The Archbishop Alemany Library began the collection of electronic master's theses and capstone projects in 2012; this collection represents the theses that have collected since then.
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Theses/Capstones from 1989
Art Representations as Functions of Depressive State: Longitudinal Studies in Chronic Childhood and Adolescent Depression, Thomas J. Brudenell
Facilitating the Therapeutic Alliance Through the Art Process in Short-Term Family Art Therapy, Barbara Danielsen
Grant Project for a Group Mural Pilot Project Designed for and Supported by the Fred Finch Youth Center, Beverly Stone
The Art of Process: A Program Designed for the Apple Child Care Center, Apple Computer, Inc., Margaret Francis Conroy
The Effectiveness of a Group Art Therapy Project in the Treatment of Latency Age Boys, Linda Marnell
The Use of a Circular Sand Tray in Sandplay, Dorothy T. Chrisman
Triumph of the Spirit: Creative Art Therapy and How It Impacts on the Quality of Life of Handicapped Elderly Patients in a Convalescent Home Setting, Lynette Joy Ben-Sushan
Theses/Capstones from 1988
A Proposal to Establish an Art Therapy Program at Mercy Manor: Skilled Nursing Facility, Meredith Standiford
Partner Drawing With Seriously Emotionally Disturbed Children, Nancy Backstrom
Postcombat Stress Disorder: A Case Study Using Art Therapy, Priscilla Barbanica
Theses/Capstones from 1987
An Overview of French Art Therapy, Sande Griffith
Art Therapy and the Empathic Relationship: Three Case Studies, Patricia McKay
Art Therapy with Blind and Visually Impaired Adults, Rosalyn Benjet
Art Therapy with Depressed Patients in an Institutional Setting, John Robert O'Brien
Artwork of Alzheimer's Disease Patients in an Institutional Setting, Kaoru Watanabe
Emotional Indicators on Human Drawings of Learning Handicapped Children:, Patricia Barry Hollister
Facilitating the Death/Rebirth Experience Through Art With Three Adolescent Girls Who Had Each Lost a Parent, Adele M. Aced
Grant Application: Art Therapy as an Assessment of Substance Relapse, Carol Marie Smyth
Grant Proposal: St. Luke's Hospital Pediatric Unit Play Therapy Program, Sara A. Gaines
Proposal to Support an Art Gallery at Napa State Hospital, Elaina Rose Cameron
The Effects of Art Therapy on The Self Esteem of Young Adolescents, Joan K. Workman
The Environment is a Factor in Experiencing the Feeling of Safety and Wellness, Toni Morley
The Mandalas in the Artwork of the Mentally Ill, Ingeborg Johanna Matte
The Relationship Between Premorbid Personality and Senile Dementia of the Alzheimer Type and the Stress of Male and Female Caregivers, Marti Erickson
The Tao of Art Experiential: A Measurement Designed to Identify Jung's Typology, Gerry Anne Lenhart
The Use of Art Therapy With Chonically Ill Adolescents, Ava Charney
Theses/Capstones from 1986
A Humanistic Approach to Art Therapy, Andrew Schwartz
An Exploration of the Use of Mirroring as a Therapeutic Technique for the Art Therapist, Robyn Nolta
Art Therapy with a Latency Age Child with Borderline Features, Reid M. Dorwin
Coming Out of Childhood: Adolescents and Art Therapy, Christa Hanson
"Flowers, Only Flowers" Art Therapy, The Elderly, and Depression A Case Study, Anne Elizabeth Peterson
Grant Proposal for Art Therapy Outreach Program Through the Mental Health Services, Dominican Santa Cruz Hospital, Bruce R. Arnold
Group Art Work with Chronic Schizophrenic Patients, Leonora Olds
The Big House Motif in the Twentieth Century Hiberno-English Novel, Sharon L. Niccosia
The Effectiveness of the Art Therapy Process in the Survival of Suicide Aftermath, John B. MacCracken
Three Greek Islands: A Literary Interpretation by Lawrence Durrell, Patrica Taylor
Theses/Capstones from 1985
An Overview of Art Therapy with Children, Gail M. Ferens
A Proposal fo a Longitudinal Study to Document the Effects of Art as an Integral Part of Developmental Therapy, Kathleen M. Park
Art Therapy and the Pathological Child, William B. Cleland
Conversion Disorder: A Case Study Using Art Therapy, Margaret Anderson
Grant Proposal for Art Therapy Program Through the Community Health Abuse Council, Phyllis S. Rose
Men in Art Therapy: Exploring a Minority, Andreas Schmitz
Oedipal Triangle: A Case Study of Temperature Contrasts in Color and Symbol, John Dickinson
Relational Art Therapy: Bridge to Healing of the Abused Child, Cari Rondeau
Stress Management, Relaxation Techniques and Free Drawings with Elementary School Children, Demetra Paras
The Borderline Personality in Art Therapy, Sandra A. Songy
The Utilization of Art Therapy in Helping Children Deal with Loss, Mary Michelle Duffy
Theses/Capstones from 1984
A Checklist of Sacred Choral Music With Instrumental Accompaniment, Marilyn Davis
Art Therapy as Crisis Intervention and Psycotherapy with a Four Year Old Girl in a Bereaved and Distressed Family, Barbara Joan Rossiter