Hope of Public School Adolescents Through Art Therapy, Eleanor Fisher Ruckman

The Effects of Artistic Expression on Identity Formation Within a Learning Disabled Adolescent Population, Paula Artac

The Role of Creating an Art Journal During the Art Therapy Practicum, Mary Greaney

Women in Mid-Life: Looking at Spirituality Through the Use of Art, Saundra E. Akridge

Theses/Capstones from 1998

Aesthetic Preference and Poetic Writing Style: A Correlational Study, Mary M. Gende

Art and Poetry for Stress Reduction: An Outcome Study with an Acutley Depressed Partially Hosptilalized, Adult Population, Samantha Renee Schmidt

Art Therapy With Adolescent Marijuana Users: A Means of Promoting Insight, Jana Olias Silverman