Everybody Dreams, Everybody Lies: A Novel of Blessing

Graduation Date

Fall 2007

Document Type

Master's Thesis

Document Form


Degree Name

Master of Arts

Program Name


First Reader

Joan Baranow, PhD

Second Reader

Richard Simon, MFA


I can’t make up my mind. It’s been unkempt for quite some time now. On one side (the analytic), there is the desire to write a tome about the father wound. Meaning The loss of wildness, instinct, what happens when men become distortions bent by what women want. About desire and looking for a man who can love without a measuring tape or mirror. This story will be set in Alaska, where the men are happy and the gods are Bear, Raven, Salmon and Eagle. Historical and mythical. Ice. Moon. Silver.

But then, I can’t write about the father wound and ignore the mother wound. So, the other side of my mind (the creative) wants me to fall and flow, blind to pleasing others, yet grandly, thoroughly in love with life, fearless, throwing caution to the winds so that I can also write something unstructured and free, one of those Creative Non Fiction books, about home, set in Hawaii, where the women are happy, for it is there She dwells - Pele, Fire Goddess. Personal and poetic. Fire. Sun. Gold.
