As the only Master of Arts in Art Therapy program in Northern California, Dominican University of California offers an intimate on-campus learning environment designed to prepare students for successful careers in art therapy while encouraging the artistic and therapeutic process.

This site brings together a collection of master's theses and doctoral dissertations from the students of the Art Therapy program.


Theses/Capstones from 1996

Sexual Abuse Indicators in Kinetic Family Drawings, Christopher Phillip Powers

The Diagnostic Drawing Series: A Comparison of Psychiatric Inpatient Adolescents in Crisis with Non-Hospitalized Youth, Hadass Shlagman

The Representative Use of Symbols Within the First Three Sessions of Cyber Sanplay Therapy, Sarah M. Slaughter

The Role of Art Therapy in the Formation of Identity in Female Adolescents, Kathleen M. Keller

Using Art Therapy in Developing Attachment of Adolecents in Fluid Families, Ellen Pompa

Theses/Capstones from 1995

A Grant Proposal for an Art Intervention for Anger Mangement/Violence Prevention Program, Lynn Spaulding

A Grant Proposal for a Pilot Art Therapy Program with Hospice Patients, Sharon A. Stohl

A Pilot Study for Art Therapy and the Wilderness Challenge: A Dual Modality in Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment, Martha Brooke Lawrence

Art Enhanced Parenting Education for Parents of Behavior Problem Children, Joyce R. Chesnos

Art Therapy: An Alternative Therapeutic Approach in the Treatment of Adolescents at-risk for Depression, Michelle Gay Wheatley

Art Therapy and People with HIV/AIDS a Grant Proposal: Group Art Therapy Program for the San Mateo County AIDS Program, Karen Lee Tripp

Art Therapy Based Outcome Study for Assessment of Adolescent Acute Care Treatment: A Progrtam Designed for Acute Care Adolescent Patients, Christopher Nicholas Anthony DiRaddo

Art Therapy for Adolescents with Behavior Disorders, Tricia Melican

Art Therapy Mirroring Techniques to Enhance Parents Sense of Self: Effect on Children and Adolescents, Claudia Sanchez-Cohen

Art Therapy Program for Children of Battered Women, Laura Anne Whitson

Assessing for Depression in Children with Severe Behavioral Disorders Using Kinetic-Tree-Person Drawings, Anne Tucker Stewart

A Video Proposal about the San Francisco General Hospital and Medical Center Pediatric Play Therapy Program San Francisco, California, Rebecca Ann Wyatt

Descriptive Analysis of Kinetic-Family-Drawings by Adults with Develpmental Disabilities, Barbara Kauffold

Documentation of the Use of Art Therapy in Croatia and Bosnia, Katie M. Cacic

Drawing Out the Spirit: Art Therapy as a Healing Force with Epstein-Barr Virus, Bardi Koodrin

Family Art Therapy: A Therapeutic Approach to Aid in the Adjustment of Foster Child Placement, Gina R. Larsen-Mott

Grant Proposal for A Children's Bereavement Art Group, Tobi Garelick

Grant Proposal for an Art Therapy Program at the Comprehensive Pediatric Care Unit of Lucile Salter Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford, Susan L. Kleck

Grant Proposal for an Art Therapy Program for Individuals Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing, Theresa L. Hall

Grant Proposal for Enhancing Self-Esteem for Severly Emotionally Disturbed Adolescents Through Art Therapy, Donna L. Capaldi

Myth or Trend: A Study of the "Clinification Syndrome" in the Field of Art Therapy, Corinne Celeste Meadows

Substance Abusers and Differentiation: Viewing the Self within the Family System, Jeannette Lynn Whitfield

The AIDS Memorial Quilt: Therapeutic Benefits of Panelmaking as an Art Therapy Intervention, Michelle A. Thibaudeau

The "Bridge Drawing" Used as an Assessment of Chemically Dependent Veterans, Hal Lynne Micali

The Coming Out Process: Parental Knowledge of Sexual Orientation and the Self-Esteem of Adult Lesbians, Gabrielle M. Johnson

The Diagnostic Drawing Series: Research with Depressed Acute Psychiatric Inpatient Adults, Megan J. Burdick-Grade

The Diagnostic Drawing Series: Research with Male Inmates Incarcerated for Murder, Claudee D. Mitchell

The Effects of Adoption on Identity as Assessed by the Kinetic Family Drawing, Colleen Paul

The Experience of Childlessness for Women in Midlife Who Delayed Childbearing Until It Was Too Late, Gail Caufield

The Use of a Body Sculpture Experience as a Means of Addressing Body-Image with Five Women, Jeanne Cory Preville

The Use of Imagery and Visualization in a Cognitive-Based Art Therapy Group to Increase Internality in Adolescent Girls, Kristin Joy Kuhlman

Victim to Victimizer: Breaking the Cycle: An Art Therapy Group Intervention with Sexually Abused Boys in a Residential Settting, lisa Manthe

Visual Construct Choices of Incarcerated Women, Estelle Frances Rubenstein

Theses/Capstones from 1994

A Japanese Art Form Koinobori, Hospitalized Children, and Hope: A Proposal, Nancy Tolin

An Exploration of the Soothing Affects of the Mandala on an Adolescent Population, Aleeza Cohen

Art Used as a Therapeutic Intervention Between Isralie Arabs and Jews, Sandrine Elizabeth Hahn

Assessment of Suicide Risk in Abused Adolescents Using the Rosebush Visualization Technique, Evie Zepernick

A Stepmother Archetype, Georgia Jackman Fink

A Study of Recurrent Symbols and Visual Construct Choices in the Art of Adolescent Substance Abusers, Pamela Malkoff Hayes

Evolution of the Tree Symbol as a Metaphor for Individualization, Sharon Quinn

Finish the Picture An Art-Based/Projective Technique Used With Children, Teresa Schall

Five Graphic Indicators of Sexual Abuse, James R. Gattis

H-T-P Pre and Post Tests with Schizophrenic Patients on Antipsychotic Medication, W. Kay Inman

Insight into Factors Involved in the Developmental Process of Professional Identity Formation of the Art Therapist, Marsha Hardaway-Burke

Mari Card Test: Profile of the Cardiac Patient, Eunice Brown