"Languages of Reality" by Sarah Lindquist

Graduation Date


Document Type

Senior Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts


Humanities and Cultural Studies

Department or Program Chair

Chase B. Clow, PhD

First Reader

Robert Bradford, MA


Spiritual and philosophic systems and constructs are embedded in the matrix of reality to explicate what cannot be known, but only experienced: Absolute Reality. Religious and spiritual traditions exist to serve as a kind of interface with ultimate reality, or, a unitive state of consciousness, by using symbolic form and language to impart teachings about the nature of reality to spiritual aspirants. The use of symbolic language is integral to these teachings because unitive states of consciousness are not possible to convey to the spiritual seeker using ordinary language; a bridge between the known and the experienced is created with the use of symbolic language and form.

A witnessing, unitive conscious rooted in non-dualism is a healed, and whole, state of being; a fragmented consciousness formed and informed by a dualistic worldview will perceive and interact with objective reality with fear, and anxiety. This paper represents extensive research into dualistic and non-dualistic states of consciousness by comparing two great works of philosophy and science, Vedanta and physics. These two seemingly opposing worldviews support and affirm the understanding that wholeness is humanity’s true state of being.
