A collection of Senior Theses from undergraduate programs across the disciplines.
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Theses/Capstones from 2014
Living in Afghanistan on the Eve of the Russian Invasion, Crystal Kelly
Personality Differences in Social Networking and Online Self-Presentation, Lesley Natalie Jimenez
Preventing Students who are At Risk from Dropping out of School, Agustin Joseph Gonzalez
Rediscovering Nature: Tree Exercises and Psychology, Kendra Woodglass
Student Centered Curriculum: Elementary School, Atria Gail Rondone
The Relationship of Control and Sensation-Seeking Behaviors to Travel Motivations, Michael Galindo
Understanding Social and Emotional Needs as an Approach in Developing a Positive Classroom Environment, Kristen Ozorio
Unseen Consequences: The Plight of the Mexican Migrant Farm Worker, Amanda Diaz
Vulnerable Undocumented Mexican Immigrants in California from 1986 to 2012, Magdalena Galvan Rodriguez
Women Ordination in the Roman Catholic Church, Ria Barretto Aquino
Theses/Capstones from 2000
A Dominican Torch in the Pioneer West: The Founding of Dominican College and a Century of Growth, Michael J. Hayes