The Archbishop Alemany Library began the collection of electronic master's theses and capstone projects in 2012; this collection represents the theses that have collected since then.
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Theses/Capstones from 1960
The Digressive Structure of Beppo, Ralph J. Murphy
The Dogmatic Importance of the Doctrineof the Association of Mary with Christ, Mary Sebastian Gordon
The foundation and Early Growth of Saint Mary's Hospital, Reno, Nevada 1908-1930, Mary Gerald LaVoy
The Theme of Discipline and Control in Conrad's "The Heart of Darkness", Mary Kathleen O'Hanlon
Theses/Capstones from 1959
A Study and Modern Engish Rendering of PATIENCE, A Fourteenth Century Alliterative Poem or the West Midland Dialect, Catherine Louise Wall
Some Controversial Problems Regarding Censorship, Mary Matthias Neill
Some Major Problems in the Behavior of the Young Adolescent Girl and Their Possible Solution Through Bibliotherapy, Mary Patrick English
Theses/Capstones from 1958
Allegorical Structure in Little Dorrit, Mary Prentice Barrows
A Study of Moral Suasions in Grade Seven Reading Choices, M. Michaeleen Donovan
A Study of Techniques for Teaching Listening in the Elementary School, M. Florence Cumbelich
Guidance Practices Related to Religious Vocations of Girls of San Francisco Archdiocean High Schools, Mary Albert Walsh
Little Dorrit: A Study in Viewpoint, Mary Loyola MacDonald
Pantheism in 1805-6 and 1850 Versions of the Prelude, Karen Marie Franks
Poverty and Apostolate, Mary Ignatius Lavoy
Significant Methods and Devices in Teaching French with Special Observations in the Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools of San Francisco, Mary Clara Avellar
The Career of John Steven McGroarty, Mary Eleanor Craggs
The Historical Development of San Rafael High School (1887-1958), Edith D. Miller
The Spaniard in Elizabethian Drama 1560-1610, Mary Consolata Morris
The Theme of Betrayal in Joseph Conrad's Nostromo, Maryann E. Odell
William E. P. Hartnell A California Patriarch, 1820-1854, Mary Wilma King
Theses/Capstones from 1957
A Study of Current Practices and Methods Benefitting the Slow-learning Child in the Elementary Schools of the Archdiocese of San Francisco, Mary Stella Van Winkle
Reading Improvement Programs on the College and University Level, Dorothy Smith Blackmore
The Application of Democratic Principles of Education to the Minor Seminary, John H. Hillmann
The Development of Language Responses in Early Childhood, Patricia Rawles Bertrand
The Syntax of the Simple Cases and of the Cases with Prepostions in Pliny's Natural History, Book VII, Mary Denis Murphy
Theses/Capstones from 1956
A Study of the Vow of Poverty, Mary Leo Murphy
Basic Issues of General Mathematics, Paquita Celez Demetillo
Language and Imagery of Harmony in Wordsworth's Prelude, Mary Samuel Conlan
Relationship Among the Meaning Sturcture, the Image Structure, and the Sound Sturcture in the Poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins, Herminia Q. Meñez
The Development and Present Use of Demonstrations in the Secondary Schools of Northern California, M. Bernadine
The Place of the BlessedVirgin Mary in the Work of Jois-Karl Huysmans, M. Celeste Rouleau
The Role of Symbolism in Four Plays of François de Curel, M. Cecilia Felciano
Theses/Capstones from 1955
A Study of the Dramatic Interludes in Moby Dick, Mary Clement Fagin
A Suggested Program for the Evaluation of Student Teachers of Dominican College, Helen Anna Wilson
Home-School Cooperation: A Study of Practices in Relationship to the Religious and Socio-economic Background of the Pupils in the Kindergarten and First Grades of Twelve Schools, Marie Carmel Janke
Some Factors Affecting the Virtue of Obedience in Elementary School Children, Thomas Josephine Lawler
The History of Saint Rose Academy San Francisco, California 1862-1906, Mary Ellen Marengo
The Political Career of Cornelius Cole 1863-1873, Marie Alfred Doyle
The Political Career of James Grave Scrugham 1923-1945, Marie Olive Doyle
The Theme of Death in the Poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins, Lydia M. Castillo
The Theme of Free Will in Milton's Major Poems, Constncia Javier Sales
The Value of Teaching Foreign Languages in the Elementary Grades, Margaret A. Underhill
T.S. Eliot's Paradiso, Mary Reginald Moore
Theses/Capstones from 1954
An Analysis of Bernanos' Style in La Joie, Mary Thaddea Kelly
An Analysis of the Angels in the Poetry of John Milton, Mary Matthew Crane
An Explication of the Text of John Keats' Ode on Melancholy, Mary Thomasine Ringo
A Study of the Vow of Chastity, M. Jean Frances Fiffe
Development of the Child Labor Laws in California, Mary Thomas Aquinas
The Educational Viewpoints of Mari de St. Jean Martin Regarding Preparaion for Christian Maariage and Motherhood, M. Columba Kirby