The Archbishop Alemany Library began the collection of electronic master's theses and capstone projects in 2012; this collection represents the theses that have collected since then.
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Theses/Capstones from 1969
A History of Transportation, Land Use and Economic Development in Coastal marin County 1800-1900, Gloria Wyeth Melbostad
A Model of Guerrilla Warfare Applied to the Civil War and Geneal Nathan Bedford Forrest, William David Farson
A Science Curriculum fo rGarces Memorial High School, Bakersfield, Mary Justin McCarthy
A Study of Continuation Education, Francis X. Burch
A Survey of the Educable Mentally Retarded Classes in Public Schools in Marin County, California, Devi de Sam Lazaro
Dark-Light Imagery in Thomas Hardy's Jude the Obscure, Clair Stephen Spellman
Educational Views of an Ancient and A Modern: Isocrates and Robert Maynard Hutchins, Juana O'Brien
Indian Uprisings in Humboldt County, Nevada 1861-1863, M. Peter Damian Lang
Martin Murphy, Jr., California Pioneer 1844-1884, Gabriele Sullivan
Movement in Relation to Diction and Imagery in E. E. Cummings' Elegy "My Father Moved Through Dooms of Love", Diane Reese
The Planning, Coordinating and Conducting of a Year-long In-service Reading Workshop, Jeanne Marie Bendik
The Role of the Catholic Secondary Schoool in Philippine Secondary Education Since 1946, Bibiana Vendiola
The Syntax of the Finite Forms and the nominal Forms fo the Verb in Quintus Curtius'"History of Alexander, Bk. IX", Nora Sweeney
Theses/Capstones from 1968
A Historical Survey of the Educational Work of the Americans in the Philippines 1898-1934, Doris Sia Calog
Albert Camus and Youth, Marilyn E. Eastman
American Catholoic Periodical Coverage of the Spanish Civil War, Jeanette Giacomini
A Reevaluation of the Croxton Play of the Sacrament, Mary Boniface Sullivan
A Study of the One Sentence Poes of William Butler Yeats, Carole Hetherton
Contributing to Quality Education Through the Creative Arts, Joan A. McDonald
Dryden's Pegasus: Heroic Tone in Macflecknoe, John D. Tassone
Gerard De Nerval Precurseur Du Surrealisme, Jean Y. Audiger
Justice: A Unifying Thread Within the House of Fame, Edith Mary Colt
Le Sentient Du Donheur Chez Andre Gide, Mercedes Audiger
The Construction and Use of Mathematical Games and Models in the Junior High School, Robert W. McConville
The Educational Achievement and Ideals of Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, Eda Rose Respini
The Foreign Language Field Day, Charles Victor Groat
The History of Marin County California: Resources fr use in the Development of an Experiential Program for Elementary Students, Mary Jane Chetelat
The Political Career of Alcide De Gasperi, Anna Maria Di Donna
Theses/Capstones from 1967
A Comparison of the Treatment of Education in Pisu XI's Encyclical on Education and the Documents of Vatican II, Alfred H. Puccinelli
A Large Frame of the Iconography of Death in the Time of John Donne, Helen Hadly Greely
Joyce's Symbolic Use of the Colors black, White, and Red in Ulysses, Pennie Rae Hutchison
The History of Saint Catherine's Academy: 1851-1854 in Monterey, California 1854-1862 in Benicia, California, Mary Hyacinth Kilgannnon
TheTheme of Purity in a Cross-Section of Plays by Jean Anouilh, Mary Madalena Justesen
The United States Naval Forces in North Russia 1918-1919, Vincent Lopez
World Literature in the Secondary School, Carroll Dana Leach
Theses/Capstones from 1966
Conrad's Theory of "Justification", Ann Veronica Yosch
Literature in the Iranian Secondary School, Farideh Seihoun
Sentence Patterns in Gerard Manley Hopkins, John J. Savant
The Importance of St. Joseph, Mary Claude Rieland
The Towneley Tyrants, Edward L. Cunningham
Theses/Capstones from 1965
A Comparative Study of Some of the Educational Principles of Quintilian, The Roman Educator, and of Mortimer J. Adler, The Modern American Humanist, M. Monica Gillespie
A High School Biology Course for the Slow Learner, Frank Ernest Rathman
A Survey of Education in Virginia City, Nevada 1859-1897, Mary Rose Sanguinetti
Baldur Von Schirach, Patricia Marie Mantle
Figurative Devices in "Mansield Park", Mary Jane O'Brien
Novation's "De bono Pudicitae", Mary Augustine Malarkey
Prudence and the Modern Sister, Francis De Sales Russell
Religious Life, Mary Cecilia Horan
The Circumlocution Office of Dickens' "Little Dorrit", Ann Louie Schlitt