A collection of Senior Theses from undergraduate programs across the disciplines.
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Communication and Media Studies | Dance | Education Studies | Global Public Health | History and Political Science | Honors Theses | Humanities & Cultural Studies | English Literature | Literary and Intercultural Studies | Nursing | Religion and Philosophy | Social Justice | Psychology | Visual Studies
Theses/Capstones from 2017
You Could Say It's on Love, Isabella Rosen
Zoe: Notes from a Millennial, Melanie Carlson
Theses/Capstones from 2016
Cultural Sensitivity in Healthcare: The New Modern Day Medicine, Daniel Dell'Osso
Healing the Tenderloin of San Francisco:The Unconditional Love of Glide Memorial, Susan M. Hartwell
I preferred, much preferred, my version: Exploring the Female Voice and Feminine Identity within Memoirs of the 20th and 21st Centuries, Alexandra Fradelizio
Lullaby for the Burning Ear: How Intersectional Feminism Can Help Decolonize the Latino Consciousness, Donovan E. Hernandez Garcia
The Artistic Legacy of Georgia O’Keeffe, Michelle L. Knutson
The Black Death in the Medieval World: How Art Reflected the Human Experience Through a Macabre Lens, Shirley M. Carrade
The Effects of Social Media on Music Sharing, Rachel Zucker
The Power of a Secret: Secret Societies and the Easter Rising, Sierra M. Harlan
The We In Me: Exploring the Interconnection of Indigenous Dance, Identity and Spirituality, Sara Moncada
Two Thousand Words: Aphrodite and Kali Reimagined, Aleta Walsh
Veritas Fax Ardens – Truth Is a Flaming Torch, Meret A. Luthi
Theses/Capstones from 2015
A Greener Dominican?: The Journey of a University Perched on the Threshold of Sustainability, Lauren Guittard
An Analysis of Afterschool Programs in the United States, Caroline Jeter
An Exploration of Nurse Adherence to Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia Bundle Interventions: A Quantitative Study, Alexis Luna
Approaching Ideals through Innovation: Twentieth and Twenty-First Century Mass Media Technology and American Democracy, Elizabeth Brand Cermak
Bed Rest and Its Continued Use in Women with High-Risk Pregnancy: A Review of Literature, Irene De Los Reyes
Creative Expression and Dementia, Danielle A. Lavee-Dixon
Fast Fashion: At What Cost?, Fiona Hall-Roulac
Hollywood & Media Portrayals of Veterans Who Suffer From Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Francesca C. Katafias
Hostage Negotiations in Lieu of Armed Assault, William A. Merkle
How the Phoenix Took Wing: An Examination of the Humanities Canon as it Relates to the Psychology of Posttraumatic Growth, Stephen Dalton
Irish Women's Immigration to the United States After the Potato Famine, 1860-1900, Mackenzie S. Flanagan
Jacobean Textile Design: Surviving (and Thriving) Through the Test of Time, Janis L. Wild
Looted Antiquities: Economic Opportunity for Terrorists, Vanessa Hanson
MADNESS: Schizophrenia, Then and Now, Diane W. Aldrich
Mother's Bed: Gender Representation in Children's Literature, Karin Hanni
Nurses’ Perceptions of Best Practices to Assess Pediatric Patients and Educate Their Families Experiencing Effects of Cancer Chemotherapy: “Chemo Brain” A Pilot Study, Jennifer A. Tapping
On the Divide: Examining Residential Segregation in Marin County, California, Felicia Burgess
The Feminist Inside the Strong Black Woman, Avoa P. Henry
The Relationship of Cell Phone Usage to Personality and Attention, Victoria L. Grajeda
The Transformative and Healing Powers of Compassion, Forgiveness, and Wonder, Anna C. Eriksson-Marty
Theses/Capstones from 2014
A Historical Account of the Conceptual Evolution of Satan in the Abrahamic Belief Traditions, Hanan Huneidi
Building Academic Confidence in English Language Learners in Elementary School, Alejandra Vazquez
Chinese Calligraphy: An American Chinese's Perspective, Bridget Gross Duann
Creating a Successful Educational Environment for the Latino/a Community: Building Home- School Communication, Talyha Romo
Education and the Museum, Courtney Mary Morse
Effects of Resource Allocation on Student Academic Achievement and Self-Perceptions of Success in an Urban Setting, Kimberly Ann Harris
Engage, Imagine and Create: Keeping the Arts Alive in the Youth of Today, Kymm L. Falls
English Language Learners on the Rise: A Look at Programs Available To Adults in Sonoma County That Support Parent Involvement, Jaime Dee Blevins
Enhancing Social Behavior of Children with Autism in an Inclusive Classroom, Alexandra Akemi Rovira
Evolution of the Un-Wed Mother, Carol Jean Obergfell
FEAR.COM: Terrorism and its Use of the Internet and Social Media, Gary Tourville
For Praying Out Loud: An Exploration of Religious Traditions & Their Prayer Practices, Leona George-Davidson
Greta's Journey-The Life of a Guitar, Heather Dobrin
Heritage/ Culture Preservation Model Bilingual Instruction, Heidi Samayoa
Human Trafficking and Sexual Slavery: A Local Epidemic, Sierra Marie Tomsky
Individual and Social Ontologies of the Self: Analyzing the Spectrums of Selfhood, Evan Alexander Ferguson