The Archbishop Alemany Library began the collection of electronic master's theses and capstone projects in 2012; this collection represents the theses that have collected since then.

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Theses/Capstones from 1984

Art Therapy Sessions with a Schizophrenic, Alice Folger

Art Therapy with Vietnam Veterans: The Importance of the Therapeutic Alliance, Barbara L. Cowan

Child Abuse An Indictment of a Society in Spiritual Crisis, Christen Grace Aaron

Grant Proposal An Art Therapy Program for Pregnant High School Age Women, Katherine McCleary

Grant Proposal: Expressive Art Program, Dorothy Perry

The Compensating Male and the Adolescent Transitional Stage, Scott P. Gregory

The Utilization of Art Therapy Techniqaues with Hospitalized Anorexic Patients, Karen L. McMichael

Transition to Manhood Thwarted: Struggles Portrayed Through Images, Virginia Taylor

Theses/Capstones from 1983

"A Boost Into Manhood" Violence and Aggression as it Relates to Sex Role Confusion, Scott P. Gregory

An Annotated Bibliography of the Rare and Unusual Musical Materials in the American Music Research Center at Dominican College, San Rafael, CA, Angela Breeden

Art Therapy in an Acute Care Short Term Pschiatric Facility, Veronica Magay

Mass Propers and Sequences in the Duran Choirbook, Mary Jo Cavanagh

The Barber of Seville by Giovanni Paisillo and Pierre-Augustin Caron De Beaumarchais English Adaption, Joan Smith

Working Through the Art Therapy Program and Personal Process (in Conjunction with Primary Therapy), Marilyn Marshall

Theses/Capstones from 1982

A Personal Search for Definition as an Art Therapist, Alex Silberstein

Art: A Therapeutic Modality in the Treatment of Adolescents in Crisis, Sharon Rose McInerney

Art Therapy in a Geriatric-Psychiatric Rehabilitation Center, Mary May Wood

Descartes' Letters to Pere marin Mersenne, Le Minime, on the Science of Sound and Music, 1629-40, Keith Elisabeth Stetson

Grant Proposal for Directed Art Therapy for Children with Behavioral Problems: Preschool Through Latency Age, Alyce Curtiss-Cobb

Master of Arts Internship Crystal Springs Rehabilitation Center's Geriatric Psychiatric Ward Day Treatment/Continuting Care Program of Region IV of San Mateo County, Joan M. Evans

The Artistic Unity of the Chester Mystery Cycle, Jeanette T. Hawkins

Theses/Capstones from 1981

A Proposal for an Art Alternative Program for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Elementary Students a the Jackson Hearing Center Palo Alto, California for the Academic Year of 1982-3, Barbara Stevenson

A Proposal for an Art Program to Enahnce the Self-Esteem of the Mentally Disabled, Sharyn McDonald

Art Therapy with an Electively Mute Child, Joyce E. Houser

Art Therapy with Three Autistic Boys, Lori Wroblewski

Comparison of Attitudes and Knowledge Regarding the Effect of Parent Workshops on the Learning Handicapped Child, Barbara Whitelaw

Expressive Play/Art Therapy with Children and Adolescents in an Ambulatory Care Center, Charleen Rubin

Grant Proposal, Martha Castillo

Growth Through Creativity, Jean Priestley

Implementation of an Art Therapy Program at a Child Abuse Residential Center, Elizabeth Joyce Voss

Peppermint Patty as a Possible Illustration of a Right-Brain-Dominant Child, Laura F. Williman

Surrey: The Form and Meaning of His Sonnets, Margaret Hearn Smith

The Voyage, Catherine Mary Madden

Theses/Capstones from 1980

Art and Play Therapy with Pediatric Brun Patients, Valerie Appleton

Art Experiences for Personal Growth, Virginia Meyer

Grant Proposal to Evelyn and Walter Haas Jr. Fund, Sandra Lynne Gleeson

Theses/Capstones from 1979

A Comparison of Mainstreamed Traditional Instruction and Pullout Individualized Instruction on Reading Gains of Low-Achievers at Two Junior High Schools, Catherine Vakos Banks

Redwood House: Art Experience Group in a Residential Treatment Center, Valerie Appleton

The Chinese in San Francisco and the Minig Region of California 1848-1858, Roger T. Lim

Theses/Capstones from 1978

An Evaluation of the 1974-75 Dominican College Freshmen Advising Project Called the Preceptor Program, Margaret Burk-Dietrich

Chronic Illness: Its Effects on the Patient, Spouse and Their Relationship, Mary K. Langford

Ezra Pound's City: The Total Light Process, Kristin Cann

Mandala: Path of Beauty, Joan Kellogg

Relationship Between Left-handedness and Creativity in Children K-6 as Measured by the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking, Wilma K. Trousdale

Theses/Capstones from 1977

Aphrodite as Acorn: Method and Message in the Cantos of Ezra Pound, Anne Stobridge

In Search of Emily in The Knight's Tale, The Teseide, and the Two Noble Kinsmen, Lynne S. McClellan-Loots

Narrative Method and Point of View in Bleak Houe, Priscilla Jackson Umphrey

Theses/Capstones from 1976

Mariano Guadalupe Vallejo's Relations with the Indians of California's Northern Frontier: 1825-1842, Gene McNally

The Creative Void, Carol Williamson Paisley

Theses/Capstones from 1975

An Examination of the Possible Finacial Aid Needed by Re-Entry Students, Christina Griffin-Bendinger