
Theses/Capstones from 2019


The Relationship Between Language, Emotional Intelligence, and Cultural Sensitivity, Sophia Root


The Relationship Between Leadership Style and Personality Type Among College Students, Samantha Easley


The Sources and Effects of Occupational Stress on Recent Graduate Nurses, Athena Pham and Mirabella Mercado


Two Sides of a Democratic Coin: President Johnson's International Approach to the Civil Rights Movement, Kayla Marie Robinson

Video Modeling for Work Occupations to Support Adolescents and Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review, Teresa Le and Brianna Rodrigues

Wine Industry: The Development of Accounting and Key Success Factors for Truett Hurst vs. Viña Concha y Toro, Kate Anderson

Theses/Capstones from 2018


Abraham Lincoln: Making a Man of a Legend, Owen Martinelli

America’s Contradictions: Looking at the Effects American Exceptionalism on American Institutions and Politics, Akayle Williams


Architecture of the San Francisco Bay Area: The Influence of the 1915 Panama-Pacific International Exposition, Orion Weinstein


Authoritarian Pedagogical Practices in Dance Teaching and Choreography, Charlotte Carmichael

Bread, Freedom & Social Justice: Colonialism’s Effect on Democratization in the Arab World, Salma Abdulkader

Conviction Moves Us, Erin McKay

Cultivating the Whole: The Development of Critical Acuity Through Poetry Programs, Jenae Casalnuovo

Cyclooxygenase-2 dimerization activity may be influenced by its monomers’ glycosylation at Asn580, Jelaine M. Cunanan

Docile Bodies: A Study on Women and Docility, Bri Wilson


"Do it Yourself": Origins of Bay Area Hip-Hop, Alexandra Schumacher


Do People Who are More Aggressive Sustain More Injuries Than Their Less Aggressive Counterparts: A Study of Participants of Medieval Combat Games in the United States?, Christopher Sanchez

Down Syndrome: Teaching Tolerance to Young Children, Kathleen Penly


Egypt's Perilous Journey, David Nguyen


Fighting Fatigue with Caffeine: Exploring Perceptions on Patient Safety, Camille Quitangon


Hiding in the Archives: The History of the Art History Department at Dominican University of California, Maura Wilson


Hospice Nurses' Perceptions of Family Education and Dying Support Best Practices, Vivian Le

Iron Oxide and Montmorillonite as Surfaces For Environmentally Persistent Free Radical Formation, Simon Chan


Keep it 100: Do the First 100 Days Really Matter?, Hallie Balch


Languages of Reality, Sarah Lindquist

Mindfulness Meditation and the Reduction of Stress in Nursing Students, Jeanie Gee

Mission Impossible? The Likelihood of Democracy in Iran, Natalia Chamaki

Mujeres in Action: Analyzing the Effects Female-led Civil Society Organizations have on Policy Change in El Salvador, Samantha Hunt


Nationalize or Localize: Senatorial Incumbent and Challenger Differences in Issue Prioritization, Joshua Rosenberg


Nurses’ Perception of the Relationship between Socioeconomic Status, Incidence Rates and Complications of a Type 2 Diabetes Diagnosis in the Adult Population, Malia McDowell


Play the Game or Change It? A Study of Capitalism, Control and College Students, Jacqueline Streur


Root Causes of the Generational Cultural Disconnect Among Marin County Vietnamese-Americans, Sierra Najolia

Screening Possible Scar-Collagen Inhibitors on TGF-β1 Treated Dermal Fibroblasts, Janelle DeJong

Soy Barack Obama, y Yo Apruebo Este Mensaje: The Obama Presidential Campaigns and the Latino Electorate, Sayra Trejo


The Arts and Technology: How Educational Technology Can Bring Humanities Further Into Elementary and Primary School Systems, Coleman D. Alameda


The Effects of Perceived Social Rank on Socially Anxious Adolescents, Ernest Garcia


The Importance of Teaching Young Children Academics Through Multi-Sensory Activities, Tiffany Schardt


The Inclusion of Students with Special Needs in the General Education Classroom, Megan Walsh

The Known Behaviors and Functions of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Bone Regeneration, George Washington Brownridge III


The Marginalization and Stereotyping of Asians in American Film, Isabel Paner


The Sea Ranch: Unforeseen Failures and Statewide Successes of an Ecologically Conscious Coastal Community, Robert Daley

These Children Are In Your Classroom: How Teachers Can Integrate Social-Emotional Learning to Support Children who have Adverse Childhood Experiences, Danielle O'Reilly


Wearing Art History: Fashion as an Art, Sofia Killion


What Is The Experience of Creating My Own Dance Style?, Jesse Bodony

Theses/Capstones from 2017


1964 Summer Olympics: More than Just Sports? How Japan Utilized the Olympic Games for Ulterior Motives, Christopher Suen


21st Century Education: The Importance of the Humanities in Primary Education in the Age of STEM, Christine M. Reiter


Advertisements and Social Appeal: Reshaping of the Twentieth Century American Woman, Janet L. Tumpich

A Journey Into Fear: Exploring Anxiety Through Personal Experience and Physiological Fact, Patrick Simon


Aquaponics: Redefining Education for Our Youth, Joshua Peal

Developing and Testing an Ocean Acidification Case Study, Vanessa Mendoza